when aledar said "Well, [PLAYER], this really has been a A Journey Further." and then Journey Furthered all over the EO i cried
Agreed, this was a really fun event. Good luck to everyone who submitted lore!
Qira is probably from Wynncraft
Death penalties in video games are immoral and obsolete. Upon death, players should instead be sentenced to life imprisonment without parole
Can you revert the changes to the Hrincus?
Oh yeah, the Hrincus. I think they lowered the drop rate pretty heavily around 1.20 to the point where it's almost unobtainable now, but it was...
I honestly like the idea of world bosses for the provinces as a whole, not just the Expanse. Having rare, extremely high-level monsters spawn...
Sweet and Sour and Spicy and Salty and Savory and Explosive Apple sAppetizer So many times we have split taste into sections, separating sensation...
No, this isn't a joke post. I can't post links to images yet, so I'll instead give the coordinates: (1043, 23, -5081) These emblems in Rodoroc...
Don't worry, you can stop whenever you like. Just after you do your daily quest, that is. How do I get to Detlas?
Hear me out- here's how the lions can win. Firstly, let's clarify the ruleset at play here. "One of every lion" is a bit vague, so let's assume...
permanent state of brainrot
TL;DR: The secret diary found in The Canary Calls heavily references quotes and themes from the Xenoblade Chronicles franchise (and you should...