Ign: Sycoph Reason: I hope my friend doesn’t see this but my friend has been REALLY hoping for a weathered for a very long time and I’m trying to...
IGN: Sycoph IGN: Sycoph#9573 Why you want to win: Cause why not. You can NEVER have too much mythics. plus im mega poor literally anything will help
pfft imagine me winning something lol Sycoph#9573
well ig im here so y not
My favorite milk is butter milk. yes for sure. butter milk. if you guys don't know what butter milk is you guys should definitely try it. (dont...
im new to forums and not sure if thats what you guys meant by addin a poll but i did it lol
Wynncraft should have a feature where there is a chance of you getting an ingredient from gathering. For example, when you are wood cutting, is...
oh ya okay
oh okay thx
Ign: Sycoph Discord: Sycoph#9673
I have recently changed my IGN and stuff is not updating. I am still called by my old name in my guild and all my friends see my old username. I...
Okay thanks!!!!
Hi I was just wondering, if I have VIP, does that mean that VIP+ will be discounted? Thanks for ur time
IGN: L_Ctrl Short Story: One day, quite a time ago to be exact, I was at school. I must’ve been counting when my teacher told me that 47 was...
Oh okay thx
Hey I was just wondering, is only PayPal accepted in the Wynncraft Store. hehe ha
IGN: L_Ctrl Discord: L-Ctrl Why you want to win: I started not long ago and I hope that this will help me out. I just introduced a bunch of my...
Wand Gaia 4231 I like fatal and warp for its fast attack spead