Just so you know in future there’s a class build section(scroll down to Wynncraft, click on it then click class builds) on the forums what you do...
No my mc skin is not deep fried bacon
So, Studying the Corrupt quest is an interesting quest with some good lore. In the quest, it's about the story of man called: Garoth, who tries to...
Mage main here, if you’re having issues with mage I’d suggest getting a mana regen build, then learning spell cycles. If you trying to do any...
What class do you main and anything dumb you’ve done on that class. I main Mage. Here’s my dumb story, which was partially my fault: My friend and...
Suggestion 1) My first suggestion is a more serious one and I hope that it gets considered more. Fixing the grind at lvl 50+. The flow of the game...
Yup it's my first
I'm dying to do a Journey Beyond so I can get to SE what's the best(fast and enjoyable) way to get to lvl 100?
The idea for this weapon is that it can be used by any class but it also has some other custom properties. Requirements for this weapon is having...
I’m doing it anyway I just wanna know have I done something outrageously stupid.
A few notes: I was in a hurry when naming this and I wasn't aware of the existence of those items because my main is lvl 70; I did notice...
The idea for this is a mythic chest plate that has a new major id called: Endurance. This allows you to sprint forever, even if at 0 mana. As an...
@AmbassadorDazz So what I gather from this is asking for a contribution to the prize pool is allowed but an entrance fee isn’t?
If I were to organise a 3 round knockout style tournament, that costs 1/2 LE to enter and 1 LE for the prize pool. In which, the 3 rounds will...
Thanks for the advice and builds this is my first play through of Wynn so this is my first time playing late game
Thanks that’s good too know
I’m a Lvl 71 mage looking for a fairly cheap mana regen build preferably with some mana steal. Also I have about 12 Le and I’m saving up for a...
Question 1: I had Vip+ rank and then recently I upgraded to Hero and then Champion. In game I'm a Champion however on the forums, discord and my...
It's been like this for about a week
So I recently bought Champion Rank and it shows up in game fine. However, it shows up as Hero on the discord and the forums. Have I done something...