Creator: Squirtail (i just took a tcrack build and changed like 3 items so idk) Weapon(s): Ignition Element Combo: TWF spellspam Build Link:...
I was only nine years old. I loved tstack so much, I had all the armor and accesories. I'd pray to tstack every night before I go to bed, thanking...
nfr extremely cool
- IGN: Squirtail (disc: squirtail#8433) - Highest Level Class: 105 - Timezone (optional): SGT - Requested Item 1: any number of tol runes, i lost...
-ign : Squirtail -discord tag : squirtail#8433 -what is your opinion on balls ? mmm bals.. i lov balls -ice tea or coca cola ? : water
Need an Olympic build for daily use/raids etc., preferably no mythic boots, any playstyle is fine
bump (also join nfr)
boop beep bump
I think as long as you don’t use the minimap you should be fine
Dirt 10char
dilck supremacy
IGN: Squirtail Discord: squirtail#8433 random number (from 1 to 12) : 4 nessem said english person are dumb, prove to nessem that he is wrong (or...
Title, dps doesnt matter too much, just have enough ehp for surviving raids and EO, preferably no mythics other than az.
IGN: Squirtail Discord: squirtail#8433 Why you should win: Squirtail doesn't like lootrunning but wants mythics. Squirtail is lazy and wants free...
Level 75 Az build, no crafteds, quest items welcome, and preferably focused on fire damage (got good rolls on everything except water damage)...
Pretty sure the only way is to trade with someone else
Squirtail squirtail#8433 147
Apparently some people imagine Antikythera’s voice as male, when I’ve always imagined it as female when reading its dialogue (sort of like the...
IGN: Squirtail Forum name: Squirtail reason why you want to win: i havent gotten a mythic before ;-; tell something good about france: absolutely...