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Guide Comprehensive Guide on Lootrunning (for noobs/returning players)

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by KingOfTheDarks, Feb 6, 2025.

  1. KingOfTheDarks

    KingOfTheDarks Travelled Adventurer

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    Finally finish all quests and want to try lootruning?
    Have an awesome build but need mythics for it?
    This guide will run you through everything you need to start gaining some mythics!

    If you want to go straight to strategies and builds, scroll to the bottom.

    What is lootrunning and how to start?
    Lootrunning is a fast-paced endgame activity, where you complete challanges and missions for a huge reward at the end.

    Lootpool = What can you except from the end reward chest.
    End reward chest = The chest at the end of the lootrun.
    You can start a lootrun at one of 5 lootrun camps, each with different lootpools to offer.

    Canyon of the lost (cotl) camp at [575, 78, -5025] Nearest city: Thesead
    Molten heights camp at [1270, 10, -5130] Nearest city: Rodoroc
    Corkus island camp at [-1560, 97, -2675] Nearest city: Corkus city
    Sky islands camp at [1035, 135, -4420] Nearest city: Ahmsord
    Silent Expanse camp (se) at [990, 77, -785] Nearest city: Lutho

    BEFORE you can lootrun you will need to complete a set of caves and usually a quests. Thats to insure that certain places aren't quest-locked or new to the player.

    Every week the lootpool is updated and can be seen from the lootrun chests at any camp or visit https://nori.fish/wynn/item/lootpool/ to view each's lootpool.

    Only mythics that are used by meta are listed here.
    In each section, the mythics are ordered from highest to lowest in terms of prices on trade market.
    1)Crusade Sabatons
    2) Warchief
    3) Stardew
    4) Moontower
    5 )Slayer
    6) Revenant
    1) Hero
    2) Idol
    3) Guardian
    1) Warp
    2) Fatal
    3) Lament
    5) Quetzalcoatl
    1) Nrivana
    2) Oblivion
    3) Weathered
    1) Epoch
    2) Grandmother
    3) Divzer
    4) Spring
    1) Absolution
    2) Olympic
    3) Hadal
    When first starting a lootrun, you will be transported to silverbull's HQ to sign up to their lootrunning division. This DOESN'T affect your raiding division. Like raiding, you will need to level up in this divsion to gain new kinds of challenges which we will talk about next.
    What do you do during a lootrun?
    When you start a lootrun, you will be offered a number of different challenges, each with different objectives ranging from: Looting a cave, defeating waves of mobs/a boss, defending/destroying an objective. You need to do as many challenges as you can before the time hits 0.
    The maximum amount of challenges u can do is 100.
    Curse = Buff to mobs.
    Boon = Buff to the player.
    1Pull = 1 end reward chest (big yellow chest) reward.
    Each challenge after completing will reward the player with :

    1. a challenge reward chest (in the case of caves it's its chest)
    2. +1 pull
    3. +2 mins on the timer (caps at 15 mins, if the timer is over 15 mins only 1 second is gained)
    4. a 50% buff to mob's hp + a 30% buff to mob's damage (called mob scaling)
    alongside an effect to the player/mobs/beacons based on the color of the beacon.

    Blue --> Offers the player to choose between 3 buffs
    Purple --> Gives a curse (buffs mobs) and gives +1 pull
    Green --> Gives 2 min extra time (can surpass the 15 min limit, but the challenges after will only give +1 sec if that happens)
    Yellow --> Alongside the reward chest, 1 flying chest will appear, which has more loot than normal
    Orange --> After this challenge, you will have +1 beacon choice for the next 5 challenges
    Aqua --> Doubles the effects of the next beacon
    White --> Gives +5 extra challenges (caps at 1)
    Grey --> Offers the player to choose between 3 missions (caps at 3)
    Dark grey --> gives 3 curses and +3 pulls (caps at 1)
    Red --> Gain +2 challenges, but the next 2 challenges you complete will not give any extra time
    Rainbow --> Rarest beacon, it will make it so only Vibrant beacons will appear in the next 10 challenges.

    If a beacon is a Vibrant beacon, then its effect will be doubled.
    Only exception is with blue and grey beacons, where it's capped at 5 max boons/missions offered per blue/grey beacon.

    The same cycle is repeated for each challenge onward until you end/fail your lootrun.
    At any point in the lootrun if you wish to end it you can go back to the lootrun master at the camp and surrender the run.
    The lootrun can also end if the timer hits 0.
    It's possible fail a lootrun in two different ways:
    - Surrendering/Timer hitting 0 when less. than 4 challenges have been done.
    - Failing too many challenges.
    In the case of failing a lootrun, you will not receive any rewards.
    What are missions?
    Missions are little side quests you can do during your lootrun, which when completed reward the player with a buff during the lootrun or gives Rerolls or Sacrifices (will talk about them in a separate part) at the end of you run, sometimes both.

    Treasure Hunting--> Red Beacons will reward 1 Boon out of 2.
    Stasis--> While picking a Beacon, your timer does not decrease. (Max 5m)
    Gourmand--> When you get a Boon, get +1 Beacon Reroll.
    Backup Beat--> Every time you add +360s to your timer, gain +1 Beacon Reroll.

    Porphyrophobia--> Blue Beacons now give +1 Pull. Getting offered a Purple Beacon.
    Equilibrium--> After getting 2 Curses, gain a random Boon.
    Orphion's Grace--> Boons are now 50% more effective.
    Inner Peace--> Curses are now half as effective.
    Ultimate Sacrifice--> Gain +1 Sacrifice and +2 Rerolls. When 120s drops on the timer, lose 1 Boon. Gaining time can delay this.
    Safety Seeker--> Get -1 Beacon Choice, +1 Sacrifice and +2 Rerolls.
    Redemption--> Gain +1 Sacrifice.
    High Roller--> Gain +2 Rerolls.
    Cleansing Ritual--> After finishing a Challenge, consume 1 Curse to gain +1 Challenge.

    Cleansing Greed --> After opening a Flying Chest, remove one of your Curses.
    Materialism--> All Challenges now additionally have the Yellow Beacon effect. Yellow Beacons cannot appear anymore.
    Hoarder--> After every time you are offered 20 items from Chests, get a random Boon.
    Jester's Trick--> After being offered 20 Items from Flying Chests, randomly get +3 Pulls, +1 Boon, +1 Curse, or +30s.
    gives you +1 Curse.
    Complete Chaos--> After finishing a Challenge, get an 80% chance to gain an additional random Beacon reward.
    Chronokinesis--> Chests now give +1 Pull, but consume 10s (+5s per chest) from your Timer. Completing a challenge reduces this penalty by -10s.
    Gambling Beast--> After finishing a Challenge, consume 300s from your timer and gain +1 Reroll.
    Warmth Devourer--> Blue Beacons cannot appear anymore. After finishing a Challenge, consume 1 Boon and 1 Challenge to gain +1 Sacrifice.
    I have color coded the missions to display how good they are:

    RED --> NEVER take. they are objectively bad missions.
    ORANGE--> Also not good but if you're forced to take them.
    YELLOW --> Alright missions, not too bad and not too good.
    BLUE --> Great missions, should take always UNLESS you're doing another strategy.
    GREEN --> Not great on their own. They need other green missions to be worth it.
    PINK --> Good side-missions. They don't affect your lootrun and can get you extra free pulls. Take over red, orange, and yellow missions
    BLACK --> ONLY TAKE THOSE IF YOU ARE ENDING YOUR RUN. These missions are run killers.
    Depending on what missions you get you can play your lootrun differently.
    We will talk about strategies later.
    I completed my lootrun, now what?
    Now that you done your lootrun and ended your run, you can claim the pulls you got from it!

    Since the chest has only 36 slots, you might worry that some of your loot is gone, but don't worry! The game only gives you the best rewards, so you will not miss out on any mythics.
    If you happen to have got Rerolls or Sacrifices, here is what they do:

    Rerolls allow you to, well, reroll your rewards if the first one wasn't good

    Sacrifices allow you to save some of the pulls to the next lootrun you complete.
    So for example, if you got 100 pulls but the reward wasn't to your liking, then you can sacrifice and not get anything this run, so that the next lootrun you do ON THE SAME CAMP will be given those sacrificed pulls
    You might ask, "well what if i have more than one sacrifice? Isn't kinda useless?" no they are very much useful, that's because one sacrifices doesn't not save 100% of your pulls, only 50%, and having more than one sacrifice increases that number!

    1 Sacrifice = 50% pulls saved
    2 Sacrifice = 75% pulls saved
    3 Sacrifice = 87.5% pulls saved
    4 Sacrifice = 93.75% pulls saved

    for the nerdy people, it's the sum of the converging series:
    0.5+0.25+0.125+ ... converging to 1
    because the more sacrifices you have, the less of an effect it has, it's not worth getting more than 3.

    Now that we cleared how we can lootrun, lets go over some builds and strategies.

    I will not provide any assassin builds here because it is not lootrun-worthy, aka doesn't has the damage, movement, or AoE that the other 4 classes have.

    ALSO, you need to be level 105 to use some of these builds, so its worth going on mob grinding parties before you do any lootrunning!!

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Morph-Stardust
    > Morph-Steel
    > Morph-Iron
    > Morph-Gold
    > Morph-Emerald
    > Morph-Emerald
    > Morph-Amethyst
    > Morph-Ruby
    > Collapse [t6t6w6]

    This is the single best budget build for warrior, it only costs a little over 50le only!
    If you cant afford Collapse, then try and get Infidel. You can get it from the Corrupted Sand-Swept-Tomb from the Forgery. This cuts the cost down to a mere 4 le!
    For the damage it gives and the tankniess it has, it's the recommended build for any warrior starting lootrunning.

    • Catamaran
    Your spell cycle for this build is: Bash - War scream - War scream
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Cumulonimbus
    > Conduit of Spirit
    > Sagittarius
    > Capricorn
    > Summa
    > Summa
    > Vortex Bracer
    > Renda Langit
    > Zephra Shredder [a6a6]

    This raid/lootrunning build is a good choice to start with. It costs about 50le total and has amazing walk speed and damage.

    • Catamaran
    • Tidebinder (need guild tome)
    Your spell cycle for this build is: Uppercut - War scream - War scream
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Anamnesis
    > Time Rift
    > Aleph Null
    > Memento
    > Yang
    > Olive
    > Prowess
    > Xebec
    > Infidel [w6w6w6]

    Predecessor of idol palamonk surf, it's an okay budget build for lootrunning and can do some raids.
    (do not do TNA with this build its very challenging)


    • Catamaran
    Follow this video for the spell cycle:
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Keratoconus
    > Time Rift
    > Sagittarius
    > Capricorn
    > CR-19i9i9i9i9i9S9m51
    > CR-19i9i9i9i9i9S9m51
    > CR-19i9i9i9i9i9S9c51
    > Renda Langit
    > Hero [a6a6a6a6]

    This is the build you want to aim for after saving up enough emeralds.
    In total this build will cost you about
    6-10 stx to build (1stx = 64le)

    It has amazing walk speed, great sustain with fallen's intoxicating blood ability, and great in raids too!

    • Idol
    Your spell cycle for this build is: Uppercut - War scream - War scream
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Keratoconus
    > Time Rift
    > Sagittarius
    > Capricorn
    > Yang
    > Yang
    > Vortex Bracer
    > Renda Langit
    > Hero [a6a6a6a6]

    The same build as the last but without the crafted items.
    It has more walk speed but less damage.


    • Idol
    Your spell cycle for this build is: Uppercut - War scream - War scream
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Anamnesis
    > Time Rift
    > Aleph Null
    > Stardew
    > Yang
    > Moon Pool Circlet
    > Prowess
    > Diamond Hydro Necklace
    > Idol [a6t6e6]

    If you happen to only have an Idol and no Hero, then you can use this surf build.
    It has alot less walk speed but very good mobility with charge.

    • Catamaran
    Overall, not recommended unless at gun point.

    Tutorial video:
    In all fallen builds you want to use the following aspects if you have them (not needed but recommended):
    • Fallen's Embodiment of Blind Fury (Fallen mythic aspect)
    • Aspect of Steel Chords (War scream/Air shout Range)
    • Aspect of the Megaphone (Air shout AoE)
    • Aspect of Skyward Strikes (Uppercut AoE)
    In all palamonk builds you want to use the following aspects if you have them (not needed but recommended):
    • Battle Monk's Embodiment of Complete Synchrony
      (Battelmonk mythic aspect)
    • Aspect of Rallying Fervor (Sacred Surge cost reduction)
    • Aspect of Steel Chords (War scream/Air shout Range)
    • Aspect of the Megaphone (Air shout AoE)
    • Aspect of Earthshaking (Bash AoE)
    You can find which aspects are in rotation at: https://nori.fish/wynn/aspects/

    It is not recommended to play any of the budget builds for the sole reason that they mostly suck.
    You're going to get much better results playing with real builds.
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Gale's Sight
    > Echoes of the Lost
    > Sagittarius
    > Skidbladnir
    > Ingress
    > Old Keeper's Ring
    > Vortex Bracer
    > Necklace of a Thousand Storms
    > Morrowind [a6a6a6]

    Starting with morrowind for mage, it costs about 20-30le to set up and has great walk speed + great tp cost.
    Lacks in terms of dps and mana sustain, so focus on these first as boons.
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Splintered Dawn
    > Wanderlust
    > Vaward
    > Steamjet Walkers
    > Olive
    > Old Keeper's Ring
    > Pandemonium
    > Contrast
    > Cascade [w6w6t6]

    If you got a bit more money you can use cascade instead, costing about 40-50le.
    Has great walk speed and tp cost too.

    And has better overall dps and qol (Quality of Life).
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Brainwash
    > Sparkling Plate
    > Runebound Chains
    > Slayer
    > Summa
    > Old Keeper's Ring
    > Vindicator
    > Gigabyte
    > Fatal [t6t6t6]

    Starting with mythics, fatal is the highest dps arcanist wand in the game, and same goes for it in lootrunning.

    Although not great walk speed, it has amazing meteor damage and tp cost, and definitely the comfiest to play with.

    Sadly, this build needs a guild tome to play so consider joining a guild before buying this build.
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Aquamarine
    > Time Rift
    > Dark Shroud
    > Earthsky Eclipse
    > Ingress
    > Old Keeper's Ring
    > Prowess
    > Diamond Hydro Necklace
    > Quetzalcoatl [a6a6a6a6]

    If u want more walk speed for less damage, then this is the build you want.

    It has good dmg meteors + 8 tp cost + 95% walk speed. Great for its price

    Again this needs a guild tome too.
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Aquamarine
    > Discoverer
    > The Ephemeral
    > Moontower
    > Yang
    > Old Keeper's Ring
    > Vindicator
    > Contrast
    > Warp [a6a6a6]

    This is the go-to build if your looking to go all out on mage lootrunning.
    Unlike the previous 2, this build is made for the purpose of finding mythics in loot chests instead of the end reward chest, a strategy which we will take about next.

    In all arcanist builds you want to use the following aspects if you have them (not needed but recommended):
    • Arcanist's Embodiment of Total Obliteration (Arcanist mythic aspect)
    • Aspect of Wind Walking (Arcane speed duration)
    • Aspect of the Magic Missile (Psychokinesis range)
    • Aspect of the Apprentice's Bolt (Main attack range)
    • Aspect of the Dimension's Door (Tp range)
    We dont use any light bender builds because they lack AoE attacks.
    For how to play arcanist here is the tutorial (ignore the winded part, you never have enough time to apply it in lootrunning):

    Only mythic builds exist for shaman atm. I don't recommend them unless you're lazy to level up a new class.
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Titanomachia
    > Cannonade
    > Doomsday Omen
    > Crusade Sabatons
    > Photon
    > Bloodborne
    > Provenance
    > Simulacrum
    > Absolution []
    A very tanky build that cant die.
    Prioritizes healing and tankiness over walk speed.
    You can cheap out and get Mantelwalkers from Qira hive from the fire division merchant.


    • Silent Ballet
    • Tremorcaller
    Both of these off hands are needed:
    • Gain height using Silent Ballet, Cycle: Totem --> Haul while looking forward.
    • Move horizontally using Tremorcaller, Cycle: Totem --> Haul a bunch while looking forward.
    The cycle for Absolution:
    Blood sorrow --> Aura --> Aura
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Unravel
    > Conduit of Spirit
    > Pain Cycle
    > Revenant
    > Bloodborne
    > Ingress
    > Double Vision
    > Contrast
    > Olympic [a6a6a6]

    Unlike Absolutions, this buid has alot more walk speed for the price of less ehp.

    • Silent Ballet
    • Tremorcaller
    Both of these off hands are needed:
    • Gain height using Silent Ballet or Olympic, Cycle: Totem --> Haul while looking forward.
    • Move horizontally using Tremorcaller, Cycle: Totem --> Haul a bunch while looking forward.
    The cycle for Olympic:
    Blood sorrow --> Aura --> Aura

    In all acolyte builds you want to use the following aspects if you have them (not needed but recommended):
    • Acolyte's Embodiment of Unwavering Adherence (Acolyte mythic aspect)
    • Aspect of Stances (Masks effects)
    • Aspect of Exsanguination (More blood pool)
    • Aspect of Surging Presence (Aura speed)
    • Aspect of Emanant Force (Totem AoE)

    WynnBuilder build:
    > Spectrum
    > Libra
    > Jungle Rogue
    > Epilogue
    > Intensity
    > Old Keeper's Ring
    > Nebulous
    > Daredevil
    > Freedom [w6t6t6w6]
    WynnBuilder build:
    > Titanomachia
    > Cannonade
    > Jungle Rogue
    > Crusade Sabatons
    > Downfall
    > Old Keeper's Ring
    > Enmity
    > Contrast
    > Labyrinth [f6f6]
    Build will be added soon :like:
    For all archer builds offhand Renegade for movement.

    The cycle for all trapper builds is: Arrow Bomb --> Arrow Bomb --> Arrow Shield

    In all trapper builds you want to use the following aspects if you have them (not needed but recommended):

    • Trapper's Embodiment of Persistence Predation (Trapper mythic aspect)
    • Aspect of Chaotic Demolition (More traps)
    • Aspect of Fragmentation Rounds (More grape bombs)
    • Aspect of Upkeep Charges (Increases bouncing bomb cap)
    • Aspect of Bullet Hell (Increases number of shrapnel Bomb projectiles)

    aqua stack "beacon" --> means to take an aqua beacon before the said beacon
    kill run --> surrender the run
    There are 2 main strategies you can follow in lootrunning, sac stacking and materialism runs.
    Long runs are not worth it since they take a long time and still inferior to sac stacking, which we will take about now:

    This strategy depends on sacrifices and stacking them on several short runs for huge gains at the end.

    It can be played with any of the listed builds.
    The strategy is divided into 2 parts:

    1. Sacrifice Runs: The runs where you grab alot of sacrifice missions to stack them.
    2. The last run: Once you have a good number of pulls , you do your last run, focusing mainly on Reroll missions and nothing else
    For each sacrifice run, do the following:
    1) First 4 challenges:
    • Get blue and orange beacons, and if possible, try to aqua stack oranges.
    • For the mission get one that gives sacrifices.
    • Ultimate Sacrifice, Safety Seeker, Redemption, Warmth Devourer
    2) Second 8 challenges:
    • Try and get a rainbow beacon. After that get an aqua stacked white so u have 42 challenges total.
    • If you fail to get a white beacon, take aqua stacked red.
    • If you don't get a rainbow at all, it's better to kill the run.
    3) 8th - 30th challenge:
    • Try and get and complete all 3 of your missions here since after challenge 30 they don't appear anymore. ONLY GET 3 SACRFICES MISSIONS! Any more gives minimal gain and it's better to get a reroll mission as the fourth mission.
    • If you got an aqua + white beacon in step 2, then get aqua stacked purples with blues in between.
    • If you get an aqua + red in step 2, then get aqua stacked purples, with blues + greens in between.
    4) 30th - 42th challenge:
    • Repeat step 3 and try and complete the fourth mission if you didn't already
    • If you didnt get all 3 missions in time, kill the run.
    • After you do challenge 42, kill the run.
    5) Profit. If you get a mythic (a good one) then you can take it. Otherwise sacrifice and repeat the process again.

    After you get a good number of pulls saved (ideally 150 - 250), you will do one last run, doing the same thing as for a sacrifice run, but prioritizing reroll missions over any other missions.

    If you're unsure how to do this last run still, follow the following:

    1) First 4 challenges:
    • Get blue and orange beacons, and if possible, try to aqua stack oranges.
    • For the mission get one that gives rerolls.
    • Gambling beast, High Roller, Ultimate Sacrifice, Safety Seeker
    2) Second 8 challenges:
    • Try and get a rainbow beacon. After that get an aqua stacked white so u have 42 challenges total.
    • If you fail to get a white beacon, take aqua stacked red.
    • If you don't get a rainbow at all, just get more challenges with aqua stacked reds and white.
    3) 8th - 30th challenge:
    • Try and get and complete all 3 of your missions here since after challenge 30 they don't appear anymore.
    • If you got Gambling beast, then aqua stack greens
    • Otherwise just do what you normally do, making sure to finish all missions before challenge 30.
    4) 30th - 42th challenge:
    • Repeat step 3 and try and complete the fourth mission if you didn't already
    • After you do challenge 42, kill the run.
    • Optionally, you can kill the run after you done all 4 missions.
    5) Profit. :)

    Instead of relying on the end reward chest for mythics, this second strategy utilizes the materialism mission with some other missions and loot bonus boons to gain mythics from challenge reward chests.

    Upside of doing this strategy is that you don't have to worry about the lootpool at all since mythics dropped from chests are completely random.

    It's best played on Warp arcanist, but it can be played also on Fallen hero or Any shaman build by switching the chestplate for Discoverer.

    Here's how it goes:
    1) First 4 challenges:

    • Get blue (focus on loot bonus/quality boons) and orange beacons, and if possible, try to aqua stack oranges.
    • For the best materialism run its best to have all 3 of these missions, but you can get away without having all of them.
    • Materialism, Hoarder, Cleansing Ritual
    • If you dont get one of these missions, it's best to kill the run and try again.
    2) Second 8 challenges:
    • Try and get a rainbow beacon. After that get an aqua stacked white so u have 42 challenges total.
    • If you fail to get a white beacon, take aqua stacked red.
    • If you don't get a rainbow at all, it's better to kill the run.
    3) 8th - 30th challenge:
    • Make sure to get all 4 missions completed in time.
    • If you only get Materialism, aqua stack red beacons, and take occasional blue and green beacons.
    • If you only get Hoarder, aqua stack yellow + red beacons, and take occasional green beacons.
    • If you get Both of these, then only take aqua stacked red beacons, with occasional aqua stacked green beacons.
    • If you get Cleansing Ritual with either of the above missions, drop the red beacons and take aqua purple beacons instead.'
    • If you get lucky and get all 3, then all you need is to aqua stack purple beacons.
    4) 30th - 100th challenge:
    • Unlike sac stacking, you can do this run for as long as you want, the longer the better
    • Make sure to prioritize loot bonus/quality boons, and take damage/health boons occasionally
    5) Profit :)

    That's all you need to know about lootrunning!
    Thanks to Sugov for alot of the builds i sto- i mean borrowed
    This was my first guide so I'm open to suggestions.
    ty and have a nice day :D
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2025 at 8:29 AM
  2. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Thanks for making this guide; I’ve been looking for one for ages. It’s been difficult keeping up with all of the changes to them too. Kinda of a shame though that 4 of the 6 classes still aren’t viable for loot runs :-/
  3. PlasmaWarrior

    PlasmaWarrior Fishomancer HERO

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    6 classes?
  4. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    Oh right 5 my bad lol
  5. KingOfTheDarks

    KingOfTheDarks Travelled Adventurer

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    Technically you can lootrun on other classes, it's just a pain in the ass unfortunately
  6. 5ty4

    5ty4 imagine a chinese person wynning this hard

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    how are you even bashing down on archer when your archer literally just got out of the tutorial

    trapslinger is quite viable (freedom) for lootrunning, with stormy feet and frenzy being arguably the best mobility ability nodes, grapple being faster than teleport if you use a one-spell macro input, and trapper abilities being focused on AOE.
    Tzelofachad likes this.
  7. KingOfTheDarks

    KingOfTheDarks Travelled Adventurer

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    I mean if you happen to have an archer lr build that has moblity, aoe, and dmg, I would be more than happy to add it
  8. Texas

    Texas Travelled Adventurer VIP+

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    Thanks for this guide. I'm sure I'm still going to try and use assassin ignoring how non-viable it is. Maybe one day I'll be not so lazy and level up a warrior for viability..
  9. KingOfTheDarks

    KingOfTheDarks Travelled Adventurer

    Likes Received:
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    • Added shaman builds. atm only Absolution and Olympic
    • Fixed trees of all warrior builds (david the goat fr)
    • Clarified what missions are bad and which are good
    • Clarified Sac stacking strategy
  10. Sugo

    Sugo Tired Tryhard CHAMPION

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    awesome guide! gonna try out the strats here :D
  11. KingOfTheDarks

    KingOfTheDarks Travelled Adventurer

    Likes Received:
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    • Added Archer builds at last, only mythics for now (Freedom, Laby, Strati)
    • Fixed some stuff [​IMG]
    • Send meme assassin builds so my guide is complete pls