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Wynncraft, the Minecraft MMORPG. Play it now on your Minecraft client at (IP): play.wynncraft.com. No mods required! Click here for more info...
Proud Planeptunian / S-Class Captain of SDU, Male, from Jakarta, Indonesia
"Without beginning or end, the ring stretches into infinity" Oct 2, 2019
- NepMX was last seen:
- Mar 10, 2021
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- Gender:
- Male
- Birthday:
- February 1
- Location:
- Jakarta, Indonesia
- Occupation:
- College Student
- Guild:
- Sins of Seedia
- Minecraft:
- RainClare
Hello There, Just a Regular Gamer Here
✭✭Feel Free to Add My Steam, So We Can Play Together✭✭
✭✭Current Played Games : Minecraft (Wynncraft)✭✭
✦✦Personal Information✦✦
Gender : Male
Age : 22
Nationality : Indonesia
✦✦Top Favorite Computer Games✦✦
1. Command & Conquer Generals Series + Mods
2. Neptunia Franchise + Spin-offs
3. Arma 3
✦✦Most Played Steam Games✦✦
1. Sword Art Online : Fatal Bullet
2. Arma 3
3. Dota 2
4. Left 4 Dead 2
✦✦Top Favourable Mobile Games✦✦
1. Azur Lane JP Server
2. Toram Online
3. Beat MP3
- For SAO:FB players, im up for a couples of Behemoth MT-02 Farming anytime. Just message me then we'll start as soon as i can. Im also ready for anykind of "Special Invitation" quests.
- In any case you want to play some Dota, make sure you get some accompany first before adding me to the team. Fighting a losing battle sometimes arent my style in that game.
- If you want to play L4D2, message me so i can get my lobby setup fixed. My L4D2 got couple of modification on the gameplay that'll makes you want to stay playing. And yes, we can do 8 players gameplay ( the rest of 4 will have to use Hamachi ).Interact
"Miracle is always capable to create the unbelievable power" - Neptune ( Megadimension Neptunia VII )
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