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Selchars Seafoam
Seafoam, from Selchar
I'm back!!! Apr 2, 2017
- Selchars Seafoam was last seen:
- Jan 2, 2019
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I'm a watery based animal only found in Selchar, I am normally found around the fountain or the potion shop. Most people think I was born and raised in Selchar, but that's not the case. I was born in the sea, isn't that a little to obvious?Interact
I'm a watery based animal only found in Selchar, I am normally found around the fountain or the potion shop. Most people think I was born and raised in Selchar, but that's not the case. I was born in the sea, isn't that a little to obvious? I'm a grown seafoam and I am working most of the time. So please don't annoy me. I also don't accept any photographs or selfies. - Loading...