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Wynncraft, the Minecraft MMORPG. Play it now on your Minecraft client at (IP): play.wynncraft.com. No mods required! Click here for more info...

- Last Activity:
- Jul 19, 2021
- Joined:
- Dec 27, 2014
- Messages:
- 113
- Likes Received:
- 318
- Trophy Points:
- 59
- Gender:
- Female
- Birthday:
- September 2
- Location:
- Sweden
- Occupation:
- "She's angrily looking at these cute birds." (WC)
Amateur corner-hugger, Female, from Sweden
The fact that 'Ghost sharks' and 'Spookfish' exist is pretty awesome Feb 6, 2021
- Ghostie was last seen:
- Jul 19, 2021
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- Gender:
- Female
- Birthday:
- September 2
- Location:
- Sweden
- Occupation:
- "She's angrily looking at these cute birds." (WC)
- Guild:
- Nazarick
- Minecraft:
- Estetica
I somehow, at some point, by mishap or intent, by some mysterious force happened to begin existence. I still exist, despite time and the all-common wear and tear that is to be expected by logic through the passage of said time. I am a being of many layers, human and non-human all the same. But what is a ’human’ aspect and what is simply an extension of humanity as we know it? I exist, here, as I am, but in another place I am another me. Is that not me as well? The layer that is represented here, that has grown and re-shaped itself over the duration of it’s stay here; it is I. You and I cross paths like this, right here and now, but if we meet someplace different it will also be us but not the same. It’s all the same isn’t it? We still exist, and although we might not meet as the same person we were yesterday, it will always be my pleasure to open my fictive door and invite you over the treshold to step inside my humble dwelling of choice. Will you then and there share a well-earned cup of familiarity with me- and reminisce about the epic adventures that have been and that will be? Because as it is, sometimes, we must all take the time to raise our heads and look up, to pause in our busy existence- and remember all which we have accomplished and all which we aspire to reach. Sometimes we must pause mid-step in our journey and accept that outstretched cup, to cross path with another existance, to glance in their direction for a moment and picture- and imagine- to fathom heading in their direction too. But existence is still not done- and so you must set that cup back down onto my carefully carved table, hastily stand up to the fullest of heights- and bid me farewell once more. For we have met before, and your journey is not yet over, so you must out those worn boots back on and leave my dwelling once more- and until the time we glance at each other again, you bid me farewell and I bid you a good journey. I do not wish you safe travels, for some paths will never conform to the confines of safety lest’ it loses that sense of freedom that you somehow always find yourself chasing. So I nod a silent goodbye, and do not linger at the doorstep to watch you leave. Perhaps the next time we meet it will be me pausing right outside of your dwelling, and we will repeat the same ritual as what has just transpired. But until then, I, too, will continue my own existence and look forward to the next encounter.
Also, why sleep when you can stay up past midnight and possibly become the enemy of every known grammar book out there. (01:35)Interact
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