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Yuno F Gasai
Last Activity:
Yesterday at 10:14 AM
Dec 31, 2014
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Trophy Points:
Mar 31, 1999 (Age: 25)
the top of the leaderboards
BSc student

Yuno F Gasai

Forum God, FW, Male, 25, from the top of the leaderboards

say "kid amogus" backwards Sep 11, 2021

Yuno F Gasai was last seen:
Yesterday at 10:14 AM
    1. OwlbearLord
      What happened to egg?
      1. -cat- likes this.
      2. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        Feb 2, 2025
    2. CountBurn
      -cat i demand you to like this
      1. -cat- likes this.
      2. CountBurn
        next i want you to tag an admin
        Jan 3, 2025
        -cat- likes this.
    3. alcoholic femboy
      alcoholic femboy
      atrocious that somebody has commented here after a year and a half
      1. Oculus27 and -cat- like this.
    4. Oculus27
      atrocious that nobody has commented anything here in like a year and a half
      1. -cat- likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        btw you gave me my first warning all the way back in may 2015

        You can have it back now
        Dec 26, 2024
        Oculus27 and -cat- like this.
      4. Oculus27
        You probably deserved it
        Jan 1, 2025
        Yuno F Gasai likes this.
      5. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        I did
        Jan 3, 2025
    5. Galaxias
      This man is literally shrodingers cat
      1. alcoholic femboy
        alcoholic femboy
        schrödinger's anime catgirl...
        Aug 26, 2023
      2. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        Im a thought experiment illustrating the problems with the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics?
        Sep 1, 2023
        FlyingNon likes this.
    6. CashorCard
      Are you real?
      1. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        I think therefore I am
        (who are you tho?)
        Sep 1, 2023
      2. CashorCard
        A lady who knows how
        Sep 1, 2023
      3. Yuno F Gasai
        Sep 2, 2023
    7. ThedumbOX
      Wtf u still alive?
      1. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        am I?
        Feb 24, 2023
        ThedumbOX likes this.
    8. gkc
      you still alive out there?
      1. ThedumbOX and Kahsol like this.
      2. Yuno F Gasai
        May 28, 2022
        TwageTomato, ThedumbOX and Ellphant like this.
    9. Tealy
      honestly quite incredible
      1. Kahsol and Yuno F Gasai like this.
    10. Sploofie
      "say "kid amogus" backwards"
      huh? sugoma di- OH SHIT
      1. ThedumbOX likes this.
      2. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        just like that imagine dragons song about joe and candice in the house
        Oct 28, 2021
        ThedumbOX likes this.
    11. Yuno F Gasai
      Yuno F Gasai
      say "kid amogus" backwards
      1. ThedumbOX and Kahsol like this.
      2. ThedumbOX
        Sugnoma d-
        Sep 24, 2021
      3. Jackkoh
        o h g o d
        Jul 29, 2022
    12. dot01
      back for nostalgia purposes
    13. ThedumbOX
      Wait yuno your banned? Tfw
      1. Kahsol likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Jackkoh
        -and the journey we took to get there.
        Aug 18, 2021
        Kahsol and ThedumbOX like this.
      4. Gelato 101
        Gelato 101
        The real Yuno was the friends we made along the way
        Aug 18, 2021
        Kahsol, Yuno F Gasai and ThedumbOX like this.
      5. Jackkoh
        -aNd ThE joUrNeY wE tOoK tO gEt ThErE.
        Aug 19, 2021
        Kahsol and ThedumbOX like this.
    14. Jackkoh
      oy- I mean yo
    15. Jackkoh
      1. Kahsol likes this.
      2. Yuno F Gasai
        Jul 13, 2021
        Kahsol likes this.
    16. Yuno F Gasai
      Yuno F Gasai
      can I have my FW tag back?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. alcoholic femboy
        Jul 7, 2021
        Official store and ThedumbOX like this.
      3. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        Jul 7, 2021
        ThedumbOX likes this.
      4. Jackkoh
        Jul 7, 2021
        ThedumbOX likes this.
    17. Jackkoh
      1. ThedumbOX and Yuno F Gasai like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Jackkoh
        And here is your 28,611th like :DD
        Jun 17, 2021
        ThedumbOX and Yuno F Gasai like this.
      4. Yuno F Gasai
        Jun 18, 2021
        ThedumbOX likes this.
      5. Jackkoh
        Jun 18, 2021
        ThedumbOX and Yuno F Gasai like this.
    18. Yuno F Gasai
      Yuno F Gasai
      imagine losing a popularity contest to a dude thats banned and hasnt played the game in 4 years
      1. ThedumbOX and one_ood like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        Jun 12, 2021
        ThedumbOX and Potatomancer like this.
      4. Gelato 101
        Gelato 101
        Imagine being popular
        Jun 16, 2021
        ThedumbOX and Yuno F Gasai like this.
      5. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        smh i was sure i was forgotten
        Jun 18, 2021
        ThedumbOX likes this.
    19. Yuno F Gasai
    20. NamesAreHard
      If you weren't so well none as Yuno would you have changed your username by now?
      1. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        i dont think so, i prefer to keep a single name
        May 27, 2021
        Ascended Kitten and NamesAreHard like this.