IGN: DoinkBot Highest class and level: Archer Lvl80 How active are you: Fairly active around 1-3H a day An estimate of how long you've been...
Message me on discord when you get on, the forums are unreliable CrippledJew#0619
I'll actually be here a bit longer so if you get on message me
I can be on for the next hour and half but otherwise what time?
In-Game Username: Asgame001 Country and Time-Zone: Netherlands GMT +2 Gender: Male Age (Optional): 20 How often, and for how long do you usually...
@Icey_Diamond Is 20 EB alright for twilight? I'm not sure on market price
I'd like to buy Bad Wolf, can you message me when you get online :)
I can be on pretty much any time, when and where is best for you?
When and where would you like to meet?
Is 25 EB for the 2nd Maelstrom okay?
Hi I'd like to buy Kratke#1, would 30 EB be enough?
Hi, I'd like to know the stats of the kratke and the bad wolf?
Hows 2 le sound?
Make me an offer :)
Horse still for sale?
Hey, How much do you want for Spectral Slingshot?