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Yuno F Gasai
Last Activity:
Feb 15, 2025
Dec 31, 2014
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Trophy Points:
Mar 31, 1999 (Age: 25)
the top of the leaderboards
BSc student

Yuno F Gasai

Forum God, FW, Male, 25, from the top of the leaderboards

say "kid amogus" backwards Sep 11, 2021

Yuno F Gasai was last seen:
Feb 15, 2025
    1. Yuno F Gasai
    2. Amaranth
      I like how I rewatched Mirai Nikki and cried even more than when I watched it the first time.
      1. Syndicate_, Yuno F Gasai and K_kki like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno tho
        Aug 12, 2016
        K_kki likes this.
      4. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        Kukki you need to watch re:zero
        Aug 12, 2016
        K_kki and Amaranth like this.
      5. Amaranth
        I meean, Yuuki would probably be me in his situation, but Minene is beyond amazing lol.
        Aug 13, 2016
        K_kki and Yuno F Gasai like this.
    3. Tomix
      Wait wait wait wait,you are not a girl?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        I'm a Yuno
        Aug 12, 2016
      3. flip
        Aug 12, 2016
        Yuno F Gasai likes this.
      4. FlamingPinecone
        Yuno sexually identifies as a Yuno Fucking Gasai
        Aug 15, 2016
        Yuno F Gasai and flip like this.
    4. Yuno F Gasai
      Yuno F Gasai
      1. ShadowMage1 likes this.
    5. Yuno F Gasai
      Yuno F Gasai
      1. Bio and ShadowMage1 like this.
      2. ShadowMage1
        Now it's 14,000 likes
        Aug 12, 2016
      3. Bio
        Now it's 14,001!
        Aug 12, 2016
    6. Yuno F Gasai
      Yuno F Gasai
      You can't spell rain without a brain
      1. View previous comments...
      2. TempleOfLegends
        nor can you live
        Aug 11, 2016
      3. Bio
        Nice double post
        Aug 11, 2016
      4. TempleOfLegends
        thats what happens when lag
        Aug 11, 2016
    7. Yuno F Gasai
      Yuno F Gasai
      I know when you are sleeping
      1. Aradia Megido and Kaelan~ like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Kaelan~
        Aug 10, 2016
        Bio likes this.
      4. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        Bio im in Romania I barely have internet
        Aug 11, 2016
        Bio and Kaelan~ like this.
      5. Bio
        Well that's kinda obvious considering it's been 2 freakin' days since I said that
        Aug 11, 2016
    8. Gelato 101
      Gelato 101
      How much Yuno is too much Yuno?
      1. captainganon
        Yu no... that much.
        Aug 9, 2016
        Aradia Megido, Stag2001 and colin350 like this.
      2. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        Around two
        Aug 9, 2016
        Aradia Megido likes this.
    9. dead zeffe
      dead zeffe
      You have x14 more likes than me wow XD
      1. Yuno F Gasai likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. dead zeffe
        dead zeffe
        So you can't grind at your spot for likes i see
        Aug 10, 2016
      4. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        I don't grind for likes
        Tbh I have no idea why you guys are liking me so much.
        Aug 10, 2016
      5. dead zeffe
        dead zeffe
        Because You do great things personaly This Is what i think but sometimes i see ppl they looks like they are only here for likes.
        Aug 10, 2016
    10. Yuno F Gasai
      Yuno F Gasai
      I would like to thank @Magnus1st for my 13,900th like!
      1. xKindredKinesis
        you're 35 likes late, compadre
        Aug 8, 2016
      2. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        I'm on vacation, I don't have wifi all of the time
        Aug 8, 2016
      3. Malkavian
        Yay congratz Yuno!
        And you're welcome ;)
        Aug 9, 2016
        Yuno F Gasai likes this.
    11. xKindredKinesis
      sometimes i wonder what it would be like if yuno was a futa
      1. Yuno F Gasai likes this.
      2. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        What a pervert
        Aug 8, 2016
        xKindredKinesis likes this.
      3. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        Although I do have a dick
        Aug 8, 2016
        xKindredKinesis likes this.
      4. xKindredKinesis
        now that i think about it more, i'm starting to fear for yukiteru's safety
        Aug 8, 2016
    12. Yuno F Gasai
      Yuno F Gasai
      Romanian girls are cute
      1. Grvphene
        Aug 10, 2016
        Yuno F Gasai likes this.
      2. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        Cutest of them all
        Aug 11, 2016
    13. Gelato 101
      Gelato 101
      Hey Yuno
      1. JustCrona likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        Am Mew
        Aug 8, 2016
      4. Gelato 101
        Gelato 101
        Am Yuno. How am Mew?
        Aug 8, 2016
      5. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        Am Mew is full.
        Am Mew ate dinner.
        Aug 8, 2016
    14. Jamieverse
      Yuno F Gassy
    15. Terezi Pyrope
      Terezi Pyrope
      So you dont care if people call you her or him
      can I call you "it"? :3
      1. Stag2001, JustCrona and XavierEXE like this.
      2. Bio
        Just call Yuno "master" and you'll be fine
        Aug 6, 2016
        Aradia Megido and Yuno F Gasai like this.
      3. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        As long as you're being respectful you may say what you like
        Aug 7, 2016
        Bio likes this.
    16. Yuno F Gasai
      Yuno F Gasai
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Mrs Sara
        Mrs Sara
        Aww sorry xP
        Aug 10, 2016
        Stag2001 likes this.
      3. Stag2001
        its too late ;-;
        Aug 10, 2016
      4. Stag2001
        its stuck in my head already (totally not spamming yuno)
        Aug 10, 2016
    17. kioph
      According to the Georgia guidestones, something big will happen on tisha b'av
      1. Yuno F Gasai
        Yuno F Gasai
        Saint marry's day
        Aug 5, 2016
    18. Yuno F Gasai
      Yuno F Gasai
      The date today is 2^2 / 2^3 / 2^4
      1. View previous comments...
      2. kioph
        I can't wait for 9^11
        Aug 5, 2016
        JustCrona likes this.
      3. Grvphene
        Yep, you can't. The solar system will have ceased to exist at that point in time.
        Aug 5, 2016
        JustCrona likes this.
      4. kioph
        Awwwwwww. It was worth a try
        Aug 5, 2016
    19. Villageacules
      I'm flying to Romania in 32 hours.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Villageacules
        @Slimeonatree57 Slimeontree57 is a lamentably insufferable twit and a heinous air-polluting mean-spirited poltroon.
        Aug 4, 2016
      3. Mistrise Mystic
        Mistrise Mystic
        Gee thanks. You too
        Aug 4, 2016
        blankman likes this.
      4. Yuno F Gasai
        Aug 4, 2016
        blankman likes this.
    20. Yuno F Gasai
      Yuno F Gasai
      I'm flying to Romania in 23 hours.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Hajri
        have safe trip E:
        Aug 4, 2016
      3. kioph
        Oh, your on that flight? I'll call of the hijacking
        Aug 4, 2016
        Stag2001, Power :3 and Yuno F Gasai like this.
      4. huge6446
        Inb4 yuno hijacks the hijackers :3
        Aug 4, 2016
        Power :3 likes this.