IGN: gonzalo13 What made me join wynncraft: this may seem stupid, but during an update in hypixel skyblock which wasnt well recieved by certain...
mage cause im a magic nerd
The broken nuke idk why i made this
I am currently level 67 if i remember correctly but i am not sure what to get from this point any reccomendations?...
one thing i mostly do with my sets is increase base stats without the use of points so i can dump em all to int, is that a smart strategy or am i...
how good is the champion set, i think level 67 should i just hold off buying better armor?
are these boots that rare
i am trying to get the boots synergy but i havent been able to consistently get unidentified boots of that range, so where should i grind for them?
https://wynndata.tk/i/Synergy its a unique rarity level 59 item so we can disccuss the price as i cannot find it in the trade market
What a helpful guide
brainstorming a way to make items stupidly good for the point of the game i am in, which leads me to either be overleveled because of the time i...
IGN: gonzalo13 Part of the community: Questions and answers as im only a level 23 mage so i still dont have the hang of every part of the game yet
I am trying to get an ice mask from the merchant in the pigman ravine but where do you find a frost chunk, the wiki doesnt mention anywhere, also...