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Jan 5, 2024
Sep 30, 2016
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Jan 11, 1998 (Age: 26)
The Underground's Waterfall
Bringing Justice to Wynn's Corruption


Do you enjoy going through hell?, Female, 26, from The Underground's Waterfall


So, I applied for that modeler/pixel artist position about a month ago now...are they still checking the resumes and portfolios? Oct 3, 2023

Undyne was last seen:
Jan 5, 2024
    1. Undyne
      Personally, I believe mythics are fake and are simply a way to trick people into excessively looking for these false weapons.
      1. LarzLapiz likes this.
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      3. Undyne
        I bet you that I will reach lv100 on my Warrior and I will never see this "mythic" item that is always mentioned.
        Nov 4, 2016
      4. bloww
        I reached lvl 100 on my assassin

        5 mythics c;
        (lost them tho dont judge me so hard)
        Nov 4, 2016
      5. Undyne
        I'm currently lv94 and have never seen any signs of these "mythics". Mind you that I have grinded a ton in Herb Cave, ToL, and Freezing Heights, and I have also done countless loot runs through Thanos Vaults and Rodoroc/Molten Heights.
        Nov 4, 2016
    2. Luigi McDingle
      Luigi McDingle
      no undertale spoilers plz
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      2. Undyne
        I guess I over exaggerated. I changed my status though so the "Undertale spoiler" is removed.

        I still don't understand how it is a spoiler if you already understand the phrase.
        Oct 24, 2016
        Zahr likes this.
      3. Luigi McDingle
        Luigi McDingle
        I never said your status was a spoiler, I was just asking that you don't spoil the game for me.
        Oct 24, 2016
      4. Undyne
        I apologize if I caused any issues. I'm not going to post much stuff on here regarding Undertale, and most of the things I post will be Wynncraft related.
        Oct 24, 2016
    3. LarzLapiz
      1. Undyne likes this.
      2. Undyne
        I think we need a new Wynncraft update that changes all warrior skins into ripped Undynes. Also, all mages will become Toriel and all archers will become Mettaton.

        Also, assassins will become Papyrus, and the game will officially become Wynntale.

        (This won't happen though simply because 50% of the world hates Undertale for whatever reason.)
        Oct 24, 2016
        LarzLapiz likes this.
      3. LarzLapiz
        theres a dagger called sans too lol
        Nov 4, 2016
      4. Undyne
        Personally, I want them to add a spear named "Spear of Justice". They already have a "Mercy" and a "Determination", so why not secretly add Undertale "Easter egg" items like they did with LOTR?
        Nov 4, 2016
        LarzLapiz likes this.
    4. Undyne
      But it refused.
      1. LarzLapiz, Zahr and Naraka00 like this.
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      3. Undyne
        Undertale is a game that has a good story, a good lore, strong character development, and an extraordinary soundtrack. However, the community has turned the game into a controversial topic, with people either defending it or calling it "cancer".

        The same issue has happened with FNAF, Roblox, and even Minecraft. It seems to happen to every popular game that comes out...
        Oct 19, 2016
        Zahr and JuicedBananas like this.
      4. Zahr
        Just be patient, the toxic part of the fandom will get tired and move to something else
        Oct 24, 2016
      5. Sythrus
        and then the AU writers like myself can swoop in and actually do something constructive for the community.
        Dec 22, 2016
    5. Undyne
      Hoping that the Corrupter of Worlds skin I submitted to the contest "scares" me to victory was pointless.
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      2. Undyne
        Is it weird that I refuse to look at the winners?

        I don't think a "spooky" Corrupter of Worlds will top a stupid wybel spinoff. It just seems "so" logical that it wouldn't...
        Oct 18, 2016
      3. ShadowMage1
        Props to the First Place Winner, though. They made the Warrior skin from the website.
        Oct 18, 2016
      4. Undyne
        Uh... no offense, but I've seen a player named "JaydonTheWarrior" (or something similar) who has had a warrior look alike skin for a while now. It was his main skin...

        Edit: I just realized that this person just "won" the contest. If only they knew he put zero effort into the skin.
        Oct 19, 2016
    6. XonXendren[Eon]
      The irony of the blade name and how much you sold it for (in signature) amuses me lol.
      1. Undyne
        I don't even know how that happened. When it did I decided to screenshot it since it was comical in a way. (More like a Blade of "Impurity".)

        I did get more of them and I did sell one for 333 emeralds, but I find the other scenario funnier.
        Oct 17, 2016
        XonXendren[Eon] likes this.
      2. XonXendren[Eon]
        It is quite funny xD.
        Oct 17, 2016
    7. Undyne
      I'm angry because I'm forced to miss another community event. I hope there will be a revision so I could participate.
    8. Undyne
      Trying to reclaim a Fenmask after losing it when MC froze. In other words, time to get even more useless legendaries.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Undyne
        It might get to the point where I will have to buy one. I looted all this week and I swear I've gotten over 10 Blades of Purity, several Dark Shrouds, and even Booster Plates. I've resorted to selling lower id items to the item buyer...
        Oct 9, 2016
      3. Loannnnn
        rip, I have no use for the Fenmask so it's still available
        Oct 9, 2016
      4. Undyne
        My warrior is a "regen" build so it focuses a lot on health/mana regen. Fenmask has up to a 2/4 mana regen and also increases health regen, and on top of that it has poison.

        I won't be on until later tonight, but if you want to give/sell the Fenmask I'm up to taking it off your hands.
        Oct 9, 2016
    9. HappyMcDoodle
      That profile picture is fab, OK? Just fab.
      1. RemiDaYeen, Undyne and Ryuu like this.
      2. Undyne
        All I did was download the "warrior.png" file and then edited it so it had an Undyne face and blue skin.

        It just looks better when that image has an Undyne face on it, especially when it holds a spear the way it does.
        Oct 4, 2016
        HappyMcDoodle likes this.
    10. Undyne
      If anyone wants to buy my legendaries, I'll sell them to you for 32 EB each. Even at that price, I struggle to sell.
    11. Ryuu
      1. Zahr likes this.
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      3. Ryuu
        I'm not sure what you're using ._. but I assure you that deviantart is pretty far up in a list of websites that don't have potential viruses
        Oct 1, 2016
      4. Undyne
        I know this is late but I had no idea that you were an official artist for Wynncraft. You must have a lot of respect in the community. Keep up the good work!
        (I have no idea if you will read this...)
        Oct 7, 2016
        Ryuu likes this.
      5. Ryuu
        I just got artist very recently, so it's natural you didn't know. I also hope any respect for me stems not from solely my artist title haha :p and thank you for the kind words ^^
        Oct 8, 2016
    12. Bubbles
      Welcome to the forums!
      1. Undyne
        Thank you. I will try to answer and help anyone on here as much as I can. My goal is to eventually gain the trust of those above everyone else. (In other words, I want to gain the trust of staff as well as players.)
        Oct 1, 2016
    13. Undyne
      Currently trying to gain trust with anyone. I will help if you allow me.
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      2. Undyne
        Well, I have no idea where you actually live, so I'm pretty sure that isn't ever going to happen.

        Also, use the black spoon for Yahya's hopper, not for murder.
        Oct 1, 2016
      3. Stycore
        He lives over the rainbow
        Oct 1, 2016
      4. Undyne
        If I really wanted to search for rainbows, I would, but I have better things to do. Plus, I really don't feel like committing crime today.
        Oct 1, 2016
        Stycore likes this.
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  • About

    Jan 11, 1998 (Age: 26)
    The Underground's Waterfall
    Bringing Justice to Wynn's Corruption
    I'm just an individual who plays Minecraft in their free time. I'm typically nice and helpful to others and will try and help whenever I can. I try to make friends with others and not irritate them.

    On this forum I'm hoping to gain trust among other players by giving away my unnecessary items or giving valid help when needed. I'm against swearing and follow the rules given.

    I once was able to gain the trust of the leaders of the server, and, with hope and determination, became a bigger part of this community. Now I am the Fallen, just a shell of what I once was, and nothing will ever change that. Despite this, I still wish to help others, despite what little power or influence I may have now.

    Maybe, just maybe, with what little power I have...I can be reborn into something better than I was before. But, for now, that change of fate is unknown.


    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
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    ❇ ~ Warrior Main since 2016 - Total Level 1690 (achieved on 10-1-22) ~ ❇
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