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Mar 11, 2025 at 11:17 PM
Jun 26, 2022
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October 13
the creators of the first 104 catfans
Amateur bowler


Blue guy, Male, from the creators of the first 104 catfans

and rain will make the flowers grow Mar 8, 2025 at 10:54 PM

CatFan105 was last seen:
Mar 11, 2025 at 11:17 PM
    1. CatFan105
      You hear about nepta floodbringer fairly often, and occasionally zephra shredder’ but rarely about the rest of the uth weapons.
      1. taxe likes this.
      2. CatFan105
        I think I’d heard of thundra ripsaw before, but until looking for them on the trade market I didn’t know there were also a bow and a Relik. Maybe it’s just because I don’t really know many weapons and I main mage, but I’ve never heard mention of inferna flamewreath or the bow, something cometbringer
        Dec 27, 2022
        taxe likes this.
    2. CatFan105
      If death has you fight the thing that killed you to regain your life, what happens when you die of fall damage?
      1. Nthanda, DungeonBee and lemonalade like this.
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      3. lemonalade
        For some reason teleport is the only movement spell that doesn't seem to negate fall damage. Probably due to how overpowered it is otherwise (Warp moment)
        Dec 26, 2022
        BrokenRealities and CatFan105 like this.
      4. CatFan105
        I'd probably use double vision anyways, I enjoy the jump & sprint boosts
        Dec 27, 2022
        lemonalade likes this.
      5. DungeonBee
        Was thinking about why teleport doesn’t negate fall damage. My thoughts (could be COMPLETELY WRONG) is that every other movement spell affects your velocity. This could make it hard to code when fall damage is calculated from. Because teleport “blinks” you to the position admins didn’t care about negating fall damage.
        Jan 2, 2023
        CatFan105 likes this.
    3. CatFan105
      Am I missing something or is NotG just a really miserable thing to have to do
      1. CatFan105
        Ok yeah I was just missing something
        Dec 25, 2022
    4. CatFan105
      Merry Christmas, everyone
    5. CatFan105
      Azurite has somehow managed to become the only chestplate that works with my build within a margin 9f 5 skill points & it's getting annoying
    6. CatFan105
      There are all these pictures of ava that people draw, but nobody ever draws the better characters like sailor caid or seaskipper captain
      1. Shiny_Bridge likes this.
      2. CatFan105
        or even just like the crew from AJB
        or the crew from 1000 meters under
        Or other popular characters like Bob or siegfried
        Why does a character for to be easily simped for to be drawn
        Dec 22, 2022
        Shiny_Bridge likes this.
    7. CatFan105
      I just organized my entire bank today
      1. Jackkoh and Nthanda like this.
      2. Nthanda
        that's a great achievement good for you
        Dec 21, 2022
        CatFan105 likes this.
      3. Jackkoh
        sometime that i don't dare to do
        Dec 22, 2022
        CatFan105 likes this.
    8. CatFan105
      It isn't a Tuesday until you've spent half an hour sorting your bank and then failed to bake chocolate chip cookies
      1. luckeyLuuk likes this.
    9. CatFan105
      Day 1 of reminding you that detlas is salted backwards
      1. Kahsol likes this.
    10. Cala
      I agree with your signature.
      1. Kahsol and CatFan105 like this.
      2. CatFan105
        Hinestpy it hink the6re probably about the same character-wise, lari's just a more important character and I sympathize with her more
        Also the communitythat's come up around ava makes me like her a lot less
        Dec 17, 2022
        Kahsol likes this.
      3. Cala
        I agree
        Dec 18, 2022
        Kahsol likes this.
    11. PrimalArmor
      hey, are you that guy from hypixel

      random question
      1. CatFan105
        Yes I am on hypixel forums too
        And mineplex forums
        Dec 11, 2022
      2. PrimalArmor
        Ah, that's why I recognized you.
        Dec 11, 2022
    12. CatFan105
      Does anyone find it strange that an area enchanted by the olm so that time worked differently and a giant door requiring a complex spell
      1. Fleega likes this.
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      3. CatFan105
        Some quests are a bit janky when you try to fit them into the lore
        Dec 2, 2022
        Fleega likes this.
      4. Blizzard102030
        I think this is mostly due to the extreme time gaps between when quests were made.
        Dec 2, 2022
        CatFan105 likes this.
      5. CatFan105
        Yeah, that'd make sense
        Dec 3, 2022
    13. CatFan105
      Don't you just love it when the game glitches out & you have to spend 15 LE to get back the item that you lost
    14. CatFan105
      I was like 1000 words into a rant about why the dwarves & doguns questline should be redone
      1. CatFan105
        and I looked at the wiki to re-check some of the steps in a quest
        Nov 13, 2022
      2. CatFan105
        and it deleted my entire post

        Nov 13, 2022
      3. CatFan105
        Actually nevermind, I checked by trying to create a new thread and it was there again
        This place is a bit strange
        Nov 13, 2022
    15. CatFan105
      I'd appreciate if the Dwarves & doguns questioned got a revamp at some point in the future
      1. CatFan105
        It seems playing it like its one of the oldest quests in the game, with a bunch of fetch quests & the like and is rather lacking gameplay-wise
        Nov 12, 2022
      2. CatFan105
        also it's a bit buggy in places and the actions you take throughout the questioned kinda undermine the entire message of the quests
        Nov 12, 2022
      3. CatFan105
        also a bunch of the quests is just 'find x character in x location' ina place that's hard enough to navigate in the first place
        Nov 12, 2022
    16. Ranger_Maddie
      Happy Birthday!!
      1. CatFan105 likes this.
      2. CatFan105
        Thanks, I'd honestly forgotten about that since it's just the birthday I use
        I first joined the mineplex forums 2 years ago today, and now I just use oct 13 as my birthday
        Oct 13, 2022
        Ranger_Maddie likes this.
    17. Lady_Alyss
      Hey CatFan! Funny seeing you here :D
      1. CatFan105 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. CatFan105
        I did actually get back on today to play HH
        it was fun
        Oct 15, 2022
        Lady_Alyss likes this.
      4. Lady_Alyss
        I think that's the only thing people come back for sadly.
        I miss how many people were one before :(
        Oct 19, 2022
        CatFan105 likes this.
      5. CatFan105
        Yeah, even just a year ago there were Mangalore people on
        Oct 19, 2022
        Lady_Alyss likes this.
    18. Ranger_Maddie
      Hey! I know you!
      1. CatFan105 likes this.
      2. CatFan105
        Hey! I know you too!
        Oct 9, 2022
    19. CatFan105
      Hollow serenity is probably the best quest I've done, with all the minigame parts & stuff
      1. Kahsol likes this.
      2. CatFan105
        And the foreboding messages, like the step that just says 'Hide.'
        And it just has a really cool story
        Sep 13, 2022
        Kahsol likes this.
    20. CatFan105
      1. Kahsol likes this.
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  • About

    October 13
    the creators of the first 104 catfans
    Amateur bowler
    Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

    Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

    But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.


    Brake fluid drinker
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