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Build Wilshelm Peaks (build & Attached Quest)

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by modern, Sep 8, 2015.

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  1. modern

    modern The irony is that I love the future

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    Hi! I made a quest for a Gm application, and I wanted to show it off! After making this quest, I got a urge to build something. So I built the area the quest is in and the quest itself! Please give feedback!
    (I was unsure of whether to put this in suggestions or your work but it fits here more)

    Area lore: Wilshelm Peaks


    Wilshelm Peaks is a small mountainous valley high up in a mountain range. The only ways to it are from a few small passes scattered around the mountains. The strange thing about this valley is that it is surrounded by a bunch of opaque crystal formations that jut out from the surrounding mountainside. A long time ago an enterprising scientist found a way to convert the crystal into a glowing stone. The stone had no obvious draws of power from anywhere, so it became very popular as a source of lighting. Due to increasing crystal mining, landslides were common, and as a result a great monster was woken from a hundred year slumber, came down from his mountaintop cave, and killed everyone in the valley. He then settled down inside the crystal processing plant and went back to sleep. Years later a settler caravan came into the valley and settled down. They had one person who knew how to harvest the crystal, so they started doing it, careful to only mine surface crystals in order to keep the beast in its slumber.

    Area Mobs:

    Young Beholders:

    Level: 50

    Floating heads of an eye skin

    Ranged, flying. (Shoots exp)

    Can use meteor spell every 10 seconds for triple normal damage.

    Health: 205 Damage: 85-96

    Blizzard Spawn:

    Level: 48

    Mele, non-flying

    Can use ice snake spell every 15 seconds for no damage.

    Health: 520 Damage: 28-67, VERY SLOW (slowness 2 applied)

    The quest: Glowing rocks.

    Quest level: 50

    Step 1: Talk to mayor Helman.



    Mayor Helman is the mayor of the new town of Wilshelm, named after the valley itself. It has been three years since they have found and settled the valley.

    BEFORE LEVEL 50: Helman: A visitor? When you are level 50 make sure to speak to me!


    Helman: An adventurer in my humble town?

    Helman: I have been looking for someone like you!

    Helman: Lominda, the woman who runs our glow rock business, is in quite a predicament.

    Helman: Unfortunately, she is too stubborn to say so!

    Helman: Her son recently died of an illness, and she needed him to harvest an herb that turns the crystals in this valley into glowrock.

    Helman: Do you think you could get some and bring it to her? I would pay you greatly for this.

    Helman: You will! Great! The herbs are found in a pass up above the valley, called Goldwin’s pass. Make sure to keep it a surprise.

    Step 2: Find the herbs.

    You go up a winding pass to find a small clearing with many flowers. The flowers drop light blue dye, called “Goldwin’s herb”.




    Step 3: Talk to Lominda.

    You then head back to town, into a shop called “GlowRock”. Lominda sits inside, behind a counter.


    Lominda: Hello there Sweetie! Did you come for some GlowRock?

    (You give her the herbs)

    Lominda: Oh, Goldwin’s Herb? Did Helman put you up to this? That sly old…

    Lominda: Well, while this is very sweet of him, the herb is only one of the ingredients.

    Lominda: What I have actually ran out of is the solution to melt the crystal, and that is much harder to get.

    Lominda: Actually, I don’t know how to get it!

    Lominda: I got all of mine from the hermit on the hill, he used to work at the abandoned factory.

    Lominda: Could you go and see if he has any left?

    Step 4: Talk to the hermit

    You travel up a rickety stairway into a cave. It is quite nice, and he has a few emerald blocks in the corner of the cave. His name is Hermit Delven



    Delven: Who are you? Come to steal my fortune?

    Delven: Hehehe the dissolving solution? Ive got none left.

    Delven: Perhaps you could make more?

    Delven: I think there was once a machine that made it in the abandoned factory, but who knows?

    Delven: Regardless, I am certain I do not know that the combination for the machine is down up up up.

    Delven: There also might be a monster in the factory. Did you think those businessmen would just up and leave this goldmine?

    Delven: Come to think of it, they never did leave… hehehe

    Delven: Well, off to it you! Remember, waking the monster is a good idea!

    Step 5: find the solution

    You travel into the manufactory, going past many collapsed hallways. There are two open hallways, one leads to an empty room partially collapsed, with a hint to take the upstairs hallway, and the other goes past the monsters den (You have to fight him to get to the machine) and then to the machine, where you put in the password and get the solution.





    Prince Beholder:

    Flying, ranged (shoots firework stars)

    Can use super flame thrower every 8 seconds

    Lots of health (boss) most damage is from flame thrower.

    (note: I do not know the general health and plan for bosses or minibosses, so I left full stats blank)



    Step 6: Talk to Lominda

    You head back to the town one last time, and talk to Lominda, handing her the solution.


    Lominda: It cannot be true…

    Lominda: You found some solution!

    Lominda: Thank that crazy Hermit Delven!

    Lominda: That fool has enough money, but I will give you some money for your hard work!

    Lominda: Make sure to come back if you ever need any GlowRock!



    thanks for reading!

    huh, for some reason the images broke. You can view them all on imgur here:
    (slightly out of order)
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2015
    Dijkkla, Chino, funnysillyman and 2 others like this.
  2. eeveelution

    eeveelution Wynn Veteran/OG VIP+

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    Awesome build and nice quest! But what are the rewards? Where exactly on the current map is it located (maybe add a link to the point)? If you have time and really want to improve your chances then maybe say which sounds and at what pitch the mobs make, as lots of applicants just ignore that part. Also, you can base your boss stats off of this: https://wiki.wynncraft.com/index.php/List_of_Mobs
  3. DaCorruption

    DaCorruption Serves Dern.

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    Awesome idea.
  4. modern

    modern The irony is that I love the future

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    I was never really thinking of it being in the actual wynncraft area, but if it was I would say it can only be assessed by a pass in the mountain border behind the ice nations.
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