You are awesome for doing this for so many people, it's very nice of you! Text you want on the Intro: McCoolFTW General Colour Scheme of the...
5.5le for blue mask?
ill sell u a 1/20 for 1 le 50eb
I have a blue mask, what is the price you are looking for, to see if we are in the same ballpark.
9.5 le for horse if still for sale?
my friend was talking about a rare pumpkin helmet or something, says its worth a lot, how much is it worth?
how much for the spirit bow?
Hey, just got back from a 5 day vacation, if you still have the thunderbolt for sale, ill buy it 21 eb, just give me a meeting time and place.
I dont know if thunderbolt is still for sale, but i'd like to buy it, tell me the price.
1 le is what i bid
I have a life extractor, not sure about a price for it
As said in the title, i am working on my archer, and I am looking to buy a good legendary bow in the level range of 30-40 that doesnt have slow...
sure thing, pm me in gane
i have corrupted treasure, how much are you thinking of paying for it
I'm selling my corrupted treasure, highest bid wins, i have 2, so you could buy both or just one. starting at 8 LE increasing by 1 le. IGN:...
damn, all that work for nothing XD, thanks!
damn, when did their price drop so much?? back in the day they were worth quite a lot, but thanks!
I havent played in a long while, what is today's price of pink wool?
I would love to take snowflake under my wing, if thats gone and we could ask for 2 items, ill take the infinity. Sorry to see you leave this...