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Wynncraft, the Minecraft MMORPG. Play it now on your Minecraft client at (IP): play.wynncraft.com. No mods required! Click here for more info...

- Last Activity:
- Apr 21, 2024
- Joined:
- Oct 24, 2014
- Messages:
- 1,264
- Likes Received:
- 4,067
- Trophy Points:
- 162
- Gender:
- Male
- Birthday:
- December 15
- Home Page:
- https://niceme.me/
- Location:
- Your Screen
- Occupation:
- Stealing memes
Is actually a cute anime girl in real life, Male, from Your Screen
just came back to wynncraft, doing a full playthrough with a new blank character. gotta say that wynn has improved by a lot since i left Feb 19, 2021
- yotamdin was last seen:
- Apr 21, 2024
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- Gender:
- Male
- Birthday:
- December 15
- Home Page:
- https://niceme.me/
- Location:
- Your Screen
- Occupation:
- Stealing memes
- Guild:
- Sussy Bakas
- Minecraft:
- yotamdin
If you actually made it to here, you must be really curious...
So yeah, my name is yotamdin, and if you want to you can call me yota (because that's basically how everyone calls me anyway).
I'm a motion designer / animator here in the Wynncraft community, even though I have't posted my work here in so long...
If you want some graphics or have any questions feel free to ask me in a DM or on my profile!
I joined this forum in 2014 and Wynncraft in 2013.
You might know me from the 3D renders I have made here, back in 2015 and 2016, and if so, here's a link to my render thread (its closed and locked cause it's from 2015).
I might add here a link to an imgur album of more renders I've made
Here's some general information about me so you won't have to ask!
(if you still wanna know something, feel free to DM me or post it on my profile :D)
-The name yotamdin is a mix of my name and something else
-Just so you won't have to ask, I use Blender, Maya , Photoshop, and After Effects in my graphics stuff , and I use Photoshop and Krita for drawing (yea i sometimes draw even if im not very good at it)
-I play a lot of Overwatch and Warframe so feel free to contact me and we'll play together (pls im sad and lonely ;-;) [update- I left overwatch since baguette was added. 2nd update i dont really play warframe as well anymore]
- My PC specs are:
GTX 1660 ti
i7 9750H 6core
16GB ram
RGB mouse (for extra fps)
-I'm not playing much Wynn anymore, but still sometimes log in every now and then (who am I kidding I'm not)
[2021 update i finally logged in and made a new character]
-For the last time, I'm NOT french >:(
(for some reason I get sked that a lot)
-My memes are the dankest big chungus. my humor is officially dead
-I am super active in discord (as of 2020) and ill be glad to talk to you there, just say who you are cause i dont wanna get random spammers in my dms
-cats are nice, i like cats
-memes are like fuel to me :pensive_cowboy:
-still a weeb
People roasting the HECC out of me on Wynn Discordâ„¢
Some really good friends and good guys in general I met here in the Wynncraft community
Itz Flip (played a bunch of wynncraft with him and even though he's the biggest weeb I know and plays TF2 instead of Overwatch I love him)
Bionic mage / Bio (dankest memer in town. Tell him how much you hate the joker and he'll love you forever)
Lordmuttonchops (somehow after all this time he's still playing Wynncraft, used to be my guild leader. I used to be his thumbnail slave for his youtube channel)
Le Mega Barbare (a very fine piece of freanch toast)
Ice Guy (played with him on his server, worked with him on a game that failed, and he's just a nice mate)
LarzLapiz (don't tell him that I put him here he's a huge scrub)
Snerp (jalapeno addict and filthy roadhog main with bad memes)
NickMC96 (BJORK!)
Meroboter (Mero senpai, never notices...)
Lot (yet another depressed weeb and discord addict, like myself)
2yoil (Great friend, met him in wynncraft, sadly inactive)
Oryx (probably the greatest shitposter in existence [not really])
FireDrag0nSlayer (total weeb but I still love him)
Bubbles (great guy, sadly not a bubble)
Beefandleather (worst addition to the CT :^) I question his sanity)
Anime is poison to children's minds and it creates a fake world for them to live in. Anime introduces pornographic material at a young age and has very graphic and violent scenes. This carries over into adulthood and creates these lazy, nasty, hideous slobs that were once your children that now sleep with an anime body pillow at night and read mangas at least 10 times a day. Anime also consumes your soul and wastes time that could be used to go outside, get 60 minutes of fresh air, do homework and contribute something to society. The people who watch anime are not the problem, anime is. Anime is the root of all problems, cancer, war, Africa, and the Nazis. Since people watch anime on the TV so much, it uses electricity and is the reason why the oil reserves will run out soon. Anime causes cancer because it has been proven TV screens emit radiation and radiation causes cancer. Anime has caused war by inspiring the Nazis to side with the Japanese through their cartoons and establishing the Pacific Front in World War 2. African leaders in Africa are corrupted by anime influences and they cannot tend to their peoples needs and cannot feed them. Future generations will be ruined and destroyed by anime influence. Everyone thinks the downfall of humanity will be ourselves, but in reality it is anime. After the atomic radiation, the Japanese wanted to get their revenge on the world and created their ultimate weapon, anime.
Anyways thanks for looking at my information and I'll see you later, probably in the wynn discord, you stalker!
- AIM:
- do not
- Yahoo! Messenger:
- stalk
- Skype:
- me
- Discord:
- you
- Google Talk:
- sad
- Facebook:
- piece.of
- Twitter:
- poo
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