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Wynncraft, the Minecraft MMORPG. Play it now on your Minecraft client at (IP): play.wynncraft.com. No mods required! Click here for more info...
RETIRED Detlas Janitor, Male, from Llevigar
me, so please someone find the thread and continue it. This is my formal goodbye to Wynncraft. Tons of love and cheers, KabalUT (3/3) Feb 4, 2017
- KabalUT was last seen:
- Oct 3, 2021
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- Gender:
- Male
- Birthday:
- July 22
- Location:
- Llevigar
- Occupation:
- Guitarist
- Guild:
- HackForums
- Minecraft:
- KabalUT
IGN: KabalUT
1. Yes, I really do play guitar!
2. Favourite band is Guns N Roses
3. Favourite song is Paradise City by Guns N Roses
4. I like Assassin class the best but I am starting to like Mage a bit more o.O
5. I learned of Wynncraft from Antvenom
6. I like to use British spellings of words cause they look better sorry
7. I also play drums but not that much.
8. I absolutely love Dungeons and Dragons!
9. My favourite Wynncraft city is Llevigar
10. My favourite movie is The Lord of the Rings
11. My favourite video game is either The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time or Pokemon HeartGold
12. I love RPGs!
13. I love the settings of a medieval world and sometimes I want to live in one
14. I hate it when other players kill my mobs while grinding
15. I started playing Minecraft at around 2012/2013 when the latest version was 1.4.7
16. But my favourite version is 1.6!Interact
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