There is a reason I did not open a topic about grind spots (but bulb cave is the most common, so I just said "bulb cave", not "grinding spots")...
Sup. In this thread I want to talk about something that exponentially contributes to the lifespan of many games - teamwork. And no, I am not...
Great job on that, definitely helpful, even if slightly outdated. Crap, I forgot to not necropost. Apologies.
Doesn't changing mana's number from 20 to 100 mean Minecraft's hunger bar would have to be changed for that matter? Because current Mana's number...
Frankly, gathering professions should not be anything more complicated than left or right-clicking the resource. However, the most fun concept I...
This could be similar to emerald's economy: Scrap metal (1 scrap); Reclaimed metal (64 scrap); Refined metal (64 reclaimed). ~~Names totally not...
Actually... If extra filters for certain bombs were initiated (instead of simply turning a feature on and off), this would be basically a more...
I mean... There's not much of a problem to dump potions into the bank and grab your tools instead. You don't lose any inventory slots (you...
Yeah, being able to obtain a combat companion with mechanics similar to the ones of certain followers (Kantyrs being a popular Silent Expansion's...
To be fair, selling more than 8 items at a time is fine, but it's horribly frustrating when it comes to selling materials. It's just painful to...
I approve the idea, it would make switching between builds way less time-consuming, encouraging quick versatility in builds.
In-Game Username: iiDorianTheDead; Country and Time-Zone: Poland, GMT+2 (hopefully); Gender: Attack helicopter. (Or male if we rly have to be...