thanks for that
i am working on the quest "clearing the camps" i have found and killed dolg and visbe but i still can't find Elak.
slight issue, if you leave the game or the server resets in the middle of a quest the chat prompts are gone. since some quest entries only give...
perhaps a reset quest command could also be included for if a quest bugs out and can't be continued. the player gets teleported to the quest...
ah, i will try that.
well i have found myself in the situation where i need to collect some ordiary items halfway across the world, but before i can deliver them i get...
i have tried the lost sanctuary twice and each time after going through the 6tnt door, i can't figure out what to do. is there a boss i am...
perhaps a bartering skill, trading with various merchants or selling stuff to blacksmiths increases this skill giving a slight boost to sale price...
cool idea, how a bout a soul satchel, it has 5 slots but any item within it has a 0% drop rate on death, that way you can save valuable resources...
i like the idea, of having a better way to bet 3 star items. maybe re-efining isn't the way, but perhaps you can get accessories that improve the...
as i have been doing quests, i have noticed that a lot of quest steps won't tell you where to go and instead you will have to look through the...