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Lore/Story Wynncraft's Magic System 2.0(Fan made)

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Trashiejunkyard, Jan 26, 2025.

  1. Trashiejunkyard

    Trashiejunkyard Well-Known Adventurer

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    A long project to revisit the magic system that I once wrote and expand it more with some refining.

    The General Information
    Basic on Magic
    Magic is ever present in the natural world of Wartorn. These magics appear as invisible forces that control their respective elements or concepts. Manipulating these forces is the base of using magic in the world. Magic in the plane of physicality is essentially a force controlled by reality itself, and its sentience is up to question. Many groups disagree on whether or not it can be sentient.

    All natural phenomenons or disasters like earthquakes, wildfires, lightning strikes, whirlpools, or storms, are caused by magics controlling their respective elements. Oftentimes these events will leave behind traces of leftover magic that will quickly disappear. However, in ideal conditions, magic is able to cultivate and influence its ecosystem and landscape. An example of this would be Gavel; the amount of lodestones existing within the lands allows for a more alien environment compared to that of the Wynn province, which is mostly absent of magical presence.

    Certain materials in the world also have different interactions with magic. As previously mentioned, lodestones are capable of cultivating magic and keeping them from disappearing within its environment. There are also minerals like quartz that are capable of magical absorption that can be suddenly released in an explosive manner. There are many materials out there with interactions that vary between magics of different categories.

    Magic is cast by manipulating the existing magic in the area to control either elements or forces. This results in unchanneled magic being very limited in use at best, and unrefined at worst when trying to control it This can be fixed with the use of wands or other magical tools to direct and store them. This way, magic can always be on hand no matter the location
    Magical Innates
    Every species in the world of Wartorn has a different level of magical innate within themselves. These magical innates also have preferences to certain kinds of magic as well. In general, different species often have different averages of magical prowess between individuals of their population. What this means is, that in rare cases, some individuals in their population like humans can be considered "gifted" compared to their average kin. Still, species play a major part in your innate use of magic.

    Often these magical innates appears as talents. This can range from having better mana capacity in your body to being more efficient in casting. This allows for different species to have different views and uses on different elements or magic as a whole, thus developing their own cultures surrounding it.

    Having low innate is not a strict rule to how well you can cast, and often is simply being used as the foundation for it in sorcery. In very rare cases, having access to special knowledge and training can make one surpass even those species with higher innates. There are also other options where one can enhance their innate skill with artificial practice though this is rarely ever successful and has consequences.

    It's unknown how innates are pass down through generations of evolution, but it has been noticed that those species with a high average of innates in their population often comes from magical lands such as the Gavel province. It’s likely that the environment plays a large part in the innates of the species.

    Otherworldly forces can also disrupt or manipulate these innates as well. Such an example is the corruption being present in Wynn province. It’s been there for so long, that the land itself became even less suitable to sustain magic and even impacted the population of humans as well. Wynnics are known for their lack of magical innates in comparison to their Fruman and Corkian counterparts, though their biology is identical. In other cases, some areas in Gavel also lust with magical presence with the help of mysterious light influence as described by the elves. Not much is known about these said forces.
    Cost of Magic
    Using these invisible forces called magic will always passively put you in communion with the reality/universe that controls these forces to shape up the plane of physicality. It's universal law that in order to manipulate magic, you must have something to "pay" in return to reality. Not abiding by these rules will either result in nothing happening or worse if you try to push it too far. These costs are often the reason why no one in the world can simply set the world on fire, as the cost to perform such an action would be feasibly too large to pay.

    Normally the source of these "currencies" is called mana. Mana is an invisible substance that flows like liquid within a creature's body that they use to perform magic if capable. The source can be replenished once used, and will always replenish to the max capacity that the creature can hold in their body. Excessive mana will exit the creature into the surrounding environment. The rate of replenishment and the amount of mana a creature can hold is dependent on its magical innate. However, overusing mana, especially when the body is empty of it, will result in exhaustion and fatigue mentally, then physically if one still uses it past that point. If it's really overused with something along the lines of performing overly powerful spells, this can result in obliteration of the body.

    There can be other sources that can be used to draw from to cast instead of using your mana. These often act as a third party and are out of your control, but using them will free you of your own limitations and therefore open up more possibilities. These practices to use these outside sources are widely different in the sources itself, rituals in doing it, and even its name- but its most commonly referred to as shamanism.

    Often, the outside sources are from nature itself. For example, druidism uses the excess mana released by life in the environment as payment to perform magic. This often results in inflexible and limited use, but is good for certain spells such as healing to avoid putting strain on the user. For the extreme end, it’d be the sacrifice of lives; ranging from stock lives to lives of sapient beings to do magic. This often results in even greater access to powerful magic usage, even to the point of being able to control the environment itself. It becomes more powerful with more lives used. Obviously, this practice is often looked down upon and discouraged in many cultures despite its capability.

    Besides nature, people can also use artifacts or contraptions as outside mana storage. Which prove to be very useful for those with low inmates. It's become widely used in less magically dense areas like Wynn province. However, the most powerful outside source of all in the physical planes are demons. Due to the nature of demons being sentient, binding your soul to them and using them as source will grant you unlimited and powerful resources to perform spells and sorcery. Though the methods to access demons in the first place are difficult and forbidden in every part of the world. Not to mention the demon can have ownership of your soul after death.

    Category of Magic

    Elemental Magic
    Elemental magics are magics that control the elements to make up the physical plane. They are by far the most common magic that every civilization uses in some way or form due to their presence in the world. The main types that make up the elemental magics would be Earth, Thunder, Fire, Water, and Air, but there are also specific minor elements that can be controlled by the different combinations from the main elements.

    While element magics are just like its namesake to having control over elements, it also has some connection to a creature's characteristics. Individuals can passively have preferences or gravitate toward a type of elemental magic depending on their characteristics. For example, those with a natural talent for strength tend to take interest in using Earth.

    It's also to be noted that the elements can still exist even without magic flowing through them. Its just simply that no magical phenomena can happen, and the environment will feel barren and lifeless to those who are highly attuned. Places like Wynn is an example to this, as the soil in its mainland is just barren of magic due to the corruption.

    Major Elements
    Earth Elements

    Earth magic has control over things like soil, metals, trees, and stone. It's one of the most common magic next to water and air in the world. As magic that causes disasters like earthquakes, it tends to cause unwanted destruction when in use. Its power used even by a low skilled mage is undeniable. These properties led the element to be associated with strength, for those who have preference for it has a great amount of power.

    Environments that cultivate Earth magic in abundance often have bizarre landscapes with terrain held up in impossible manners. One of these examples would be the Canyon of the Lost, in which the canyon itself shifts occasionally. Confusing travelers that are unfortunate enough to wander into the area. Earth magic is also responsible for natural disasters such as earthquakes and landslides as well.

    The spells from this magic are generally destructive as they leave their mark on the land. While one can still use Earth for other purposes, collateral damage is still unavoidable and there are better elements for that kind of task. However it's still a mistake to assume Earth magic's lack of creativity in its field as those who use Earth magic can range from manipulating terrain to crush their foes or simply crushing the armor of their enemies without even physically touching them.

    This causes the Earth element to be highly preferred in warfare, and many civilizations see it as brutish in comparison to other elementals, due to its power despite being simple to use. In a place like the Wynn province, Earth is widely used to fight against the force of corruption through brute force.

    Thunder Elements

    Thunder elemental magic has control over things such as lighting and electricity. It's the rarest magic to be encountered in the wild, and even harder to control and used by those new to magical arts. In its unrefined form, Thunder is swift and chaotic and possibly even lethal to the user. But when focused, it becomes a precise and versatile magic that will get the job done. Due to this, it requires dexterity to use and master it.

    Thunder magic often gathers above the clouds where they come down to the earth in the form of a lightning strike, before quickly disappearing. Environments that have the right conditions to sustain and cultivate thunder elements, often chaotic due to nature, tend to have nothing that allows Thunder to be focused on. Thus, these kinds of lands are always dangerous to traverse.

    Unlike its more destructive counterpart, Earth, Thunder is more direct and always gets the task done without any unnecessary side effects. Spells of the thunder elements can backfire when not handled properly, but otherwise the spells are precise, direct and leave no unnecessary damage in their wake as they travel to their target. Such as lightning strikes. Skilled mages can purposefully lose their focus to allow thunder magic’s unpredictability to cause chaos in the battle.

    Civilizations in the world do have a hard time using thunder magic beyond being a generic spell. However there is still an ongoing attempt of refining thunder magic to advance the field of technology. Among these civilizations, there is one located on a small island that discovers how.

    Water Elements

    Water elemental magic has control over things such as water and other liquids. It's one of the most important magic types to learn due to the nature of mana being akin to liquid that flows through our body like blood. Mana itself is subjected to the control of water magic. This allows those who learn water magic to control and moderate the use of mana in their body, thus becoming better and more efficient at casting magic. Because of this property, water magic is associated with intelligence and gives insight to new learners of magical arts.

    Environments that cultivate water magic are those of the ocean or any other bodies of water. In every body of water in the world, there lies water magic flowing through it. It's theorized that the ocean being untraversable during the early days is due to the water magic within the ocean being unstable until the mages calmed it.

    Spells of water magic are often non lethal and are only used for utility purposes, such as how casters rejuvenate themselves. Water magic tends to be more supportive as learning enables the users to use other magic freely and efficiently, but with enough mastery, it can be used as a weapon. However, water magic can also be indirectly used to harm others, as with enough mastery, one has control over the mana of others, thus gaining an advantage in battle.

    Water is widely used throughout the world. Civilizations that are well versed in magic will use water magic as a base of their magic education. Water has also often been used as a power source for magical machines or contraptions throughout many civilizations.

    Fire Elements

    Fire elemental magic has control over things such as fire and magma. Fire magic is rare in nature, second only to Thunder. It's commonly mistaken that fire magicare destructive as earth magic but in reality, there is much more to the fire magic just like the elements that it controls. Some would even claim Fire to be the first magic instance unknowingly done by every civilization. While it's true that fire may harm the user and their surroundings, as fire will spread and burn its surroundings if left unattended, it takes courage and will to control and mold it for other purposes.

    Fire magic in nature usually appears under conditions like wildfires or pools of lava, but if the environment manages to cultivate fire magic to shape its landscape, it would become a harsh and unsuitable biome like that of Molten Height. Despite its harshness, these environments tend to be rich in resources such as minerals.

    Spells that use fire magic tend to be short ranged and therefore better used defensively like flamethrowers and fire walls; however if concentrated enough, spells like fireballs can be achieved if one mastered it. Beside direct combat spells, one can even use Fire to sear a wound closed on the spot, stimulate their body with heat to continue fighting, or even temper their steel gear during combat. Even in mundane tasks, fire magic can find a use. Professions like cooks, blacksmiths, and more benefit from the abilities that Fire offers.

    Fire magic always finds its use in civilization no matter what, and even laid its foundation in the first place. Even civilizations that look down on magic like the dwarves found it beneficial and make an exception for it in their culture.

    Air Elements

    Air elemental magic has control over things such as the wind. Air magic is by far the most abundant of all magic in the entire world and with that, the users of Air will always have freedom to use the magic. It’s often being looked down for being ineffective or simply only as utility. In the right hands though, air magic can do various tasks in unpredictable ways.

    As mentioned before, due to air being the most abundant of all magic in the world, it's unknown how an environment specifically cultivating air magic would be like. There are magical phenomena with some places of the world that feature floating lands like those in Sky islands. It's theorized that these lands manage to float due to strong concentration of air magic supporting them.

    Many often look at Air as a utility based magic that does not cause destruction like Earth or can be used for precise work like Thunder. While this sentiment is true, as air spells do allow its user to float through the air to enhance their mobility or simply use the wind to their command to grab items from afar, it can also improve one's combat skills when used by the right mind. And like Water, with strong concentration and mastery, air magic could cause destruction- storms are feared for a reason after all.

    Despite its absurd versatility once mastered, mastery over it will take a while- even taking up to possibly centuries. As a result, air magic is often not favored by civilizations with shorter lifespans. Some civilizations do use it to fuel their magical contraptions, but not to the extent of water or thunder magic. There are at least small groups of civilizations that managed to dedicate themselves to learning air magic, like the monks of Bantisu Temple.

    Minor Elements
    Ice Elementals

    Ice elemental magic is a branch of water magic where the user concentrates their control over water elements enough to turn liquid into a solid form. These minor elements of magic take much practice and mastery in water magic in order to be able to achieve. It is water magic in its lethal form and should not be underestimated.

    Spells from ice magic are devastating, as the user can summon glacial spikes to impale their target, or simply give their foes frostbite. This magic can also be used defensively as well, such as creating ice walls or coating a user in layers of ice. Even some users form ice blades from their amputated arm making their body a weapon.

    Despite its potential, as shown by the great Twain mage named Theorick and his freezing of Nesaak, none have ever come close to replicating his power. Even the Wynn province fails despite its best attempts, as the corruption still overwhelms the ice that they create. As for other civilizations, ice magic itself just does not really offer anything beyond being a weapon that earth magic can already provide, so it is barely ever used.


    Electromagic is a branch of thunder magic that is only used by the Corkians. These techniques involve turning the thunder element into electricity to power advanced machinery. The technique itself requires a lot of focus to achieve, and those who fully master it can even simply activate and control machines by merely touching it.

    Electromagic is usually not really suitable for combat, as it only exists to harness the thunder element into power. However, some still manage to try to use it as a weapon. Weapons and machines powered by electromagic are powerful and advance without rivals in the modern time.

    However, there are two components of creating electromagic contraptions: theoretical and practical. Theoretical electromagic is the process of designing and creating a blueprint of the machine that will be powered by electromagic. It takes great understanding of the components and how it reacts to electricity to master. On the practical side, it is essentially the act of building the machine itself and powering it. This side is a lot more physical, as putting together contraptions can be risky. People that are skilled in both fields are rare and are often regarded as gifted among Corkians.

    Electromagic has been part of Corkian culture for a long time, and they take pride in its creation to the point that it is part of their identity. Many have tried and failed to even come close to replicating the advancement that is electromagic, which leads to Corkians still being at the top of the world.

    Blood Elements

    A branch of magic with a combination of water and fire magic. Many may mistake the infamous blood magic for some magic of insane cultist ritual, but that is not the case. While it’s true that this magic is capable of blood manipulation, oftentimes it is used for medical reasons.

    The medical benefit of blood magic is immeasurable. One such example is how the Wynnic people learned from a Gavelian doctor treating their wound with said magic, and stopped the practice of using leeches from Nemract swamp. These capabilities include blood transfusions, cleansing the blood, and more.

    However, there is still some truth to the common belief, as blood magic is still capable of other purposes. Some examples are using blood as a replacement for mana, summoning weapons from a person’s own blood, or controlling the blood of others. The most horrifying one of all is how blood magic is a gateway to another technique that many consider to be a crime against nature.


    A more depraved extension of blood magic, flesh crafting is a technique that is capable of twisting and reshaping the flesh of other beings to further their capabilities. This often results in an abomination that longs for death if the magic is not used on the user which is the common case. In modern day, magic is forbidden but some found its usefulness which led to its use in secret.

    There are several fleshcrafting techniques throughout the world, but they all are similar in the ability to reshape flesh. Even the users are capable of reshaping themselves to specific purposes, but this often is so painful that flesh crafters avoid it. The most depraved users turn other living beings into mere flesh machines that are incapable of moving, simply for their own benefit.

    Despite its prohibition, some individuals still use it, with examples like the Iron Heart company, who use it to create golems to distribute across the world and try to hide their dirty secret underneath their factory. Fleshcrafting truly shows how depraved one could be with the power over other beings' flesh.
    Concept Magic
    Existing alongside elemental magic in the plane of physicality, concept magic governs abstract concepts that have no physical form in the plane. Not much is known about this category of magic due to its nature, and even some are incomprehensible to creatures of the physical plane. What is known, however, is that this magic is especially powerful, to the point that anyone using it is single handedly capable of being a threat to a society.

    Unlike elemental magic, rarely does one born with the gift of using this kind of magic and those that do barely get to realize their potential due to the nature of this magic. Due to this, barely any civilization uses this type of magic on a large scale or even knows of its existence in the first place.

    Cosmic Magic

    Cosmic magic is also known as Olmic magic, as it is known only to be used by the Olms of the Wynn province. To the lesser species, cosmic magic appears as a dangerous magic that will drive anyone insane, hence its association with insanity. However, this is simply due to the fact that they are unable to comprehend its power. In truth, it actually has control over time and space, making it one of the most powerful magics in various ways.

    Little is known about cosmic magic and how it operates, but the snippets that younger civilizations have witnessed are the immense power of Olmic artifacts that have been left to ruin in Time Valley. These artifacts can do various unspeakable wonders, like leveling an entire mountain into a flat surface, instant teleportation, summoning meteors, time stasis, and more. Some recent studies even uncovered that these powers are just specks of what cosmic magic is capable of, as these artifacts may simply be for a mundane purpose.

    However the magic itself is not flawless, as seen what happened to Time Valley. An event led to its ruination and it was abandoned by the race that once thrived in it. It seems likely that the time anomaly that causes such a place to be dangerous is the result of cosmic magic going wrong, and not even the Olms themselves can hope to repair it.

    Despite this, cosmic magic is still researched by many younger civilizations in an attempt to reverse engineer and uncover its secret. This is because its power can not only strengthen the military of that civilization, but also solve so many problems such as food preservation and transportation. In these times, many expeditions have been sent out to explore these Olmic ruins to learn more about this secret magic.

    Soul Magic

    Soul magic is one of the more well known types of concept magic, but has an immense awful reputation that causes even the government to fear. Soul magic is a highly dangerous magic that has power over souls of living beings, which alone already makes it dangerous. Knowledge of a soul magic user's presence in the area can cause an entire army to be sent to stop whatever plan the user has.

    It’s unknown how one could acquire such magic, but it’s possible that the forbidden secret knowledge lies in every part of the world that allows one to learn the magic. Upon learning it, the user will be very limited to their manipulation especially on those with will power. Therefore, they can only start off with taking the souls of wild creatures to grow their power.

    Soul users often harvest souls as a power source for their magic. Some users may choose to eat the souls to further strengthen their power and their own soul, use the souls to manifest their own ghostly creation, control the souls of others, or commute with demons for various benefits.

    Due to this reason, soul magics are highly dangerous and often the magical practice will cause its user to part away from their own sense as time goes by, leading them to become more twisted and sinister as they grow numb to their own actions. In current times, there are no civilizations that officially use soul magic.
    This unknown category of “magic” exists in another plane of existence called the Plane of Influences, which is parallel to the Plane of Physicality. Due to not being from this plane of existence, they are alien and barely any of their nature is known. All that is known is that influences are magic-like forces that are somewhat capable of sentience and possibly even sapience. They all are also capable of changing the environment from terrains, plants, and creatures into new forms after long exposure to the influences, longer exposure would cause them to need those influences to survive. It is even capable of creating creatures of their own that are born from heavy concentration of the influences.

    Some races like elves show that these magics can also be used, but one must have a connection to some being that is the manifestation of the magic itself. These manifestations, called Realm Beasts, are a sort of personality of the magic that is used to communicate with the creatures of the Plane of Physicality. Benefits from gaining these connections are drawing magic sources from the influences, enhancing magic spells with those influences, and more. However, extending connection with influences will cause the user to further rely on it to survive, and it depends entirely on the Realm Beasts if they want to sever the connection or not. This often causes Realm Beasts to be worshiped and viewed as a god by the cultures that forever form a connection to these other worldly beings.

    It’s also to be noted that the magics themselves have connection to certain abstract concepts and symbolism that exist in the universe. While they have no relation to the creation of these concepts, and these concepts can without the influences’ existence, they do gain power as the concept becomes more apparent within the world.


    Light is a magic known for its effect on the large part of Gavel province as a quarter of the province has been under its influence for eons. From what was known its effect on existences of the physical plane is that it appears to be more blissful, colorful, and “perfect” as described by the outsider. The environment is bright even in the darkest of night and the creatures are whimsical and almost angelic-like. Long exposure to the influences also cause one to feel numb and bliss from sensation with large concentration can even give them immortality as long as they stay in the influenced area.

    According to the elves, the realm beast that is the manifestation of the light is named Orphion where they worship it as their god and form their culture surrounding it. They refer to it as being of peace and enlightenment. In truth, the light is more than that. It's a manifestation of stagnation, inaction, and ignorance where it continues to feed off what is now the culture of Aldorei. Elves as a whole are now forever bound to the influences of their generation after generation being influenced by the light and serving the connection would result in suffering to an elf.

    Being stripped from the light is often fatal to many things that grow to rely on the influences, this become the case within the now referred to as the decayed zone of Gavel province. The decay is a state of being of the light influenced entities being drained by the Parasite and its spawns. What is left now is the husk of their former self and hollow into shambling form. This is seen in full display as the decayed zone being a difficult area to live in as famine and suffering become common.


    Dark is a more elusive one of the bunch that is not well known to the plane of physicality, unlike its opposing counterpart, the light. Areas that are influenced by darkness are hidden and inaccessible to any civilization. What is known is that the effects of influences appear to be mysterious, incomprehensible, and unnerving. The environment that it influences is clouded in darkness with strange life forms that are horrible to witness, yet able to live. Long exposure to this influence can also cause one to feel like they are suffocated, full of dread, and vulnerable.

    The realm beast that is the manifestation of the dark is named “Dern Beast" and it has pulled the strings behind a series of events in the world that lead to its current stage. Barely anything is known about its existence, and knowing so will cause one to be caught in its gaze. The true nature of the Dern Beast is that it is a being of the unknown, change, and control, as its actions upon the world change it irrevocably. Even as it gains more control, the beings of the physical plane are completely unaware of its existence.


    Corruption is the most well known of these magic as it is never subtle in its existence in the world, as seen in the Wynn province. It's a product of the clash between light and dark forces in their ongoing war, but unlike the forces that create it, corruption is wild and hostile to everything to the point that it is seemingly mindless with no direction. It’s chaos in nature, and due to that, barely anything is known about it despite countless research into it. The greatest effect of the corruption is turning the entire land inhabitable and hostile to anything that exists in the plane of physicality. The creatures that are created from corruption are an abomination that poorly mimic the concept of living. They quickly die as they attempt to take as many lives along with them as possible.

    It is highly likely that the corruption never manifests in its own realm beast. Due to its chaotic and wild nature, it likely is unable to form a personality and condense into one being. It is clear that the nature of corruption is forces of chaos, conflict, and violence. Creatures that are influenced by corruption and creatures that are born from it are hostile and will kill each other until common foes are found. This is one of the main reasons why corruption can never spread out further in the province. Due to the constant infighting giving Wynn province a chance to gain ground to retake their land.

    One property of corruption’s influence is reanimation. As corruption has a hold over dead bodies, they will be corrupted and rise back up to further its influence. This also can be done again to already corrupted bodies if they fall in combat, as long as there is something left to reanimate. This property is the main reason that corruption still overruns the province. Its other property is the ability to strip magic’s presence away from the land it's influencing, hence it being the main reason why Wynnics and their home are absent of magic.

    The effect of corruption is also well documented by the people of Wynn. After long term exposure, one will feel paranoid in the presence of corruption. However, if a heavy wound is inflicted or the morality of the individual degrades, corruption can use both physical and mental vulnerability to overwhelm and take over the body. The corruption in this stage is weak enough that a person can recover after being brought into safety, but as they descend further into this stage, they are less likely to be saved. Once the body is completely overtaken by corruption, obsidian nodes will grow from their skin. The corruption now has full control of their body, but the individual is still conscious. On the last stage, the spikes will emerge from victims, thus finally killing them. Their body will be fully taken over by corruption and no trait of the individual is left.
    Credit -
    Trashiejunkyard - Writer
    @heart6008 and @Little Ghost - Editors

    Source -

    Magical Innate, Elemental magic, and more

    Theory of Magical Cost


    Electromagic being exclusively used by corkains

    Some Corkians being bad at electromagic

    Ice Magic


    Cosmic magic

    Soul Magic


    The Light

    The Dark

    The Corruption
  2. asinasura

    asinasura #1 lari fan ( real ) VIP+

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  3. heart6008

    heart6008 :O CHAMPION

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  4. Trashiejunkyard

    Trashiejunkyard Well-Known Adventurer

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    Thanks you Asin Wynncraft

    Omg your name is so familar, it like you edit my horrible grammar,,,,
    heart6008 likes this.
  5. heart6008

    heart6008 :O CHAMPION

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    your cooking is too powerful for the english language
    Trashiejunkyard likes this.
  6. Trashiejunkyard

    Trashiejunkyard Well-Known Adventurer

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    This is true,,,,
  7. Beetown

    Beetown Discord Moderator Discord Moderator CHAMPION

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    Didn’t know half of these existed
  8. Trashiejunkyard

    Trashiejunkyard Well-Known Adventurer

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    Some like blood are homebrew in but still have its root in game by being archetype ability
  9. Little Ghost

    Little Ghost Your resident vessel CHAMPION

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    yayy yippeee
  10. Trashiejunkyard

    Trashiejunkyard Well-Known Adventurer

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    Little Ghost likes this.
  11. AltonicKeys

    AltonicKeys is that my name

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    holy peak
    this is highly enjoyable and i WILL be thinking about this more over the next month
  12. Trashiejunkyard

    Trashiejunkyard Well-Known Adventurer

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  13. Bixlo

    Bixlo I maybe am funny sometimes HERO

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    extremely dope. Quick question tho. Where does void fit into this? I figured there was Light and dark, corruption being the mixing of the two, and Void being the absence of both(light n dark). Void magic exists from both 1k meters under with the void village but also with the new outer void area. Not sure if I'm just crazy but I didn't see void mentioned and wanna know more :D
  14. Trashiejunkyard

    Trashiejunkyard Well-Known Adventurer

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    Void in this take of the world of Wynncraft is literally nothing

    nothing in the most literal sense. There is no outside forces that change creatures inside it, only evolution like it always been but due to the extreme condition of the void cause the life to look alien.

    I make this decision to avoid further confusion and allow void to be more unique and stand out compare to other thing that exist in the universe and other media as well.
    Bixlo likes this.
  15. Deusphage

    Deusphage gruesome grue Modeler CHAMPION Builder

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    Void is the absence of everything. It is just where there is no fabric of reality. It isn't a place, isn't a thing... isn't anything.
    I wouldn't really classify it as magic. It's rules and laws of physics being bent as the fringes of our reality draw near to the point of nothingness. It's not really a 'magic' - there isn't anything casting spells with it - it would really call it more of an energy, and wouldn't include it in even the official magic system.
    Bixlo likes this.
  16. GavinsMC

    GavinsMC Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    awesome !!

    PS: where do u think avos nature magic would fit in? Highly specialized Branch of Earth magic or its own concept?
  17. Trashiejunkyard

    Trashiejunkyard Well-Known Adventurer

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    Well avo have shaman in their tribe so they simply just use other source to cast their magic from rather than mana. So there is no avo magic in the category. It simply just how their culture way of doing magic rather than the magic they using.