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Jan 5, 2024
Sep 30, 2016
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Jan 11, 1998 (Age: 27)
The Underground's Waterfall
Bringing Justice to Wynn's Corruption


Do you enjoy going through hell?, Female, 27, from The Underground's Waterfall


So, I applied for that modeler/pixel artist position about a month ago now...are they still checking the resumes and portfolios? Oct 3, 2023

Undyne was last seen:
Jan 5, 2024
    1. Undyne
      Thank you @King Kaelan for the follow! Another one joins the army to destroy Wynn's corruption!
      1. Moss and Kaelan~ like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Undyne
        Also, if the mods are angels, and Salted is Satan, who do you see of more? You can usually find mods around, keeping justice, but the evil creators hide. I have never seen one of them talk in chat, and they rarely ever interact with the mortals (unlike the angelic mods).
        Dec 13, 2016
      4. Bad Username
        Bad Username
        But, even Cinfras has something to do with Salted.
        Salted's real name is "Francis". With the letters of "Francis", you can make "Cinfras". He's everywhere but always hidden...
        And the builders, and developpers, are they minions? As they help the Cow create the world...
        Dec 13, 2016
      5. Undyne
        The Cow is the overlord and the others are his slaves. Wynncraft has 4 dimensions total, consisting of the Mortal Realm (normal server), the Elite Realm (the build server), the Heavens (the mod realm), and Hell (which is where the overlords reside).

        The true power sits in the depths of Hell, while the realms above him are puppets to his command.
        Dec 14, 2016
    2. Undyne
      I am currently hunting for dungeon keys since someone in particular is buying them in mass quantities. Time to farm my secret spots...
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      2. Snerp
        Guess it's a mutual secret now....
        Dec 10, 2016
      3. Undyne
        I don't think it will be a big deal though. There are multiple servers with multiple locations to find the guardians.
        Dec 10, 2016
      4. Snerp
        Can affect buying price
        Dec 10, 2016
    3. Ditto
      Howdy Undyne
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Ditto
        In a bit im gonna make alt account on this forum called Frisk since you know my forum name is this
        Dec 7, 2016
      3. Ditto
        Im actually gonna do that right now see ya in a bit Undyne!
        Dec 7, 2016
      4. Undyne
        You might not want to make alternate forum accounts. I've heard that is a bannable offense. I wouldn't risk it unless you talk with a mod about it first.
        Dec 7, 2016
        LarzLapiz likes this.
    4. Undyne
      Okay, I have no idea when Judgment Day is, but I'm going to stop worrying about that and stay determined for when it happens.
      1. Not_Active and TurtleTheSeawing like this.
      2. Undyne
        Well, it depends on when it is and whether I will ascend to the ranks of justice. And even if I don't make it this time, I'll stay determined for the next.

        (Also, Judgment Day is the day staff chooses new mods.)
        Dec 6, 2016
        Not_Active likes this.
    5. Undyne
      Still waiting for judgment to strike. My hopes...my dreams...will they become a reality? Will I ascend to a higher level of justice?
      1. Zitrine likes this.
    6. Snerp
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Zitrine
        With the power of hopes and dreams we will surely cleanse the province of Wynn from the corruption.
        Dec 4, 2016
        Not_Active and Snerp like this.
      3. Snerp
        Dec 4, 2016
      4. Undyne
        Hopes and dreams save the world...

        Eventually, with this power, justice will be achieved, and Wynn will be saved!
        Dec 4, 2016
        Zitrine and Snerp like this.
    7. Ziel
      h e l l o
      1. Undyne
        Hello there! Would you like to help bring justice to Wynn's corruption?
        Dec 2, 2016
        Zitrine likes this.
      2. Ziel
        w h a t c o r r u p t i o n ?
        Dec 2, 2016
      3. Undyne
        It's a corruption that arose in Wynn. It destroys and ruins everything in its path.

        However, we can defeat with our...
        ...d e t e r m i n a t i o n...
        Dec 2, 2016
    8. Zitrine
      I have an undying love for Undyne. (lol did you see my pun there)
      1. Bad Username likes this.
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      3. Zitrine
        That's probably how I reached my 1:1 like to message ratio :^)
        Dec 2, 2016
        Bad Username likes this.
      4. Undyne
        Yeah, I kind of found that out yesterday when I was talking to Hoke on his profile. Now, my ratio is near 1:1 because every post I made seemed to get a like...
        Dec 2, 2016
        Zitrine likes this.
      5. Zitrine
        I often like people's messages here to make them know that I've read them :p
        Dec 2, 2016
    9. Undyne
      Will I one day pass judgment? Will my hopes and dreams come true? Who knows... but I'll continue to stay determined.
    10. TurtleTheSeawing
      Thank you so much for the follow! ^-^
      1. Undyne
        No problem. We need to be friends, so I'm willing to work with you on that.
        Nov 30, 2016
        TurtleTheSeawing likes this.
    11. HappyMcDoodle
      The other day, there was one Undyne. Now there are three Undynes... unless I'm just seeing things.
      1. Bad Username likes this.
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      3. Bad Username
        Bad Username
        I meant they could hack to server to become admin and break anything, not just install hacks. So they could put themselves in survival, with a pickaxe.
        Dec 2, 2016
      4. Undyne
        Even if the Undynes tried to "hack" the mainframe of the server, it's possible that there is some sort of protection against that. Mineplex has been hacked several times, but there have never been issues with the hackers becoming "gods" and wrecking havoc on the server.
        Dec 2, 2016
        Bad Username likes this.
      5. Bad Username
        Bad Username
        Yeah, that's very hard to that, but still possible. (Who knows ... maybe.)
        Dec 2, 2016
    12. Undyne
      Welp. I guess Ronald Frump is going to have to run for Rodoroc's presid... I mean king. Time to ditch the wolves...
    13. Undyne
      Brace yourselves. Wynnter is coming...
      1. Sythrus
        WYNNTER IS HERE... whenever i see people talking about that i always want to shout that at them...
        Dec 22, 2016
    14. Undyne
      Happy Thanksgiving (to whoever is in America)! Have some fun tomorrow with the parades, football, and the feast at the end of the day...
      1. Snerp
        RIP turkeys
        N3v3r 493t
        Nov 23, 2016
      2. Undyne
        Many turkeys will die tomorrow. Many, except the one turkey Obama decides to spare for whatever reason.
        Nov 23, 2016
        Sythrus likes this.
    15. Undyne
      Trying to be as helpful and nice as possible. That way I won't "get judged on". Did I mention that I hate unfair judgment?
      1. Zitrine likes this.
      2. Bad Username
        Bad Username
        Yeah, you won't have a bad Tom, don't worry :)
        Dec 1, 2016
    16. Undyne
      So if my GM application gets denied again, I plan on submitting a new quest about how a villager named Frump tries to become Rodoroc's king.
      1. Zitrine likes this.
      2. Moss
        Does he want to build a wall?
        Nov 15, 2016
      3. Undyne
        He wants to build a wall to keep the Doguns out of Rodoroc. Then, in the quest his wall eventually gets demolished by angry Doguns...
        Nov 15, 2016
        Moss likes this.
    17. Undyne
      I reached lv100 today on my Warrior class, while another person in my grinding group breaks the fourth wall and finds a mythic wand...
      1. Jamieverse likes this.
    18. Undyne
      I'm so close to my first lv100 class. I'm at lv98 with a bit over 50% and I still have the Fortuneteller quest to do...
    19. Undyne
      I have no idea how to update my tag on the forums. Now the green tag is a lie.
      1. LarzLapiz likes this.
      2. LarzLapiz
        the VIP tag? no clue xD
        Nov 4, 2016
      3. Undyne
        I upgraded to VIP+ a few days ago, and I thought the tag would have changed. I even tried to do /forum again, but it refused.

        It's just annoying when I have to explain crates to people with a tag that implies I don't have the daily crates (even though in reality I do have them).
        Nov 4, 2016
      4. Undyne
        Okay, it randomly fixed itself for no reason. I guess they added an automatic updating thing now.

        At least it shows the truth now, since lying is bad.
        Nov 8, 2016
        Zitrine and LarzLapiz like this.
    20. Undyne
      So I submitted a GM application 2 days ago... now it's time to wait and see if I am "desired" enough.
      1. LarzLapiz, Ryuu and HappyMcDoodle like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Undyne
        Yeah, I found out the list was where applications that got past the Abandoned Bank judgment ended up. From there, it only got harder...
        Nov 15, 2016
      4. Flubby
        Aye at least you made it that far
        Nov 15, 2016
      5. Undyne
        I still have hope. I improved my old application, but if that one gets denied I'm going to ditch the wolf quest and add the more creative one I mentioned above.
        Nov 15, 2016
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  • About

    Jan 11, 1998 (Age: 27)
    The Underground's Waterfall
    Bringing Justice to Wynn's Corruption
    I'm just an individual who plays Minecraft in their free time. I'm typically nice and helpful to others and will try and help whenever I can. I try to make friends with others and not irritate them.

    On this forum I'm hoping to gain trust among other players by giving away my unnecessary items or giving valid help when needed. I'm against swearing and follow the rules given.

    I once was able to gain the trust of the leaders of the server, and, with hope and determination, became a bigger part of this community. Now I am the Fallen, just a shell of what I once was, and nothing will ever change that. Despite this, I still wish to help others, despite what little power or influence I may have now.

    Maybe, just maybe, with what little power I have...I can be reborn into something better than I was before. But, for now, that change of fate is unknown.


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    ❇ ~ Warrior Main since 2016 - Total Level 1690 (achieved on 10-1-22) ~ ❇
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