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Uh... I'm shy. That's it. (⁄ ⁄^⁄ᗨ⁄^⁄ ⁄)
Tsuindaga [Azura]
Tsundere [Meric]
Tsuyu-chan [NotAWeeb]
Tsunami [bx2099]
Ariel [Tisuam] >:T
Kyubi [Kylin]
Kinkbi [Nari] (Kinky .-.)
Nozomi [Maki Nishikino]1: Guy Feiri
10: Erindelle
21: bx2099
25: ThomAnn100
42: MistaTigger
50: TreeLegacy
69: Dr Alphys
100: Hungurr
200: Eirika & Ephraim
250: MistaTigger
300: Yazawa Nico~
400: Kylin&Kyubi
420: Kylin&Kyubi
500: Nari
600: Oskhol1
666: Maki Nishikino
700: Host_Legacy
750: SansWolf
800: dargonlrod
900: DCM627
999: Oculism
1000: Oculism
1001: H0Y0Y...B0Y
1111: SirWins
1234: SirWins
1250: Yuri~
1337: Arreme
1500: Frozenbear
1750: Wommby
1999: Lost Skylaar
2000: Lost Skylaar
2020: Kahsol
Thanks. ;p
- Tsuin
- Tsuki
- Tsukuyomi
- Tsukino
- Tsuin (Jan - Feb is wrong)
All that matters is my time left with you
The time is coming, and yet- I haven't said a word
It might just be better to forget it all...
Everything's going to be alright.
- Tsumi
It's beautiful, isn't it...
- Natsuki~
People can try / But that's about it
- Tsui
Wandering alone.
Life is like that, I guess.
- Tsubaki
Time passes by.
- Nozomi Tojo~
It's so hot... Hmm? I'm not going to strip here
- Tsuneko
A child at heart
- Tsuharu
Is this what I have to remember you by?
- Tsukina
What's there to celebrate?
Look! Freezing falling cherry blossoms is cool!
Hmm? What's that you got there?~
- Tsuzune
One with the other
- Tsuruga
Smile, you're not alone.
The time we spent together-
- Tsukiya
Story's end, new beginning
- Tsuyoku
What did you call me for?
- Tsutomu
Take a break, I'll take care of the rest~
- Satsujin
When all is over, what is left?
Is it fine, to forget?
- Tsuridono
It's good to just sit by and watch at times.
- Nozomi Tojo~
ウチはまだまだイケるよ? I can still keep going, you know.
- Tsukemono
Look back upon those memories
- Tsukesage (thanks Kahsol <3)
Pictures scattered on a canvas
- Tsuyuharai
Supporting from the sides
- Tsuyako
Look ahead, another year
- Tsukiji (Dec 24)
Basking in nostalgiaInteract
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