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Wynncraft, the Minecraft MMORPG. Play it now on your Minecraft client at (IP): play.wynncraft.com. No mods required! Click here for more info...
Yeet Skeet, Male, from California
Haha dem boyz Jul 29, 2016
- ThugLeef was last seen:
- Feb 17, 2021
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What the heck did you just hecking say about my archer class, you little lvl 8 warrior? I’ll have you know I am the highest level of my guild in the ______, and I have researched 325 hours into lore, and I have over 300 PVP kills. I am mastered in armor builds and I’m the highest archer in the entire Wynncraft community. You are a nothing but another low leveled noob still doing quests like “Mushroom man” and an easy target to fight in.I swear on Bob’s Tomb, I will kill you in a duel in one hit with a mythic that you have never laid eyes on before. You think you can get away on this server asking me if I need a scroll to detlas? Think again, noob. As we speak I am skyping with head admins and guild members to track your IP and stalk you down in quests until you are banned kiddo for disrespecting my high leveled class. A storm is coming and you better be prepared. The arrow storm that will wipe out your leather cap and oak wood spear into the nether lava where you will never see it again. You’re screwed, noob. My speed build can be anywhere, anytime, and I can shoot you down in 50 different spells that you couldn’t even name and that’s just with a level 75 bow. Not only am I high experienced in archer combat, but I have extensive experience in every class and will wipe your dumb one class ass back to Mineplex where you belong, you dumb noob. If only you could of never made the highly “clever” humiliating comment of my tolerance in knowing the Wynncraft map to ask me such stupid questions, maybe you would continue to grind to lvl 10 instead. But no, you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now that will cost all your emeralds, you dummy head. I will pour the spell damage of my highly level mythic all over you until you drown in the largest seas of Wynn. Your soul points are gone, kiddo. - Loading...