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Wynncraft, the Minecraft MMORPG. Play it now on your Minecraft client at (IP): play.wynncraft.com. No mods required! Click here for more info...
Lacking a mythic, Male, from Corkus
Love this server guys. Keep it up! Mar 14, 2017
- Puzitsa was last seen:
- Feb 16, 2020
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Hey, everyone. I am the one and only Puzitsa. Here to introduce myself.
I've had minecraft for a little over two years and played Wynncraft for a while. I really enjoy this server so obviously, I created a forums account. I used to be a well-known member of a different server, but quit particularly because of their now corrupt owner.
Some things you may want to know about me:
- I am 14 years old.
- I play two sports: Tennis and Basketball (both I am not very good at, I'm afraid...)
- I also play two instruments: piano and the clarinet (both I am actually decent at)
- I try to help anyone whenever I can, but cannot stand discrimination, unequality, etc.
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