IGN:Lssss Highest class and level: mage, 105 How active are you: pretty active I play around 4+ hours a day. An estimate of how long you've been...
how much for pelier 11?
- In-Game Username: Lssss - Country and Timezone: England, GMT - Main class and level?: Mage, lvl 105 - How often, and for how long do you...
1. What is your: I. nickname : Noah II. discord tag : !.Noah#7447 III. Minecraft username : Lssss IV. Location and Timezone : England, GMT 2. Is...
In Game Name: Lssss *optional - Age: 15 Region (NA, EU, AS, OCE): EU Highest class and Combat Level: mage, 101 Reason for joining: looking...
In-Game Username: Lssss Country and Time-Zone: England, GMT Gender: male Age (Optional): 15 How often, and for how long do you usually play on...
your a bum
69 IGN Lssss
how much for the 2nd morrowind
How much for the saggittarius
still selling the 4/4 mr third eye and the shaggy boots?
hi xhuan love you lots
i have unspeakable https://gyazo.com/d4ab6760d2fb9aa18d0223f0b3d80acc
highest level class is 72 idk why its saying 9 lol oh yeah that was my old account my ign is: Lssss
IGN: Lssssss Age: 14 Will you help war? yes ofcourse Did you join our discord (https://discord.io/hacks) yes "what is your discord profile ID:...
pls can i get an inv i havnt been invited yet
- IGN: Lssss - Age (optional): 14 - Guild history: none - Timezone: GMT - Do you agree to the expectations we have? Yes - How can you contribute...
1. What is your nickname, discord tag, username, location and timezone? Dont really have a nickname, Jesus#8259, UK, GMT 2. What is your highest...
Username: Lssss Main class & level: Archer, level 52 Age: 14 Timezone: GMT Weekly activity: on weekdays 4-6 hrs on weekends 14 hours Previous...