Thoughts on a 2.0 shaman acolyte healer build for warring? No mythics, no crafted, quira is fine, LI is fine. Thanks!
Hello. I am looking for an arcanist spell spam build, A few spots I would like to hit are: 1. No mythics or crazy expensive items I am broke 2....
So I was testing with stuff in the public beta today and I had a level 100 shaman and wanted to test out an intresting skill tree, I basically...
Hello, I was wondering what a good around level 92 shaman build is, any play style is fine if you already know one but I would prefer spell spam....
Hello, I am currently in a guild and I want to change my ign, some people have told me that I will need to leave and rejoin the guild to stay in...
I am currently using this: Champion helmet Champion chestplate Champion leggings Champion boots Lodestone Lodestone Dragon eye bracelet Eyes on...
I am wondering how much faster mage fly is than shaman fly I find shaman fly really fun but it feels a lot slower than mage fly, which isn’t as...