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Last Activity:
Aug 2, 2022
May 16, 2014
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The Monocled Merchant | Passionate About People, Male


On evening winds, a soft melodic hum may be heard. A monocled merchant rides slowly into the night, warmed by memories of dear old friends. Jul 18, 2021

_Romzy_ was last seen:
Aug 2, 2022
    1. Lukiwoki
      Thanks for the good words about my shop! :)
      1. _Romzy_ likes this.
      2. _Romzy_
        You're very welcome! Looks like you've put in some hard work on the pictures and organizing the shop front. So you are certainly deserving of some recognition! :)
        Jun 4, 2014
      3. Lukiwoki
        Wow.. Your shop is so... Beutiful! :o I think i got a competitor here ;D
        Jun 4, 2014
      4. _Romzy_
        Thanks! I appreciate that! Although I suppose some may see us as competitors I prefer to think of other shop owners as a community of fellow merchants. My aim is to help others improve their experience and the overall Wynn community, which is why I enjoy seeing the shops of other fair and honest merchants succeed! Hopefully our paths will cross in-game in the future. :)
        Jun 4, 2014
    2. Scout_Gunner
      20 eb for a wolfbow?
      1. _Romzy_
        Hi Scout! That may be a bit low considering it's the fourth most powerful bow in the game. Would you be willing to go to 30EB? I've had previous offers around 40EB so with the current sale that would bring it 30EB. Sound fair? Let me know. :)
        Jun 2, 2014
      2. _Romzy_
        On second thought I'll bring it down to 25EB... because why not? :P
        Jun 2, 2014
    3. pale1
      1. View previous comments...
      2. pale1
        Nothing much, just staring at your profile non-stop. You?
        May 30, 2014
      3. _Romzy_
        Well, I hope you're enjoying the lack of content to be found! :P
        Doing well, just having some internet complications at the moment. But nonetheless, life is good!
        May 30, 2014
      4. pale1
        Absolutely wonderful! Lets be best friends!
        May 30, 2014
    4. SunVapor
      Hello Romzy, i was wondering how you got the VIP thing under your name here on the forums, for some reason i can't see it.
      1. SunVapor
        What i mean is i can't see the VIP thing on mine and i don't know how to get it on.
        May 29, 2014
      2. _Romzy_
        In game, go ahead and do /forum [Forum username]. That will make it work. :)
        May 29, 2014
      3. SunVapor
        Thank you so much! :D
        May 29, 2014
    5. SunVapor
      You give such good trade prices! :D
      1. _Romzy_ likes this.
      2. _Romzy_
        Thanks Sun, always a pleasure meeting personable fellow Wynncrafters! I'd love the feedback on my shop thread page if you're willing! :)

        May 29, 2014
      3. SunVapor
        Sure thing friend!
        May 29, 2014
    6. _Romzy_
      Listening to LotR soundtracks while playing some Wynn... awhh, immersion. :)
      1. bangker5 likes this.
    7. Scout_Gunner
      ill buy vile right now server 34 in troms!!
    8. _Romzy_
      Currently playing and available to trade goods! Hope to see you around! :)
    9. flamingcat1
      so is the voloer chainmail or iron?
    10. _Romzy_
      Off of servers until after 12:00PM EST.
    11. _Romzy_
      Currently doing business in Detlas bank - SERVER 32. Stop by for a trade or a chat! :)
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