Thank you!
I want to make an olympic build hovewer, most of the builds use boreal so I can't make them (can't afford it right now). Is there any alternative...
So I just got a Hadal from the lootrun chest and now I'm looking for a good build for it. Please don't include mythic boots that cost more than...
Hello, I'm looking for a Guardian build, because I just got one and want to try it out.
So after the recent changes in 2.0 my Hero build no longer works. Are there any viable Fallen/Monk Hero builds?
I want to use one of these, but I can't decide which one to use....
I want to get a "cheaper" (around 2stx) mythic weapon for my mage, but I don't know if Fatal is any good. Is it worth buying?
I heard a lot of people in the Hero beta say that sharpshooter was really lacking in damage compared to the other archetypes. Is this still true?...
The 30 minute cooldown for resetting the ability tree was bad enough, but ability shards are much worse. To my understanding you can only get them...
Requesting Archer Lootrun build. Thank you in advance!
Requesting Hero Build: - The only requirement I have is that please don't include crafted items Thank you in advance!
Thanks you!
Requesting Thrunda Ripsaw Build: - The only requirement I have is that please don't include crafted items Thank you in advance!
Hello, I was taking a break from wynncraft, and when I came back my build was no longer useable. I don't really know how to build, so can someone...
I'll buy the Physalis
I'm making this post, because there is no Physalis on the market.