Congrats! I do wish there were more media people playing Wynn but who knows, still congrats on being the first one to reach this far.
Actually gonna bookmark this page for reference whenever I file a bug report for now on as I do confess of making a poor bug report before, but...
I would most definitely recommend Wynntils, it has a lot of quality of life improvements such as a revamped quest book, quest tracker, daily chest...
Usually what I tend to do is level them up as I go up in combat levels. I've noticed that the next tier of crafting for a profession is usually 10...
Well played, well played... you win this time Todd Howard
IGN: CraftedMS Highest level and class (or classes): Warrior Lvl 34 at the moment of typing, used to have an old level 40 Assassin which I deleted...
Just voted, gotta get Wynn to the top!
Thanks for the explanations, I really do appreciate it! Helps with my understanding of the player market and IDs immensely.
Thank you both for responding so quickly and answering my question! But I do wonder how I'll figure out whether a specific legendary is worth...
I keep seeing this term pop up around the community as I lurk in the discord and forums and I wanted to know how it exactly works. From what I...
Lurking as always
Recently I've decided to rejoin Wynncraft after not playing for awhile and this time I wanted to reach the endgame for Wynn, or at least try to,...