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- Last Activity:
- Jul 19, 2023
- Joined:
- Apr 11, 2014
- Messages:
- 1,078
- Likes Received:
- 6,131
- Trophy Points:
- 162
Following 122
- Gender:
- Male
- Birthday:
- Jan 2, 2001 (Age: 24)
- Location:
- In la France
- Occupation:
- Playing FE Heroes
Dwelling in Fire Emblem, Male, 24, from In la France
>le comeback Dec 17, 2017
- le_mega_barbare was last seen:
- Jul 19, 2023
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- Gender:
- Male
- Birthday:
- Jan 2, 2001 (Age: 24)
- Location:
- In la France
- Occupation:
- Playing FE Heroes
- Guild:
- Imperial
- Minecraft:
- Le_mega_barbare
https://discord.gg/hUNYhZyJ36 Join Imp??
If you're here ...You must be damn curious
You want to know something about me? Alrighty then, be ready to learn very interesting things about me! *Cough* (Jk, I love you~)
Lastly updated the 16th of December, 2016 : [Slight changes into the language question thingy, some changes into the shipping category & I have corrected some stuff because me is guud @ grummer]
oh also, it's outdated af
*’“*:.。. .。.:*’“*:.。. .。.:*’“*:.。. .。.:*’“*:.。. .。.:*
I love yoshis. (Obvious?) Yoshis are good! I LIKE YOSHIS!! Did I mentioned...That I like Yoshis?
Spoilers : This thing is cringey as fuck. So, be sure to be ready once you proceed to read this. #OldLMBIsCringey
So, here are the facts that Yoshi is a dragon : As we know...In Super Mario World 2 (Where Yoshi appears as a mount for the first time) there's in all the levels some coins with a Yoshi's head into those ones...And those coins are nicely named "Dragon Coins". To reinforce this argument that Yoshi is a dragon is : In SSBB (Super Smash Bros Brawl) and SSB4 Yoshi can transform into a badass mothafocka dragon!...So, here's mah response to that! The full name of Yoshi is : "T. Yoshisaur Munchakoopas" As we can see the the "T." Is referencing into a "T.Rex" (That is a race of a dinosaur) and the "saur" is a suffix for many kinds of dinosaurs. (Examples : TyrannoSAURus- StegoSAURus) Now, about the transformation in the SSB's series...With some theory from many peoples, this game is just something that is created FROM a child's creativity, creating the fights and etc... About the coins, well...I have nothing to counter that ;-; But as you're reading this, I'm searching how to response to this. [*Cough* lies *Cough* (Thanks for spending/wasting your time on this! :D )
This thing doesn't exist, ok? My old me was kinda like that, triste vie for me, idk why I did this thing, shame
*’“*:.。. .。.:*’“*:.。. .。.:*’“*:.。. .。.:*’“*:.。. .。.:*
You may think I'm french? Well, I am French but not 100% French, I'm not even 50% or 12.50% of a Frenchy guy ;^; Actually I'm 1/6 Italian 1/6 British 1/6 German 1/6 Spanish and 2/6 French. Yeah, my ancestors copulated a lot with people from other countries, I have to agree with that. (I also do know that these colors suck. No comments D= I had some free time! I HAVE SOME EXCUSES AS YOU CAN SEE)
I come from le country where Baguettes were made...If you haven't figured it out, I'm from le France, and If you were right...Well...I can give you my sweet Overwatch account. Or you can have my dog called Citroën, I won't mind that actually. please end my life with this dog
My favorite games on the consoles are Pikmin 2, Yoshi's island (On the GB advance) , all of the SSB games/Series, Magical Starsign and finally Ghost tricks : Phantom detective. Shush, I had mah classics
And on the PC side, I wuv Wynncraft (Even if I'm dead there qq), League of Legends, Overwatch, Terraria, Pokémon HearthGold + Moon
Talking 'bout games, well, if you want to add me on Skype or other games, here's the list of my IGNs on them~ :
3Ds : 5198 - 3231 - 4616 [I play with it every day] (Don't forget to message me if you add me there)
Wii U : louisguerier [I do not play with this console Anymore] [For now]
Steam : LMB | Ulta80
LoL (Euw) : LMB Ulta80 [I play it frequently enough] Level 30 ofc
LoL (Russia) : LMB Ulta80 (Don't judge.) & level 5 or so
Overwatch (Euw) : LMBUlta80# 2891 [I play it every single day!] Level 300+
Smite (Euw) : Ulta80 [I do not play this game Anymore] [For now]
Skype : Minelouis5
Discord : Barbara#0641
So yeah, if you ever want to add me, feel free to do it ^^
I also have a "lot" shippings! =D Here's the "little" list :
Actual "living" Shippings :
Zahr (Li spaghetti sono caldi) my italian is fancy, shush!
Sharubii (Page 100 is basically life. *Wink*)
Zephylox (The holy Kvmilla has decided to ship us aaaaand, this is how we've got shipped)
ScrubSaito (He taught me some german, so he's a very nice person, you should hail him)
Supremacy (Super Mario 64 is the reason I hate water in video games.. Wait, it's supre not super
Huge6446 (Du er goed)
Antra/Alsa/Assham/Gungnir/Kurwa (Whatever of his name ;-; He has too much name to tell, cri)
Matteo (L'italiano che si chiama Matteo)
Fangiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (There's never too many "I".)
Tundra (Ben bir ashamediyorum, very turkish-yorum, olala videos done we have)
Tony (He's so french, but yet so turkish, i do nicht even understand)
Ka'an (He's dutch & has a mustache, das a goed person!)
Jade/Jeidoy (Never let someone called "Kare" know with who you skyped with recently. It's dangerous.)
People that thought I was shipped with (But was not the case) :
Dead Shippings :
"Oligeni" - Very death, Died the 23/12/2015
Kaycee. (That's a lit shipping.)
ZahrKitty (Would ship again)
+Every single shipping on the forums <3
ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?! You...Are still here? Quick reminder : You've already spent around 2-3 minutes on this weird profile of mine, and did you even consider to leave? ;-; I've been told that wasting your time here is nu gud for health
*’“*:.。. .。.:*’“*:.。. .。.:*’“*:.。. .。.:*’“*:.。. .。.:*
Question that you, (crazy people) frequently ask or asked me :
Q1. "What's your IRL name?"
Well, As you may guess it'll be a Frenchy one, Mah name is Louis. So yeah, if you wanna call me Louis in the SB, on Skype or wherever it is, You have my permission~
Bonus : A person called Kalmer Did a mistake with my name, and he wrote it like "Kizua" and with some magic, it has got to "Kiuza" so yeah! Quick story, enjoy the stories of Papa Louis!
Q2. "How old are you? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
I'm a 15 person this year. Yas, 15! It's just 7.5 x 2 anyway! I'M NOT THAT OLD THEN, UNDERSTOOD?! i'm an old bone now, sadness
Q3. "WHEN WILL YOU SHOW US YOUR FACE?!/Post a pic on the forums?"
When my body will be ready, and also when something just calms down and stop hating on me. Yes, you see what "thing" it is ;-;
Also, lil' tip, you can see my face on Skype. (most of the time) Well, more or less, don't judge me
Q4. "How many language do you speak?"
Well, French ofc, English and actually, I'm learning Deutsch, (By myself, even if my German is rubbish af) Spanish [Second Foreign Language] and Italian [Third Foreign Language] (Both of them are learned from le school)!
Those languages are the ones I actually can do some basic sentences and hold a conversation with!
Buuuut, I kinda know some other languages I'd say? By that, I mean, I can understand some sentences, speak with a real and basic few words and such, and they are : Norwegian & Russian! (Though, I only know the letters for russian qq)
You can't even say that I fucking love languages, I adore them ;-; I want to physically hug them all
Q5. "How are you doing today?"
I'm fine but dead mainly dead on the forums ;-; But thanks for asking mes chéris!~
Q6. "Do you even lift?"
No. My arms are like flabbier than one hundred marshmallows ;-;
Q7. "What theme do you use on the forums?"
Well, right now...Sorry for the deception of y'all, I'm using the light theme. PLS NO HURT I WUV YOU ALL D= But yeah, at the beginning, I used the light theme, and I switched to the holy Dark theme for a loooong time, and like...The 02/04/2016 I said to myself "Hey, I will turn my theme to the Light one!" And I did it. And I'm now still with it...Pls, no hurt ;w;
Some little pics I might add here and there and surely remove from time to time~ :
Nothing. Cri
And...I think that's it? Well, now go back to your normal occupations...I mean, not like you already spent 3-4 minutes here ._. What a crazy-sweet person you are <3 I liek youInteract
- Skype:
- Minelouis5
Having trouble to understand the quests? : Français, Italiano, Español, Deutsch, Русский, čeština, Hebrew , Filipino (tagalog) , Svenska, Mandarin, Português , Tiếng Việt, Nederlands, Dansk
Yes. I used to do things like that in the past. - Loading...