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Aug 25, 2024
Jul 6, 2015
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January 1
Ruins of Detlas
Inactive Warrior


Eternally Inactive, Male, from Ruins of Detlas


Tfw you’re slowly becoming semi-active again after a 4-year “short break.” Nov 30, 2020

CheesePrince13 was last seen:
Aug 25, 2024
    1. Zitrine
      time to come back brother? another 4 year break has been!
    2. CheesePrince13
      Tfw you’re slowly becoming semi-active again after a 4-year “short break.”
      1. Kahsol likes this.
    3. Hiryu
      first post on your profile in forever? hahaha
      1. CheesePrince13 likes this.
      2. CheesePrince13
        Indeed lol. When you’ve been inactive since like 2016, people tend to forget you exist. You and Rujala/Zitrine (Old/New Username) are like the only ones who ever comment on my profile at this point lol.
        Sep 14, 2020
        Hiryu likes this.
    4. Hiryu
      well, it's been a while my fellow artist ;)
      1. CheesePrince13 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Hiryu
        I guess I improved loads lmao, if you have a discord, I can show you what I've done so far :P
        May 11, 2019
        CheesePrince13 likes this.
      4. CheesePrince13
        I do but I always forget how to add people lol
        May 12, 2019
      5. Hiryu
        find the 'add friend' button (green, hard to miss kek) and type in: Hiryu#6737
        May 12, 2019
        CheesePrince13 likes this.
    5. Zitrine
      1. CheesePrince13 likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. CheesePrince13
        Ah. I'll look into that build to see if it's still legal (armor requirements and such have been changed a lot) but if it isn't, where might I start if I wanted to tweak it to be slightly more combat efficient? Like what skill points would I focus on?

        Also I just sold a Booster Plate ;-;
        Jan 13, 2018
        Zitrine likes this.
      4. Zitrine
        I think I got a spare Booster Plate you could have! And also I have no idea, I just put all my skill points into the required slots so I could have my build.
        Jan 14, 2018
        CheesePrince13 likes this.
      5. Zitrine
        But I propose you should put as much as you can into intelligence as a mage and then depending on what build you wanna go for. I put a lot into intelligence and agility, plus 20 in strength since I needed Aries. Due to the newest patch I have to have 30 in strength to bear Aries so I need to change it a bit. :x
        Jan 14, 2018
        CheesePrince13 likes this.
    6. CheesePrince13
      "Taking a small break from Wynn, but I shall return soon c:" -Jan. 11th, 2016
      1. Hiryu likes this.
      2. CheesePrince13
        2017, still haven't managed that.
        Jan 6, 2017
        Hiryu likes this.
      3. coolname2034
        Hey dats my bday
        Jan 29, 2017
        CheesePrince13 likes this.
    7. CheesePrince13
      Tfw you have to choose between Pokemon or decent grades on Final exams.
      1. Zitrine likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. CheesePrince13
        Ah. Didn’t realize you were in a small town. Yeah, that would make finding people easier. Also 10/10 pun lol. That’s nice though that there aren’t too many blatant homophobes in that area. Would make it a lot more annoying otherwise.
        Dec 16, 2018
        Zitrine likes this.
      4. Zitrine
        Yeah there's like 3 major towns in Sweden, the rest are just... :shrug:
        Dec 17, 2018
        CheesePrince13 likes this.
      5. CheesePrince13
        That’s how it is in my state, lol. If you don’t live in one of the 3 big cities, you’re living in country/redneck territory where hunting, beer, and football reign supreme. I’m so out of place ;-;
        Dec 17, 2018
        Zitrine likes this.
    8. CheesePrince13
      Alolan Raichu honestly might be one of my new favorite Pokemon.
      1. Mrs Sara and Ryuu like this.
      2. Ryuu
        surfing on his own tail, how cool is that
        Nov 20, 2016
        Mrs Sara and CheesePrince13 like this.
    9. CheesePrince13
      Dat feel when Wynn has DXP weekend while League has an IP Boost weekend. Decisions ;-;
      1. Naraka00 likes this.
      2. deadluke
        Ew League
        Sep 17, 2016
        CheesePrince13 likes this.
      3. CheesePrince13
        Basically. Revolting community but decent game.
        Sep 17, 2016
        deadluke likes this.
    10. CheesePrince13
      Totally not inactive.
      1. Naraka00 likes this.
      2. CheesePrince13
        College = R.I.P. free time
        Sep 12, 2016
        Naraka00 likes this.
    11. abandoned
      Hello orange.
      1. CheesePrince13 likes this.
      2. CheesePrince13
        Aug 18, 2016
        abandoned likes this.
      3. abandoned
        Hello :>
        Aug 18, 2016
        CheesePrince13 likes this.
    12. Hiryu
      Sup :D
      1. CheesePrince13
        Oh. Apparently I haven't been on today, lol. Not much. Been keeping an eye on Sun and Moon news and watching Fire Emblem Fates gameplay all day. Just nerd stuff.
        Aug 16, 2016
        Hiryu likes this.
      2. Hiryu
        HAH, NE- cool :P
        Aug 17, 2016
        CheesePrince13 likes this.
      3. CheesePrince13
        And I forgot to mention, but while I was inactive on here I drew Juvia. Not the best, but not bad I guess. I like the Natsu drawing better.

        Edit: Hmm. It's on my imgur so actually I might have mentioned it. Shouldn't be on there otherwise
        Aug 24, 2016
        Hiryu likes this.
    13. CheesePrince13
      Replaying Pokemon Firered and currently suffering from a severe case of nostalgia overload. Send help.
      1. Hiryu likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. CheesePrince13
        Can confirm: was in a coma for more than 2 weeks.
        Send help.
        Dec 5, 2016
      4. IggyBoii
        i got pokemon sun :P
        Dec 13, 2016
        CheesePrince13 likes this.
      5. CheesePrince13
        Moon version is best version.
        Dec 14, 2016
    14. CheesePrince13
      A "small break" turned into a much larger break than I expected XD
      1. Hiryu likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Hiryu
        Your back :D, and maybe I can help you
        May 10, 2016
        CheesePrince13 likes this.
      4. CheesePrince13
        I have tried to check the forums every now and then at least. I still like the community but my best class being unplayable kinda killed the server for me.
        May 10, 2016
        Hiryu likes this.
      5. CheesePrince13
        Might need help with that build thing now lol. Finally being at least somewhat active again since I've been on doing Discoveries and shit lol.

        Totally didn't take almost a full year after this comment to be semi-active again lol.
        Jan 12, 2018
    15. Hiryu
      You spark my interest in anime/manga drawing, I actually don't know how to draw like yours (It's literally almost the same as the real image)
      So, followed ya
      1. CheesePrince13 likes this.
      2. CheesePrince13
        That's because I can't draw from memory so I have to draw based off of a picture. So what all I can draw is based off of what pictures I can find for each character. I don't have the memory nor the skill to just draw a character. I would mangle the outfits and they would also lose a lot of detail XD
        Jan 21, 2016
        Hiryu likes this.
      3. CheesePrince13
        Just realized that in order to draw Dragon Force Natsu I have to draw flames ;-;

        I have only ever drawn good flames once before and it was a very minor part of the drawing.
        Jan 26, 2016
        Hiryu likes this.
      4. Hiryu
        Lemme give you a example, I plan to do a remastered drawing on my manga art thread
        Jan 27, 2016
        CheesePrince13 likes this.
    16. Kahsol
      "Did you hear what they said about the Cheese Prince and his collection of cheese?"....."They said he was so...CHEESY!"
      1. Eirika & Ephraim
        Eirika & Ephraim
        So cheesy it's good.
        Jan 17, 2016
        CheesePrince13 and Kahsol like this.
      2. Papa Jon
        Papa Jon
        I love you, so much right now.
        Jan 17, 2016
        CheesePrince13 likes this.
      3. CheesePrince13
        "They said he was so... *PROUD!"
        I fixed it :3
        Jan 17, 2016
        Kahsol and Papa Jon like this.
    17. CheesePrince13
      Taking a small break from Wynn, but I shall return soon c:
      1. Wynslow likes this.
    18. Zuikaku_
      orange boy
      1. CheesePrince13 and LoveLusting like this.
      2. CheesePrince13
        XD At last, someone recognizes it.
        Jan 7, 2016
    19. yotamdin
      You may be the cheese prince, BUT I AM THE CHEESE KING!!
      1. CheesePrince13 likes this.
      2. CheesePrince13
        Kings, throughout history, often ended up useless parasites; sitting on a throne giving orders, while doing nothing themselves. Princes, on the other hand, would participate in combat to prove their birthright. That's part of why I picked Prince instead of King :p
        Feel free to be the King. I shall eternally be the Prince. The herald of the age that follows your demise :3
        Hehehe... c:
        Jan 1, 2016
        yotamdin likes this.
    20. Alexandress
      Happy Birthday to you! :D (Happy New Year tho)
      1. CheesePrince13 likes this.
      2. CheesePrince13
        Just realized I never said Thank You 3:
        Feb 1, 2016
        Alexandress likes this.
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  • About

    January 1
    Ruins of Detlas
    Inactive Warrior
    Why are you stalking my page.

    when I'm actually active I tend to leave walls of text all over the forums. Sorry about that. I try to provide quality feedback and responses, so posts can get quite lengthy at times depending on the topic involved.

    Additionally, I'm not always the biggest fan of player interaction. If I ignore you in-game especially in a city, it's nothing personal. I tend to favor the 'RPG' aspect above portions of the 'MMO' aspect. Therefore, I'm not big on stuff like trading and economy. Also it's hard to understand the economy when you go inactive for months years at a time :3

    I’ve been mostly inactive since about 2016, so for the most part I’m unfamiliar with anything in Wynn added since then, so apologies if anyone has to walk me through using new features, lol

    My Classes:
    Old Main Class: Warrior - Lvl. 92
    Main Class: Summoner Shaman - Lvl. 87
    Archer - Lvl. 41
    New Sub(?) Class: Mage - Lvl. 37
    Dank Wizard - Lvl. 27
    Skyseer - Lvl. 27
    (Bank) Ninja - Lvl. 17
    Knight - Lvl. 14
    (Bank) Hunter - Lvl. 13
    Assassin - Lvl. 12
    Skyseer - Lvl. 12
    Warrior - Lvl. 7

    Seriously though, get off my page :3

    Other Games I Play:
    Monster Hunter
    League of Legends




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