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Oct 14, 2014
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April 5
The desert otherworld


The irony is that I love the future, Male, from The desert otherworld

Just made a thread in Nemract's Bar about somewhat I've been up to, check it out maybe. Aug 3, 2017

modern was last seen:
Feb 15, 2024
    1. modern
      1. Coolfood and XavierEXE like this.
      2. modern
        And my 999th, and my 998th, etc.
        May 29, 2016
        XavierEXE and Coolfood like this.
      3. XavierEXE
        Das right
        Xaaaaaaavier did it again
        May 29, 2016
        Coolfood likes this.
      4. Coolfood
        Might as well thank Xavier for all of your likes right now
        May 29, 2016
        modern and XavierEXE like this.
    2. XavierEXE
      *runs into room*
      *runs out of room*
      *trips on shoelaces*
      1. MinerDwarf222, Coolfood and modern like this.
      2. modern
        Lol I was wondering what was up...
        May 29, 2016
        MinerDwarf222 and XavierEXE like this.
      3. XavierEXE
        Shh, I give people likes in groups of 7 at a time.
        Completely normal.
        May 29, 2016
        MinerDwarf222 and Coolfood like this.
    3. modern
      If only I was sc1020
      1. XavierEXE likes this.
      2. Flubby
        Tantibus can only run from his past for so long.
        May 29, 2016
        XavierEXE, Chino and modern like this.
      3. Coolfood
        too modern for me
        May 29, 2016
        XavierEXE and modern like this.
    4. Qira
      The funny thing is your picture is old video game style pixels...
      1. XavierEXE, Coolfood and modern like this.
      2. modern
        Or modern indie game style pixels!
        May 28, 2016
        XavierEXE, SpadenadeZ1 and Qira like this.
      3. SpadenadeZ1
        Or theatrical flop big-screen movie failure: Pixels!.......

        Actually no.

        No that's not the same thing at all.
        May 28, 2016
        XavierEXE and modern like this.
      4. Coolfood
        Or modern old style art!
        May 29, 2016
        SpadenadeZ1, XavierEXE and modern like this.
    5. Loggerhead
      I got Banned on wynncraft, can you accept my ban appeal?
      1. XavierEXE likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. modern
        Yes. This is my serious face.
        May 26, 2016
        Coolfood and XavierEXE like this.
      4. Plasma~
        This is modERN, who is NOT a modERATOR.
        May 28, 2016
      5. Coolfood
        he is, however, a modERNATOR
        May 29, 2016
        Loggerhead likes this.
    6. Coolfood
      I think you'll like the province (mo)Dern
      1. XavierEXE and modern like this.
      2. Flubby
        (That's a) Stretch
        May 25, 2016
        Cow and modern like this.
      3. Coolfood
        May 25, 2016
        XavierEXE likes this.
    7. Kahsol
      how modern is modern?
      1. modern likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Coolfood
        I'm not sure how much of a Coolfood fried bran is! (especially refried)
        May 25, 2016
        XavierEXE and modern like this.
      4. modern
        I wish.

        Or we would, but getting plutonium puts you on at least 8 watchlists.
        May 25, 2016
        XavierEXE and Coolfood like this.
      5. Coolfood
        9, trust me
        May 25, 2016
        XavierEXE and modern like this.
    8. modern
      Hopes you have a nice day. Unless it is STEVE CARLSBERG reading this, in which case leave me alone.
      1. XavierEXE and Coolfood like this.
      2. Coolfood
        what about scott meyer
        May 25, 2016
        XavierEXE likes this.
      3. modern
        I hope Scott Meyer has a great day, and KEEPS WRITING BOOKS. OR ELSE.
        May 25, 2016
        Coolfood and XavierEXE like this.
    9. Coolfood
      Quick, describe me in 1 sentence.
      Need for a signature request
      1. View previous comments...
      2. modern
        The coolest of foods. Knows good comics.
        May 22, 2016
        XavierEXE and Coolfood like this.
      3. Coolfood
        Thanks mod(ern), I'm gonna use that
        May 23, 2016
      4. Coolfood
        first part at least
        May 23, 2016
    10. modern
      Hey, let's vote on what to make my custom title! I will choose anything BUT modern mcmodernface
      1. XavierEXE and Kalmer like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. modern
        That could work
        May 22, 2016
        XavierEXE likes this.
      4. XavierEXE
        Forum Name: modern
        Forum Title: is modern
        May 25, 2016
      5. Kalmer
        "is antiquated" also wouldn't be bad
        May 26, 2016
        modern and XavierEXE like this.
    11. Cow
      1. modern
        Haha close, but I recognized the URL. Been played by that a lot of times.
        May 20, 2016
        Cow likes this.
      2. Cow
        May 20, 2016
        modern likes this.
      3. modern
        That time you got me. But it was with style.
        May 20, 2016
        Cow likes this.
    12. modern
      Switched to @modern to stop the apparent confusion. I am NOT A MODERATOR. Probably. Might be a sleeper agent
      1. XavierEXE likes this.
      2. Mistrise Mystic
        Mistrise Mystic
        Nuuuuuu no more mod jokes D:
        May 20, 2016
        modern, Coolfood and XavierEXE like this.
      3. Coolfood
        RIP mod jokes
        unspecified time in the past - May 19th, 2016
        May 20, 2016
        modern likes this.
      4. modern
        September 11 - May 19. They will be missed
        May 20, 2016
        Coolfood likes this.
    13. Coolfood
      The wynnciphers are intense. I did a brief cursory look over them... and damn! I'd need a large chunk of time and a bunch of wikipedia articles on cryptography to unravel em.
      1. modern likes this.
      2. modern
        I'm sure you could do it!
        May 19, 2016
        Coolfood likes this.
    14. Mistrise Mystic
      Mistrise Mystic
      I just realized
      Modern house
      Either the anti-npcgrain or I'm very, very tired
      1. XavierEXE and Coolfood like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Mistrise Mystic
        Mistrise Mystic
        no, I only realized that modern can be put before house
        May 13, 2016
        XavierEXE and modern like this.
      4. modern
        Haha lol ok
        May 14, 2016
        Mistrise Mystic likes this.
      5. Coolfood
        See, I'm the only one that didn't realize it...
        May 15, 2016
        modern likes this.
    15. modern
      THE NARRATIVE : coming soon
      1. Coolfood likes this.
      2. modern
        I have 25 out of the 40 first chapter panels complete. Should be done sometime this month if I am lucky.
        May 13, 2016
        Coolfood likes this.
      3. Coolfood
        better tag me
        May 15, 2016
        modern likes this.
    16. Coolfood
      You should check out Habitica.
      It's a website that aims to turn your life into an "rpg" to encourage you to finish your stuff and do good habits
      I just started, and so far it seems alright
      1. modern likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. modern
        I'll check it out!
        May 12, 2016
        Coolfood likes this.
      4. Coolfood
        Also, I need a party so I can #rekt bosses and stuff
        May 15, 2016
      5. Coolfood
        To be honest, I'm not too sure if it saves more time than it uses. I'll give it another week to see how it pans out
        May 16, 2016
    17. Coolfood
      If darkness is the absence of light; if cold is the absence of heat; if death is the absence of life; then is evil the absence of good? or is good the absence of evil?
      1. XavierEXE and modern like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Coolfood
        All jokes aside, I really did like that answer. When I first encountered it, I didn't really think about how they were more arbitrary and how often they mix.

        My first thought was on how both selfishness and generosity are human traits that have evolved. I thought about how both did help us survive, and both are innate human traits. In the end, I couldn't come up with an answer that was satisfying
        May 10, 2016
        XavierEXE and modern like this.
      4. modern
        Yeah it always solves questions nicely when you can say "I choose option C: none of the above!"

        This is also why I hate Would you Rathers
        May 10, 2016
        XavierEXE and Coolfood like this.
      5. Coolfood
        Would you rather: answer this question? or not answer it?
        May 10, 2016
        XavierEXE likes this.
    18. Coolfood
      Hey dude, did you see the end to the voting comic? (for willsaveworldforgold of course)
      For me it wasn't very satisfying (probably because I missed most of it)
      I'm honestly confused what link's doing other than, you know, trying to save the world
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Coolfood
        Yeah, I love how the recent comics are going. After the island, the comic started to be a little less WSWFG , you know? Like less of Ardon's sadistic humor and more of story telling. It was still very good just not as good as before when they were all dungeon hopping and stuff.
        Recently, the comic is been getting better, especially with the fear spirit appearing more
        May 6, 2016
        modern likes this.
      3. modern
        I agree. I just hope that we get a Change in scenery soon, as I think the party has outlived south crossing.
        May 6, 2016
        Coolfood likes this.
      4. Coolfood
        True, maybe some adventuring or dungeon crawling would do the trick
        May 6, 2016
    19. modern
      If life is a tightrope, and the end is your death, what happens if you fall?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Nepeta Leijon
        Nepeta Leijon
        Immortality, duh!
        May 5, 2016
        modern likes this.
      3. modern
        You can die young or you can live forever,
        We don't have the power, but we never say never.
        Sitting in a sandpit, life is a short trip
        The musics for the sad man.

        -alphaville, forever young
        May 5, 2016
        Coolfood likes this.
      4. SpadenadeZ1
        You end up falling on the tightrope from the top of the screen because cartoon physics.
        May 5, 2016
        XavierEXE, Triverr, Bio and 2 others like this.
    20. Coolfood
      I cannot believe I finally, after all these seconds of staring at your profile, just realized what you meant by putting (ern)
      1. XavierEXE and modern like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. modern
        Haha lol really? If it's not that obvious I might change back. I have a feeling some real mods are getting pissed off thinking I am impersonating them.
        May 5, 2016
        Coolfood likes this.
      4. Coolfood
        XD, it's pretty obvious. For some reason I just kept staring at ern and thinking that was a reference or something. I'm sure most people got it instantly
        May 5, 2016
        XavierEXE and modern like this.
      5. modern
        Phew. That could have been bad
        May 5, 2016
        Coolfood likes this.
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  • About

    April 5
    The desert otherworld

    Hello there, I am Modern. In other locations I might be seen as Mod, ModernWanderer, ModWanderer, or supreme being.

    - Oct 14, 2014 - joined the forums
    - January, 2014 - actually started to post things
    - April, 2014 - forgot about the forums
    - Febuary, 2015 - rejoined the forums
    - Juneish, 2015 - started to work with Eeveelution on "The Fall of Annes" (originally called WynnUnity)
    - 9/7 happens, I lose around 150 posts. Not much
    - September 9, 2015 - I start my first comic, Chronicles of Corruption.
    - November 7, 2015 - Chronicles of corruption is canceled. I have a great die a for a better comic.
    -Jan 11, 2016 - I create Heretic Gods, a short lived but fun Forum Game RPG.
    - April 3, 2016 - I create WynnCiphers, a code based forum game where people solve complex codes made by me and XavierEXE.
    -May 29, 2016 - I hit 1000 likes! Only 500 posts though...
    - June 1, 2016 - I release THE NARRITIVE, my second comic. It took almost a year of development. It is currently running.
    -September 20, 2047 - I disappear, never to be seen again.


    Name: Modern
    Gender: Male I guess...
    Age: older then you
    Location: Seattle
    Class: Arcane Trickster
    Alignment: Neutral Good

    Programming, game design, writing, kayaking, analyzing plot structures, codes/ciphers, extensive knowledge of categorizing by genre, skiing, drawing pixel art, drawing hyper-realistic.

    Favorite movies:
    The Princess Bride
    Bill and Ted's excellent adventure

    Favorite books:
    Ready Player One
    Master of Formalities
    Killing Floor Blues

    Favorite TV Shows:
    Brooklyn 99

    Things I have made:
    THE NARRATIVE (my comic! Check it out!)
    A few video games, all pretty shit
    Co-created The Fall of Annes Wynncraft Fan Game
    Chronicles of Corruption (cancelled)

    Things I am making:
    A short story by the working title of CyberCops
    A game called "defender of the polyverse 3: return of the cone"

    My fatal weaknesses:
    Knives to the chest
    Old age

    Things I'm immune to:
    Subtle meanings (don't hide what you really mean around me, I won't understand)
    Flirting (seriously this has happened to me so many times now where I only realize someone was flirting with me hours afterwards)
    People judging me (think a low blow at my personality will make me mad? Leave me heartbroken? Nope. Don't care what you think about me.)
    Bullets (maybe? Untested.)

    Things you should do: (in my opinion)
    Be more open to others opinions
    Dont judge a entire group by the minority of them.
    Listen to Welcome To Night Vale
    Sacrafice a goat to me every other full moon.

    Anything else I should add? Just tell me!


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