Proffing for friends. Do not recommend
Literally invited my friend and showed them around Wynncraft 4 days ago xD
Not old enough :cri:
No it's not, but it's not actually entirely random. You can control your result somewhat. You'll get the hang of it eventually, it's a timing thing.
There is also a trade market that you can access once you get to Detlas
Cool, glad to join. Quick note inside of Wynncraft when I do /gu join ESI it says "You were not invited (or may have been uninvited) to join ESI"
In Game Name: yyy5ooo Country & Timezone: Im in the US, timezone is PST Discord: yyy5ooo#8769 Preferred Pronouns (optional): He/They Age...
Yeah you have to be Champion rank lol
Joined Roses :)
It's been 2 hours, does that mean I was denied :(?
tbh like 1-3 hrs a day
Minecraft Username: yyy5ooo Highest class & combat level: Hunter lvl 50 (reskinned archer) Age: 14 as of yesterday Timezone: PST Previous...
Search up hippiesnuggles leveling guide and click on the vhs one. It's broken, but it has all the grind spots
Wynncraft uses a plugin that takes the notebooks playing in one area of the world and distributes it to wherever they need it