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Wynncraft, the Minecraft MMORPG. Play it now on your Minecraft client at (IP): play.wynncraft.com. No mods required! Click here for more info...
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Aug 21, 2024
Nov 25, 2013
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Oct 19, 1990 (Age: 33)


Head Developer/Founder of Wynncraft, Male, 33

Staff Member Admin Developer HERO

Follow me on twitter I guess. https://twitter.com/thejumla Aug 21, 2014

Jumla was last seen:
Aug 21, 2024
    1. bnwilliams
      Jumla i just found out u made it to Jupiter! ;D
    2. YehudaP
      Jumla please check the conversation I made. It's about a bug on the server.
      1. DirtyDoge likes this.
      2. DirtyDoge
        Jul 4, 2016
    3. Justify
      Hey Jumla, my account is glitched and I can't leave my guild ive tried maybe 6 times
      1. Eridan Ampora
        Eridan Ampora
        Looks like you changed your name recently. Guilds are really bugged right now, and if you change your name while in a guild you're stuck there. Has happened to lots of people.
        Jul 4, 2016
        Ascended Kitten likes this.
    4. Ice Guy
      Ice Guy
      Last status update august 22, 2014. What a meme
      1. TempleOfLegends
        Jul 4, 2016
      2. Ice Guy
        Ice Guy
        **Australia is ahead 1 day
        Jul 4, 2016
    5. Marshel
      Julia..I was hacking, I got banned. I deleted all my hacks..I wish I could have a second chance :(... Wynncraft is an awesome server @Dodo Im sorry to.. When I got banned I cried a little..It hurts..
      1. Glitch496
        Jul 2, 2016
        PillowPet, Hexorcism, Stycore and 3 others like this.
      2. DirtyDoge
        Jul 2, 2016
        awemanrank100 likes this.
      3. Marshel
        I did...
        Jul 3, 2016
    6. Knifemaster47
      I know but I forgot the email I couldn't remember which email it was
      1. DirtyDoge
        Tip: Use the blue "comment" button on your post, to notify the people who tried to help.
        Jul 2, 2016
    7. Knifemaster47
      Hi jumla I was wondering if I could actually get my old donner rank back. You see I use to have the username knifeman46 and I was vip rank but my computer had reset and lost the password to my account. And so I made a new one but I think I should get my rank back cause that will be $25 wasted that I used on that account that I can't use now. So I would really apreceat it if you just have my vip rank back.
      1. MinerDwarf222
        Don't you have the email it was related to? If so you can get the password back...
        Jun 30, 2016
      2. Zelefant
        There is a FORGOT PASSWORD button. Use it.
        Jun 30, 2016
      3. Knifemaster47
        the email it was used for is long gone my dad got a new email and has no access to the old one
        Oct 21, 2018
    8. meolord
      Hi Jumla! I need help from developer of the plugins for my maths project! I am trying to find the formula which is linked to wynncraft skill system! I tried to figure it out myself for three weeks and even asked my maths teacher, it finds out it’s a geometric addition sequence. There is much more for me to explain to you and if you are interested, please let me know! Thanks for reading this post!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Jumla
        There's not a specific formula linked to that system - it's made by game masters who define it manually.
        Jun 29, 2016
      3. Zelefant
        Jun 29, 2016
      4. meolord
        Oh. I imagine it was annoying doing all skill points to skill % manually... well the graphI have does have a certain pattern for sure, which does mean it could have an equation for it. If equation is found, then you can find the formula for it.
        Jul 1, 2016
    9. VillagerFilms
      Hi Jumla...I think WynnCraft is way UNDERRATED!! WynnCraft deserves ALOT more players....and I mean...like 10,000 player on per day! Cuz WynnCraft is the best!! Again, thank you for making it. So...about the underrated thing...can I give out shirts with the WynnCraft logo for free? (To get the WynnCraft population up ALOT)...Thanks!
      1. Creecreeprs and Yuno F Gasai like this.
    10. NeiiZeN
      so i ask a Mod (Mekyr) and we try to reinstall minecraft, to teleport me in the worlds but nothing work and he tell me to contact you to resolve the problem.
      PS : sorry for my english, i'm French
      1. snowy-
        aime tu les chevre saller comme salted?
        Jun 27, 2016
      2. DirtyDoge
        TIP: If you wish to have a part 2 on a profile comment because you run out of characters to use, use the blue "comment button next to your "Part 1"
        Jul 2, 2016
    11. NeiiZeN
      i have a problem with my rank, i was banned for a chargeback so i contact the support to explain that it's not me but a thief so they put me my VIP rank and unban me, but i don't have the rank and i can only connect on the lobby because when i'm connect on a world i fell in the void and i can't do any command ( only /lobby).
    12. VillagerFilms
      Hi. This server is one of the best inventions since breathing!!!!!..!!!!!!!! I mean, its absolutely amazing!!!!! Thank you soooo much for making it!!!!!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. VillagerFilms
        I thought it was invented by god...
        Jun 9, 2016
      3. Mistrise Mystic
        Mistrise Mystic
        Bad news: God doesn't exist. Aliens invented breathing when they populated Earth with animals as an experiment, and are now controlling everything on Earth.
        Jun 12, 2016
        DirtyDoge and XavierEXE like this.
      4. Mistrise Mystic
        Mistrise Mystic
        Luckily, I know that tin foil hats are the only way to protect against their mind control. VIVA LA RESISTANCE!
        Jun 12, 2016
        DirtyDoge and XavierEXE like this.
    13. Kepler_17c
      Hi Jumla, I'm currently in the lobby with you and you don't answer me again.
      I need some information about horses.
      Pls join my conversation

      edit: it's for the wiki page
      why I ask you? -> it's plugin related so I need your permission
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Kepler_17c
        very nice explanation though it is not what I'd like to know
        thy anyway
        for I like programming and IT stuff too it is nice to get some more info about how this actually works behind what we see in the game

        I posted the exact information in a conversation which I invited Jumla to
        posting it here would give a whole bunch of msgs that wouldn't help
        so my post here was another try to reach him
        Jun 6, 2016
      3. Zelefant
        you do know jumla would NEVER reply to you...?
        Jun 7, 2016
      4. HeroWise
        ye never know
        Jumla was Active a lot in the forums and helping coders out there!
        Jun 7, 2016
    14. dead zeffe
      dead zeffe
      1. Creecreeprs likes this.
      2. Soviet Union
        Soviet Union
        That means hello right?
        May 29, 2016
      3. dead zeffe
        dead zeffe
        Yeah XDDDDDDDDDD
        May 29, 2016
        le_mega_barbare likes this.
      4. le_mega_barbare
        "Bonjour" Is more for the mornings
        "Bonne après-midi!" for the afternoon (Nobody freaking uses that)
        And "Bonsoir" for the night-time~ And if you say "Bonjour" to someone and replies with"Bonsoir." you're on the edge to cry and kill that person. #TrueStory
        May 29, 2016
        Creecreeprs and dead zeffe like this.
    15. Coolfood
      Why does no one pray to Jumla?
    16. kioph
      1. Mrs Sara
        Mrs Sara
        Jum-pai? o.o
        May 21, 2016
        XavierEXE and kioph like this.
      2. Nepeta Leijon
        Nepeta Leijon
        Jum-Jum-Pai-Pai? ^u^
        May 21, 2016
        XavierEXE and kioph like this.
    17. Downroar
      Jumla, if you hate potatoes, don't respond to this message.
      1. Qira
        I'm kind enough to have responded for him.
        May 17, 2016
        XavierEXE and Downroar like this.
    18. Soviet Union
      Soviet Union
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Soviet Union
        Soviet Union
        erm wasnt there a load more thing
        May 16, 2016
      3. kioph
        I don't know..
        May 16, 2016
      4. Soviet Union
        Soviet Union
        there its gone now
        May 16, 2016
    19. LotKnockMC
      Coffee just got spilled :P
      1. XavierEXE likes this.
      2. captainganon
        on what?
        May 16, 2016
        XavierEXE likes this.
      3. kioph
        ur mom huehuehuehue
        May 16, 2016
        XavierEXE likes this.
    20. TempleOfLegends
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  • About

    Oct 19, 1990 (Age: 33)


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