@Curry_ i found another 43lb diamond dust if u still want it
7 mythics found in the last 6 days
@Rothboy great hmu when you want to do the trade i'm online atm and @Aquarius958 2Lesorry @AmazingNeco i did a bad and forgot to reply to you, 3Le?
will do @Jofash_ , @Curry_ i'm getting on in 10mins
@Curry_ i will be online in roughly 2hrs from now then for around 10hrs, @DQTR it depends which ones you’d like to buy please select which ones...
I have 2 max mana third eyes, you can buy for 1Le if you’d like @Edduh
@a_aa what would u be willing to pay and @Curry_ 1Le
@Rothboy 1Le for booster, @kissmint 3Le for greaves @CrimsonTNC 32Eb for morph emerald, @a_aa 3Le
Sorry for the late reply @Sazi @ThatManDo I was asleep but I can get on in roughly an hour for around 12hrs, and oh god how to I @ that name...
@Sazi sure when can we meet @hiimNayNay lmao ikr it’s only a warchief tho thank god and @ThatManDo I can do that when can we meet
sure i can do that
I'd do 1Le
B u m p b u m o b u m p
https://imgur.com/28hlwt5 This one is in my shop (it’s max negative mele damage)
Bump bump bump
Welcome to my shop!! :>>>> Welcome to my shop, this shop aims to only have items that are usable, as in no items that are too bad to use,...
let me have a lookrip i got none sorry
great shop :>>
i have a 7% overall memento if ur interested
is anyone here who can help me price check?