I don't plan on using it, so I thought that I might as well try selling it here. DM me your offers on Discord or just put them wherever I'm able...
It's just Nox_Sinn
Yeah, I need to do that one too.
Is it theReincarnation quest?
I'm a level 81 mage that still needs to finish it, so I'd be happy to help!
Thank you both for the information!
Good luck in College!
So I've recently gotten to level 77, and have frequently begun thinking about joining a guild. I would've joined ages ago, but I was worried about...
Sorry for the late reply! I've been a bit busy the past couple of days. I can meet up whenever it's up to you. I still have all the depressed...
Yeah, I was worried it may have been overpriced because of how easy it is to get them in the Nesaak Wolf Cave. I lowered the price because 5...
I've gathered quite a few Depressing Weapons over the few months I have played Wynncraft, and I thought that I might as well start selling them. I...
I can offer between 45 EB and 1LE
Hey, is the Winter's Essence still available? If so, I would like to buy it. IGN: Nox_Sinn