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Wynncraft, the Minecraft MMORPG. Play it now on your Minecraft client at (IP): play.wynncraft.com. No mods required! Click here for more info...

- Gender:
- Male
- Birthday:
- December 1
- Location:
- Planitiod MV-69. The Trippy Planet.
- Occupation:
- Mediocre doodler/professional twerker.
Slept in carboard box last winter, ate own shoes., Male, from Planitiod MV-69. The Trippy Planet.
I have returned to my glorious trippy home world! And these are my people! Oct 27, 2014
- 1anr0cks was last seen:
- Oct 28, 2014
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- Gender:
- Male
- Birthday:
- December 1
- Location:
- Planitiod MV-69. The Trippy Planet.
- Occupation:
- Mediocre doodler/professional twerker.
when youre feeling sad and you dpnt know what to do put on a hat and youyll feelk so much butter was what my daed said before he died whispering my naim whith his laest breth. i teall you how he deaded. we wer goin far a welk wen a lion jumped owt and tried to kill me, but dad stopped the lion and he becaim little jem, we took him homw and looked after him. next day my dad got hit by a kar, i cried u ntil my eyes fell out so now i bliend liek if you crie evertim
Aboot me:
- Yo soy el rey de México . Mantengo mis medicamentos en pijama mullidas. Fumar hierba todos los días , todos los sentidos.
- I draw shiz for people.
- I pray to Shrek every night before I go to bed.
- I have the mental state of a five year old.
- I'm 666 years old.
- My dream is to follow 666 people.
- Me LGBT supporter.
- I consider myself to be an atheist.
- Are you still reading this? You must be bored.....
- STELLA!!!!!!!
- If you want to know what I use for drawings, Paint.NET
- I like peanut butter.
- I mingle and am ready to pringle.
- I come from the trippy home world.
- Viva la revolution!
- I admire people with extreme idiocy because it must take a lot of work to never gain much knowledge.
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