Hi, this is my first ask so here goes, I last played in summer 2020 during the first UK lockdown, but due to technical issues I was not able to...
rightio, I will try and get there
Ah, you are not thru the door yet u need 2 others to open the door, 2 of them being warriors or magesI can get help, What server are you on?
So have you went to bob's remains? after going to those some text should trigger and then you leave and go to the npc who gave you the quest. If...
so you havent gotten into the tomb yet? If you cant get inside i can help but i will need 1 more person who would be a mage or warrior if you are...
What part of the quest are you on?
'Tis a great tragedy of life indeed.
If the horse could take damage, what would happen if it's health ran out? Maybe it cant be used for a set amount of time. Deleting the horse would...
Perhaps a quest restart would be useful if it: a) Could only be used on a quest that has already been started b) Cant be spammed c) Maybe can only...
Once at level 39 i was afk in Ternaves for 2 hours thinking i was safe. I was not as cubes decided to make me suffer. I had nothing left when i...
Ah, that's fine.
I know i am a bit late, but do you need another person? i havent done the quest before but i have all the items