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Nov 25, 2013
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Lurker Extraordinaire

To anyone who has needed me for anything recently I am deeply sorry. I will update any threads (225/300 Leaderboard, etc.) as soon as I can. Jun 15, 2014

    1. xXFyreXx
      I was looking on my thread 'Ok i'm done' and yes, I am done, but I didn't know I was on your friend list! :O

      Ok bye again.
      1. AbyssalMelody13
        Have a nice life ^^
        Jan 14, 2014
    2. Hanky
      Abyssal, how about we make a deal. A soul for a beard?GSBuilder's beard?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Hanky
        I'll revert to the Unitato.
        Jan 13, 2014
      3. AbyssalMelody13
        I think you'll revert to the Unitato anyway. It's your destiny.
        Jan 13, 2014
      4. Hanky
        Yeah... mightas well
        Jan 13, 2014
    3. Alex77771
      1. View previous comments...
      2. AbyssalMelody13
        Jan 13, 2014
      3. Alex77771
        Jan 27, 2014
      4. AbyssalMelody13
        We're still doing this? Okay. *waffle*
        Jan 27, 2014
    4. --
      Last time I checked your likes you had 400... now you have 600 o_O grats
      1. AbyssalMelody13
        Thanks :p
        Jan 11, 2014
    5. Retro
      Ho ho ho derp. Wat.... Uhh potato derp audition derp guude herp fame derpaherp cash derp tato pop derp star.
      1. AbyssalMelody13
        10/10 performance!
        Jan 9, 2014
      2. Hanky
        The Unitato has been banned for copyright issues as well as "Alternate Account" issues. His acting was done by someone else and whatnot. He will still live on.
        Jan 10, 2014
    6. Hanky
      About to hit 100 YT subs Aby! Gratz! . Any ideas in mind?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. AbyssalMelody13
        I don't know how that would work... explain?
        Jan 10, 2014
      3. Hanky
        I really don't know either.
        Jan 10, 2014
      4. AbyssalMelody13
        Pity. Thanks for trying.
        Jan 10, 2014
    7. Tsutaja-senpai
      For some reason, it doesn't show that you're a mod under your forum name....
      1. Rai
        She is no longer a mod
        Jan 8, 2014
      2. Tsutaja-senpai
        Oh. It doesn't say it on her profile too anymore.
        Jan 8, 2014
    8. Marraino
      Half a million views on the Invasion Tracker.. wow congrats Aby! <3
      1. AbyssalMelody13
        Thanks! Everyone has been so great about keeping it going. And strangely enough, the old one is still getting views ._.
        Jan 7, 2014
      2. xKindredKinesis
        There should be a day where everyone comes to the old forums and starts posting stuff on each other's walls...
        Jan 7, 2014
    9. --
      What are your laptop specs? Just askin' :D
      1. AbyssalMelody13
        I don't even want to talk about it. Let's just say that it's a few years old and wasn't built for gaming...
        Jan 6, 2014
      2. --
        Jan 6, 2014
    10. Triverr
      I thought you said you were resolved to jump right for 300 in the coming weeks? You used to be like 13 levels ahead of me! Now I'm 17 levels ahead of you! What happened?
      1. AbyssalMelody13
        That was just an excuse to make the other half of the comment I made on that thread XD. I've been here since May, the chances of me reaching end-game before the next update are slim to none, especially when I crash out of 75% of the swarms I attend before I get any xp.
        Jan 5, 2014
      2. Triverr
        Honestly I have never been in a swarm that has crashed... I am one lucky son of a pickle sometimes...
        Jan 5, 2014
      3. AbyssalMelody13
        Oh, it's not the server 99% of the time. I have a weak Internet+laptop that can't handle the entity strain that swarms put on it. It's a little inside joke of mine that I would have been 280 months ago had I not crashed out of so many swarms.
        Jan 5, 2014
    11. Slick2824
      I shall follow the mistress!
      Anything you need done milady?
      1. AbyssalMelody13
        Ye shall go forth and spread the Word, for the Aby Nation shall conquer the universe! :P Or carry on as usual; whichever fits your schedule.
        Jan 5, 2014
      2. Slick2824
        I shall be the filibuster of the universe, finding and conquering all for milady!
        Jan 5, 2014
    12. xKindredKinesis
      I just noticed I have a Sunstone Dragon as well as the Moonstone Dragon Egg... what should I call the Moonstone Dragon? ScyllaSunFrost?
      1. AbyssalMelody13
        Call it whatever you want to; it's your dragon. Just make sure the name isn't taken I suppose. ScyllaSunFrost sounds fine.
        Jan 4, 2014
      2. xKindredKinesis
        Jan 4, 2014
    13. D14m0nD
      25% like ratio is just beast!
      1. AbyssalMelody13
        Jan 4, 2014
    14. narf314
      Dude, abyssal, can you post a bit more info on the wiki about the wrath of the mummy quest. I keep on dying and getting lost on the quest. Thanks!
      1. AbyssalMelody13
        I did a video about it on YouTube, if you think that might help you. If you'd like to watch that then search my channel or click the link to it from the info page of my profile.
        Jan 3, 2014
    15. Luxio
    16. CptShroom
      Aby This Spamer is spaming wiki again and making alts is there a way to IP ban them Tama ???
      1. AbyssalMelody13
        I'm on it.
        Jan 1, 2014
      2. AbyssalMelody13
        User has been permanently IP banned, I will clean up the spam pages as soon as I can get on a computer unless someone else has already dealt with it by that time.
        Jan 1, 2014
      3. CptShroom
        Great ty
        Jan 1, 2014
    17. --
      everyone is selling pumpkins...and most of them are probably from dupe drop parties D:
      1. AbyssalMelody13
        Yes, I'm aware of this unfortunate occurrence.
        Dec 30, 2013
    18. JokerFan500
      What advice would you give to someone filling out the Wynncraft Wiki?
      1. AbyssalMelody13
        In terms of which section? Overall I'd say be conscious of established formatting patterns, grammar, and spelling, but past that you'd have to ask me about a specific page for me to have any advice.
        Dec 30, 2013
      2. JokerFan500
        Well, I have more info on some of the areas and the quests but not all of it
        Dec 30, 2013
      3. AbyssalMelody13
        Add what you can, every little bit of extra information counts. Just make sure that what you post is 100% accurate! :)
        Dec 30, 2013
    19. Triverr
      I just bred a shimmerscale egg! A gold one! But I was full on eggs at the time and it was auto abandoned... Sorry
      1. AbyssalMelody13
        It's okay. I can wait. :)
        Dec 25, 2013
    20. --
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  • About

    Cool stuff people have made for me!
    by @PixelVox

    BaconChemist made me something and I use it as my YouTube profile pic, see it at http://youtube.com/AbyssalMelody13!

    Due to BBCode failures the rest of this profile will be fixed shortly.


    Never take life too seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway.
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