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Last Activity:
Feb 15, 2024
Oct 14, 2014
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April 5
The desert otherworld


The irony is that I love the future, Male, from The desert otherworld

Just made a thread in Nemract's Bar about somewhat I've been up to, check it out maybe. Aug 3, 2017

modern was last seen:
Feb 15, 2024
    1. Qulaey
    2. Mistrise Mystic
    3. modern
      Just made a thread in Nemract's Bar about somewhat I've been up to, check it out maybe.
      1. SpadenadeZ1 and Coolfood like this.
    4. modern
      I've been working on a few huge projects, one of which is complete. Maybe I'll show them here.
      1. SpadenadeZ1 likes this.
    5. modern
      I was thinking about joining back up, But then remembered why I quit in the first place. Sorry @Coolfood
      1. Coolfood likes this.
      2. Pokextreme
        why'd you quit?
        May 29, 2017
      3. Coolfood
        It's alright fam. I quit the game a long time ago, and I'm also slowly leaving the forums. I hope we can stay in contact somehow
        May 30, 2017
      4. Coolfood
        Thanks for all the good times.
        May 31, 2017
        SpadenadeZ1 likes this.
    6. Gloomy
      I was going to throw in a pun but I used that pun in the past.
      1. modern likes this.
    7. modern
      Hey modern wanderer, you're gone, but you're not forgot. You got the cash but your credits no good
      1. Gloomy and Coolfood like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. modern
        - houndsmouth (Sedona)
        Apr 20, 2017
      4. Coolfood
        Look who's come from the past?
        Apr 22, 2017
      5. Coolfood
        How was it?
        Apr 22, 2017
    8. modern
      Great scott Marty! We've got to go back. Back to the Modern! Be back soon
      1. Coolfood likes this.
      2. Coolfood
        Still stuck in the past i see
        Apr 14, 2017
    9. DCM627
      not ded?
    10. Coolfood
      We seeeeee you
    11. Mistrise Mystic
      1. Kimjdav
        double ded
        Feb 19, 2017
      2. Mistrise Mystic
        Mistrise Mystic
        Triple dead
        Feb 19, 2017
      3. modern
        Totally ded. Sorry. SATs. Be back soon
        Feb 23, 2017
    12. Kimjdav
      Ok ok, I would sacrifice goats to you, but sadly I ran out after the 7th full moon. Would cows be an acceptable replacement? Or should I use the lambs?
      1. Mistrise Mystic likes this.
      2. Mistrise Mystic
        Mistrise Mystic
        Use ducks
        @Odnod GET OVER HERE
        Feb 19, 2017
      3. Odnod
        Pff, who sacrifices ducks in 2017.
        Feb 19, 2017
        SpadenadeZ1 likes this.
      4. Mistrise Mystic
        Feb 19, 2017
    13. Coolfood
      I'm feeling philosophical and want to play Skyrim so dumping a quote from the game here.
      "What is better, to be born good or to overcome evil through great effort?"
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mouse :)
        Mouse :)
        Its not the same
        Hitler did some bad shit but we dont know what this one did
        Feb 15, 2017
        SpadenadeZ1 likes this.
      3. Coolfood
        But in that case, how would you react?
        Would you be evil for condemning him even after he has "turned good"?
        Feb 15, 2017
      4. Mouse :)
        Mouse :)
        As long as he's good idc what hes done
        Feb 16, 2017
        SpadenadeZ1 likes this.
    14. Coolfood
      Lurkin' for days
      1. Odnod likes this.
    15. modern
      Thanks for @Coolfood for my 2500th like! While it may just be an arbitrary number, I am very glad to have spent enough time to earn it
      1. Coolfood likes this.
      2. Coolfood
        Arbitrary things are the best type of things.
        Jan 26, 2017
        modern likes this.
    16. Coolfood
      So much peeping and so little activity.
      1. modern likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Coolfood
        return lies;
        Jan 19, 2017
        modern likes this.
      4. modern
        Int numberOfLies = 0;
        For(String lies: modern){

        Expected output: NOTHING!
        Jan 19, 2017
        SpadenadeZ1 and Coolfood like this.
      5. Coolfood
        Exception on line 2: Cannot convert lies to String
        Jan 20, 2017
        modern likes this.
    17. Zelefant
      Confirmed mrs incredible is the narrator
      1. modern likes this.
    18. modern
      Less active for a while. Things are in the works.
      1. Ice Guy, XavierEXE and Coolfood like this.
      2. Coolfood
        No contests anytime soon though right?
        Dec 28, 2016
        modern likes this.
      3. modern
        ;) we will see
        Dec 28, 2016
        Coolfood likes this.
    19. Fox
      If you love the future, you love something that doesn't exists, meaning you love yourself, as you're the only one that knows of it.
      1. modern likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Fox
        For your star example, the predictability of that example is that gas will go in all directions. The predictability isn't on we're will it go.

        You have to understand that not everything can be judged tbe same, since not everything has the same quality.
        Dec 30, 2016
      4. Fox
        About knowing others, you can know others, but due to their lack of limits and infinite change, the person you know today may not be the person you know tomorrow.
        Dec 30, 2016
      5. Fox
        Though, through communication and filling the blank of their faults and the most logical step for them to take from their faults, that it's not hard to catch up to them, as communication itself is logic, so one sentence already says a lot, and through predictability you can see how they've changed and how they haven't: No assumptions is tbe key.
        Dec 30, 2016
    20. LotKnockMC
      Can you ask doggo to pirate me a copy of Windows XP so I can use NBS?
      1. XavierEXE and modern like this.
      2. modern
        Doggo has given up on pirating to pursue his performance art peice where he sits still in a park spray painted silver 24/7 and sees if people fall for it.

        Complete success.
        Dec 11, 2016
        XavierEXE and LotKnockMC like this.
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  • About

    April 5
    The desert otherworld

    Hello there, I am Modern. In other locations I might be seen as Mod, ModernWanderer, ModWanderer, or supreme being.

    - Oct 14, 2014 - joined the forums
    - January, 2014 - actually started to post things
    - April, 2014 - forgot about the forums
    - Febuary, 2015 - rejoined the forums
    - Juneish, 2015 - started to work with Eeveelution on "The Fall of Annes" (originally called WynnUnity)
    - 9/7 happens, I lose around 150 posts. Not much
    - September 9, 2015 - I start my first comic, Chronicles of Corruption.
    - November 7, 2015 - Chronicles of corruption is canceled. I have a great die a for a better comic.
    -Jan 11, 2016 - I create Heretic Gods, a short lived but fun Forum Game RPG.
    - April 3, 2016 - I create WynnCiphers, a code based forum game where people solve complex codes made by me and XavierEXE.
    -May 29, 2016 - I hit 1000 likes! Only 500 posts though...
    - June 1, 2016 - I release THE NARRITIVE, my second comic. It took almost a year of development. It is currently running.
    -September 20, 2047 - I disappear, never to be seen again.


    Name: Modern
    Gender: Male I guess...
    Age: older then you
    Location: Seattle
    Class: Arcane Trickster
    Alignment: Neutral Good

    Programming, game design, writing, kayaking, analyzing plot structures, codes/ciphers, extensive knowledge of categorizing by genre, skiing, drawing pixel art, drawing hyper-realistic.

    Favorite movies:
    The Princess Bride
    Bill and Ted's excellent adventure

    Favorite books:
    Ready Player One
    Master of Formalities
    Killing Floor Blues

    Favorite TV Shows:
    Brooklyn 99

    Things I have made:
    THE NARRATIVE (my comic! Check it out!)
    A few video games, all pretty shit
    Co-created The Fall of Annes Wynncraft Fan Game
    Chronicles of Corruption (cancelled)

    Things I am making:
    A short story by the working title of CyberCops
    A game called "defender of the polyverse 3: return of the cone"

    My fatal weaknesses:
    Knives to the chest
    Old age

    Things I'm immune to:
    Subtle meanings (don't hide what you really mean around me, I won't understand)
    Flirting (seriously this has happened to me so many times now where I only realize someone was flirting with me hours afterwards)
    People judging me (think a low blow at my personality will make me mad? Leave me heartbroken? Nope. Don't care what you think about me.)
    Bullets (maybe? Untested.)

    Things you should do: (in my opinion)
    Be more open to others opinions
    Dont judge a entire group by the minority of them.
    Listen to Welcome To Night Vale
    Sacrafice a goat to me every other full moon.

    Anything else I should add? Just tell me!


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