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Keyboardsmashing Thingy, Male, from Germany
day 53 - they still dont know that i'm a peanut. Jan 17, 2017
- Erdnuss was last seen:
- May 6, 2023
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- Gender:
- Male
- Birthday:
- April 23
- Location:
- Germany
- Occupation:
- Student
- Guild:
- OneUp
- Minecraft:
- MightySheepQueen
Erdnuss / Erdnussmotorrad - Leader of OneUp
I'm usually online between 2pm - 7 pm (MEZ).. if I'm not online in-game, you can meet me on teamspeak. You'll get the ip if needed.
I will be offline for a while, because i stared my own project,
and i want to work on it with my full effort.Interact
Found mistakes?
Tell me, i will punish them for sneaking into my texts. - Loading...