it's using mining fever, a 41% diamond dust, crafted legs and boots, and crafted accessories.
Selling a loot run set, a very high quality one. Overall stats: 128% LB, 62% LQ. Armor durability: ~250 Accessories Durability: ~210 Leave...
I think shopping here brings good luck, I bought 4 unID third eyes, and 2 of them had 4/4 mana regen
I have one that's 60% overall, don't know individual stats tho. Msg me ingame: GoEatSomeRice - or add my disc: Riceman#6551
how much is this worth, and does anyone wanna buy it?[ATTACH]
want this for 1 stx? it has perfect atk dmg
want this for 1 stx?[ATTACH]
oh oof. I really gotta get rid of my warchief lol
1 stx for this one? good main atk dmg, but elemental damage is pants.[ATTACH]
want this one? the elemental damages are pants, but the main atk dmg is perfect. how much will you buy for?[ATTACH]
im trying to sell this one, we could maybe do a trade or you could buy mine? I don't have enough money to buy yours [ATTACH]
well, im accepting offers, no set price. you interested in buying?
Trying to sell this warchief. If anyone wants to buy, leave a comment down below.[ATTACH]