JefferyInABucket JefferyTheFish#4473 770
This would be a simple addition to housing. This would basically allow the people you trust with the command to join your house no matter if the...
Ye, idk about the dungeon bonus. But the thematic ingredients is definitely what I'm aiming for in this suggestion.
I definitely agree with this, I didn't even think about dungeons.
2nd Edit: My guild leader pointed out my wrong use of terminology, It should be "Crafting Ingrediants" not "Crafting Materials" very sorry. When...
IGN: JefferyInABucket Discord: JefferyTheFish#4473 First Pet Name: Armageddon, The Chaos Chicken.
I don't actually know how to add a poll XD edit: Figured it out
Now that I have reached higher levels of professions I have noticed an issue with tool durability, It runs out way to quick. Now, this isn't a...
Name: JefferyInABucket Discord Name: JefferyTheFish#4473 Favourite Character: Korzim from Dwarves and Doguns Getting Pastries with my Chicken,...
Good Point, it was just a fun idea, that me and a friend came up with, and he was all like, Yah know wynncraft forums got a suggestion thread, I...
Sure, but this would make it more convenient for just base markets. So your not constantly running from bank to market to just identifiy items.
I was doing some CUR runs, when me and a friend sparked up a conversation about a game we love, Terraria, now we were just talking about basic...