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Following 36
- Gender:
- Male
- Birthday:
- January 27
- Home Page:
- http://pablols51.deviantart.com/
- Location:
- Kingdom of Spain.
- Occupation:
- 3D Modelling Student.
Victrix Securis
Spanish, not Mexican | History nerd | Doodler, Male, from Kingdom of Spain.
it has 2 Mar 11, 2018
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- Gender:
- Male
- Birthday:
- January 27
- Home Page:
- http://pablols51.deviantart.com/
- Location:
- Kingdom of Spain.
- Occupation:
- 3D Modelling Student.
- Guild:
- Imperial
- Minecraft:
- Victrix_Securis
Greetings, person trying to know a bit more about me!
I'm Victrix Securis, but people normally call me "Vic".
I'm a level 85 Mage and member of the Imperial guild as you can see.
Apart of that, people know me for my drawing skills. They call me "artist" but... I don't like that word, sounds a bit presumptuous, but well... thank you English...
And what do I draw? Look at my threads.
My real name is... Pablo! (obviously it was going to be Hispanic)
I'm Spanish and I love my country, so maybe sometimes I get a bit patriotic. ¡VIVA ESPAÑA!
I love military History, specially the Ancient Age and the Modern Age (about Spain). Need something with that? I can help you.
I like to read historical and fantasy novels.
And I also like to listen to music. Any preference? A bit of everything.
And that's all I want to tell you about myself.
Instagram: victrix_securis
Steam: Don Victrix Securis
Battle.net tag (Europe): VicSecuris#2744Interact
- Skype:
- pablo.ultimeprime51
- Discord:
- Don_Victrix_Securis#1734
- Twitter:
- ultimeprime51
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