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Patch 2.1.1 - Class Select, New Raid Boss & More!

Discussion in 'News & Patches' started by Salted, Nov 12, 2024.

  1. Galaxias

    Galaxias wybel expert HERO

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    what he said
  2. J0nSn0w

    J0nSn0w Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I spend more time fixing all of my end game builds than playing the actual game, because of the constant balance changes.
  3. 5ty4

    5ty4 imagine a chinese person wynning this hard

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    bob10234 and AndriX3S like this.
  4. Elytry

    Elytry Modern Art (Hats Sold Separately) VIP

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    i've said it once, i'll say it again
    AndriX3S and luckeyLuuk like this.
  5. meneer

    meneer Skilled Adventurer

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    After the new patch my character is stuck on [0/0 (100%)] exp, is there any way to fix this? ‍

  6. Elytry

    Elytry Modern Art (Hats Sold Separately) VIP

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    PlasmaWarrior and luckeyLuuk like this.
  7. RandomDuckNerd

    RandomDuckNerd RandomDuckNerd HERO

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    bring back forum changelogs
  8. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    I copypasted it real quick:
    1. Upcoming Changelog for 11/29
      These changes are set to release on Friday, 29 November 2024 19:00 a day ago This time is an approximation, changes may release slightly sooner or later.
      [​IMG] Misc Changes
      • Drastically improved server performances, specifically during performance-heavy activities such as Annihilation, grind parties, etc.
      • Fixed Pet Level Up next ability notification text showing negative numbers sometimes
      • Fixed Spell Cost identifications showing as red on set bonuses
      • Fixed Spell Cost identifications showing the wrong ranges and showing as red on revealed items
      • Fixed any guild member being able to clear tributes
      • Fixed Major Identification descriptions displaying incorrectly under specific conditions
      • Fixed players on the character selector joining the world automatically upon world restart
      • Fixed multiple bugs that caused players to lose locked items
      • Fixed multiple sound effects reducing the music player volume inappropriately
      • Made toggle war also block the player from being teleported to a war
      • Made Set Bonuses replace Spell Cost placeholders with the correct spell for your current class
      • Made the Corkian Augment Menu not allow identification without augments present
      • When identification using augments is completed, the green tick will now withdraw the identified items instead of rerolling
      • Improved how the message reply command works
      • Re-implemented and improved how the guild log works
      • Blocked locked items from being sold to the blacksmith
      • Blocked locked items from being put inside loot and reward chests
    2. [21:30]
      [​IMG] World Changes
      • Reworked the Cook Assistant quest
      • Added a new type of NPC to Ragni
      • Fixed some issues with King's Recruit and implemented the finished gate door
      • Fixed a typo in the quest Recover the Past
      • Fixed a typo in the quest Cowfusion
      • Fixed an issue with the haybale segment in the quest Cowfusion
      • Fixed an issue in the A Dividing Force discovery
      • Fixed a typo in the description of the Spider Mother Grove cave
      • Fixed an issue with the update room for players still in it and wishing to leave it
      • Added a failsafe to the quest Maltic's Well
      • Added a failsafe to the quest House of Twain
      • Added a failsafe in the quest The Hidden City
      • Added a failsafe at the crafting table in the quest Dwarves and Doguns Part III
      • Added a failsafe to the quest Dwarves and Doguns Part IV
      • Added a failsafe to the quest The Olmic Rune
      • Reduced the spawn rate of the Marksman Drone in Corkus
      • Fixed the Bush Zombie and Muddy Zombie using the incorrect models
      • Fixed an issue where Spewer's projectiles wouldn't deal damage to the player if they were airborne
    3. [21:30]
      [​IMG] Raid Changes
      • Raid Rewards now scale to the player's combat level (Tomes, Emeralds, Powders, and Amplifiers)
      • Changed Myopic and Farsighted Gambits to use accurate enemy hitboxes for their distance calculations
      • Changed Leaden Fighter's Gambit to increase spell mana costs by 1% for every 2% health
      • Changed Maddening Mage's Gambit: Spells will now misfire predictably every 6th spell, with audio cues when it is near
      • Reduced the chances of the Maddening Mage's Gambit appearing
      • Fixed a bug with Anemic's Gambit including negative health lost in its calculation
      Orphion's Nexus of Light
      • Made various adjustments to the Orphion boss fight:
        • Orphion's health has been increased.
        • Solar Shower and Black Hole now have more consistent projectile spawns, but spawn a little more projectiles.
        • Solar Shower's projectiles are now significantly slower and have a less volatile flight path.
        • Black Hole's projectile damage has been reduced a lot.
        • The duration of the lingering light from Wild Charge has been reduced.
        • The Infection Ad Infinitum stages now have a more sensible health distribution.
        • The self sacrifice attack of the final stage of Infection Ad Infinitum has been adjusted to not be prone to one shots
        • Removed the ability of Pearl Overwatches to buff nearby enemies. (This behaviour was unintuitive since it would also buff the Infection Ad Infinitums and the Pearl Overwatches would never use it to buff enemies but rather hurt the player)
    4. [21:31]
      • Made various adjustments to the Parasite boss fight:
        • The Parasite's health has been reduced.
        • The Parasite's damage has been reduced while it is unlatched.
        • It is now easier to jump over the The Parasite's projectiles.
          • The Parasite's swipe projectiles will now be fired horizontally if the target is only barely above the ground.
          • The Dark Bolts that burst out of a festering player now bounce lower to the ground.
        • There is now an indicator for the trajectory of The Parasite's aim when trying to latch onto a player. This windup also takes slightly longer.
        • The symbols for click combos to resist The Parasite are now L and R.
        • There is now (limited) ping compensation for Parasite's click combo inputs.
        • Resisting an attempt by The Parasite to cast a spell now grants 10% progress towards unlatching it.
        • The bossbar for being overtaken is now visible to all players and shows the progress towards freeing the overtaken player.
        • The Parasite's self-directed Dark Bolts can now only hit the overtaken player. (Due to technical limitations, they are currently still visible to other players)
      • Slightly increased raid rewards to account for longer raid runtime:
        • Increased Base Aspect Pulls by +1
        • Increased Guild Raid Aspect Pulls by +1
        • Slightly increased quantities of Emeralds, Powders, and Amplifiers in the reward chest
        • Slightly increased drop rate of all Tomes
      The Canyon Colossus
      • Reduced the duration that the Binding Seal Room's flame collected title stays on screen (5s->1s) and shortened its text
      • Added a minimum 10 second cooldown between each of The Canyon Colossus' Sword Slam attacks that destroy platforms, regardless of which way the boss is facing (applies to Normal and Guild Raid)
      • Added a warning title for Volcano Eruptions in the Guild Raid boss
      The Nameless Anomaly
      • Buffed the Blinding Eye attack in the Guild Raid to be faster and more powerful
    5. [21:31]
      [​IMG] Lootrun Changes
      • Fixed a bug causing Safety Seeker to not activate under certain conditions
      • Changed Equilibrium to give 1 boon every 2 curses predictably
      • Nerfed Resistance Curses (12% per curse -> 10% per curse)
      • Nerfed Walk Speed Curses (35% per curse -> 20% per curse, added a limit of 10)
      • Added a Max Mana Boon
      [​IMG] World Event Changes
      • World events in the Content Book that have been completed and are currently active now have a unique icon
      • World Events that are both completed and active are now sorted in between incomplete and completed entries in the Content Book
      • Annihilation will now have equal drops for completion at any level
      • Added a new Legendary Bracelet to the Shapes In The Dark event
      • Added a new Legendary Dagger to the Aeon Origin event
      [​IMG] Dungeon Changes
      • Added 4 new items to Infested Pit's dungeon merchant
      • Added 1 new item to Sand-swept Tomb's dungeon merchant
      [​IMG] Ability Changes
      • Added a new Ability Tree node color, and shifted the definitions of the existing node colors.
        • White/Red/Green: Unchanged
        • Yellow: Now used for 1 AP nodes with unique function (Dissolution, Windy Feet, Cleansing Breeze, etc)
        • Purple: Now used for 2 AP nodes that are less central to Archetype progression/identity (All 2 AP nodes that are not Blue or Red)
        • Blue (NEW): Used for 2 AP nodes that are core to Archetype progression/identity (defined on a case-by-case basis)
      • Fixed multiple issues with target locking abilities (Provoke and Luring)
      • Cleaned up icons for a few combat symbols
    6. [21:31]
      • Added a new minor Sharpshooter ability: Phantom Force. Increases Phantom Ray's range by +8 and increases its width by 50%.
      • Decimator now also increases Phantom Ray's range by +8
      • Updated the Clone symbol on the Assassin ability tree
      • Increased Sticky Bomb's attach range
      • Hoodwink will now work with Lacerate
      • Sunflare will now cast base Heal when it activates
      • Fixed a bug with Lightbender's heal % display bar displaying the incorrect amount of heals
      • Added a new Summoner ability: Commander! Casting Shift+Uproot will rally all active Puppets into an offensive formation around you, granting them increased attack speed and accuracy, and increasing Main Attack Damage for each rallied Puppet. This ability's duration is charged up by attacking mobs with any summon while it is inactive.
      • Added a new major Summoner ability: Hummingbird's Song! Casting Shift+Haul will summon several small wooden hummingbirds which rotate around the player and grant increased movement speed and jump height. Casting Shift+Haul again will temporarily send the hummingbirds into "attack mode," in which they will detect and pierce through enemies within range, but will not grant a movement buff while attacking. This ability replaces Shepherd as the Summoner archetype's third Red ability.
      • Added vertical and horizontal knockback to Nature's Jolt
      • Haul will now target whichever Totem you are looking at (or the last one placed when not looking at any)

      The totem that you are currently looking at will always be displayed with a glowing effect for you if you have either Double or Triple Totem unlocked
      • Improved the angle checks for Totem Shove and the new Haul mechanic so that they work consistently at close and longer range
      • Buffed Puppet Master (Puppet Movement Speed: 0.45 -> 0.6, Puppet Projectile Spread: 1.0 -> 0.5)
      • Crimson Effigies will now deal -20% damage for each additional effigy summoned past 1

    7. lexnt[​IMG]26/11/2024 21:31
      • Reduced Crimson Effigy's Summoner archetype requirement (8 -> 6)
      • Moved Maddening Roots, Friendly Fire, and Shepherd to be optional
      • Changed Shepherd to be a Purple ability node
      • Reduced Invigorating Wave's mana per hit (5 -> 3)
      • Totemic Shatter will now also grant 8s of Puppet Master spawns and Sacrificial Shrine blood drain
      • Changed the Summoner's Embodiment of the Omnipotent Overseer
        • Tier 2: Hummingbird's Song gains +1 Hummingbird
        • Tier 3: Hummingbirds gain +8 Range
      [​IMG] Item Changes
      • Added a new identification! Main Attack Range %
      • Added a new 100-104 Rare Ring to the general loot pool
      • Rebalanced various items. You may view a more detailed log of changes in the attached thread
      These changes are set to release on Friday, 29 November 2024 19:00 a day ago This time is an approximation, changes may release slightly sooner or later. (edited)
    xct, PlasmaWarrior, Galaxias and 4 others like this.

    IDEKWILAT Travelled Adventurer

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    Absolute chad.
  10. Violet Knight

    Violet Knight Aspiring front-end developer HERO

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    thanks I guess, someone could probably just make a bot do this though
    IDEKWILAT and luckeyLuuk like this.

    IDEKWILAT Travelled Adventurer

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    Yeah, I could probably do it if I dedicated a few afternoons to some coding tutorials, but as of yet, no one has made a bot, and Salted has not fixed this great wrong he committed, and people like my brother (Wynncraft addict) really need to know about changes like these, so I just wanted to, in some way, express a great thanks to you for taking a few seconds out of your day to click cmdC and cmdV.
  12. FadeDave

    FadeDave Chief of the Eden guild HERO

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    Wow an end of an era. Sad that discord is taking over this as well. These forums have a certain vibe, that no discord server will ever be able to replicate.
    xct, 5ty4, Violet Knight and 2 others like this.
  13. DrGREEN

    DrGREEN wynncraft.wiki.gg is where its AT CHAMPION

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    1. Upcoming Changelog for 12/16
      These changes are set to release on December 16, 2024 12:00 PM in 6 hours -# This time is an approximation, changes may release slightly sooner or later.
      [​IMG] Misc Changes
      • Fixed Weapon Cosmetics not showing to others until a weapon swap
      • Fixed Helmet Cosmetics not showing to yourself until a helmet swap
      • Updated Travelling at Dusk to use the new sounds for the class selection screen
      [​IMG] World Changes
      • Fixed an issue with music looping in the quest Maltic's Well
      • Fixed a bug where Tasim would not react when the Corrupted Goliath dies in Mushroom Man
      • Fixed inconsistent ordering of weapons in the Gelibord Weapon Merchant
      • Fixed a few NPCs whose respective weapon cosmetics were displaying as gold horse armor
      • Added a failsafe to the quest The Mercenary
      • Added failsafes to the quest WynnExcavation Site C
      • Added a timer to the parkour in the quest Finding the Light
      • Removed the parkour from the discovery A Hero's Origin
      • Moved the Elkurn respawn point to a more appropriate location
      • Updated the appearance of The Hoarder
      • Gave a couple of NPCs their respective weapon cosmetics
      • Terrified Pigs near Lake Gylia now have a chance to drop 1 Pig Meat
    2. [​IMG] Raid Changes
      • Added a Fourth Gambit Slot unlocked with Raiding Master Rank.

      This last gambit slot acts as an extra option without extra rewards. You can still take at maximum 3 gambits into a single raid, but there are 4 total to choose from!
      • Added Burdened Pacifist's Gambit: For every 1 mob killed, reduce your buff durations by 10% or 4 seconds, whichever is greater.
      • Added Arcane Incontinent's Gambit: Spend 5 mana for each main attack you use.
      • Changed Raiding Syndicate level rewards as follows:

      Moved the second Gambit Slot unlock from Sentinel III -> Sentinel I Moved the fifth Aspect Slot unlock from Admiral -> Sentinel III Moved the third Gambit Slot unlock from Master -> Admiral Added a fourth Gambit Slot unlock to Master
      • Fixed certain Raid Boss damage sources considering each element as a different hit on the player
      Nest of the Grootslangs
      • Replaced the boss' particle shockwaves with model shockwaves
      Orphion's Nexus of Light
      • Properly lit up the Tower Room
      The Canyon Colossus
      • Updated the appearance of the Reward Room portal
      [​IMG] Lootrun Changes
      • Reworked Chronokinesis: Chests now give +1 Pull, but consume 10s (+5s per chest) from your Timer. Completing a challenge reduces this penalty by -10s.
      [​IMG] World Event Changes
      • Fixed a bug where Price of Life would not drop from the Visit from Beyond world event
      [​IMG] Dungeon Changes
      • Added a failsafe to the dungeon Corrupted Galleon's Graveyard
      [​IMG] Ability Changes
      • Fixed Windy Feet and Shadow Travel not working together (and any other "potion" effects not using the priority system that most status effects use)
    3. Archer
      • Added a new Sharpshooter ability: Ghostly Trigger (2 AP)! When using escape, hold shift to slow your fall, allowing Twain's Arc to be used while airborne. Additionally, Twain's Arc will charge 30% faster while airborne after using Escape
      • Arrow Storm's recoil now only applies while midair
      • Elusive now only costs 1 AP
      • Twain's Arc now charges faster or slower depending on your weapon attack speed

      We have decided to revert this change for the time being upon receiving community feedback. We'll revisit it later.
      • Phasing Beam no longer increases Twain's Arc charge speed, but the damage penalty on pierce is reduced from -110% to -80%
      • Fixed Radiant Devotee cancelling out Vehement's converter buff
      • Fixed the Sacred Surge aspect not giving extra holy power
      • Sped up Bash's first hit so it applies damage near instantly on cast
      • Reduced the distance between Bash hits from 3 blocks to 2 blocks
      • The Broken Armor status effect will no longer visually remove enemy armor
      • Moved and rebalanced Provoke:
        • Moved to Paladin's page 6, turned it into a Paladin Ability
        • Paladin Archetype Req: 0 -> 5
        • Cooldown: 5s -> 8s
      • Chaos Explosion will no longer recast Teleport
      • Added a new Acolyte ability: Lashing Lance (2 AP)! Flaming Tongue gains +1 hit, and now inflicts enemies with a new status effect, Bleeding, which deals damage to enemies every 0.5s. Each hit of Flaming Tongue applies +1.5s of Bleeding, to a maximum of 6s. Haunting Memory will instead apply +3s of Bleeding.
      • Added a new Acolyte ability: Sanguine Strike (1 AP). Your Main Attack spread is slightly reduced, and each beam now inflicts enemies with +0.25s of Bleeding.
      • Reworked Twisted Tether: Tethered is no longer applied from your Main Attack. Instead, Twisted Tether's effect applies to all Bleeding enemies within range of the player.
      • Blood Sorrow now applies +9s of Bleeding to enemies per hit
    4. lexnt[​IMG] — 12/12/2024 2:30 PM
      • Renamed Larger Blood Pool 2 & 3 to Bloodier I and II. Each now additionally increases your maximum Bleeding duration by +1.5s.
      • Added a minor Acolyte ability, Deeper Wounds (1 AP), which increases the Bleeding effect's damage
      • Made Maddening Roots work with Flaming Tongue
      • Switched Commander's trigger to be Shift+Aura
      • Puppets will now automatically leave Commander's formation to explode on their target
      • Made some general improvements to Hummingbird Carvings:
        • The range at which they will return to the player is greatly increased
        • They will now obey Bullwhip and retarget onto the last Whipped enemy
        • They now glow when in attack mode. Additionally, when a target dies, is lost, or the birds fly back to you while in attack mode, they will stay in attack mode until the duration runs out or you manually disable it
        • Hummingbirds in attack mode without a target (flying around you) will automatically find a target once close enough and start attacking it
      [​IMG] Item Changes
      • Added a new major ID: Punishment! Reflected damage blinds enemies for 1s and makes them 10% more vulnerable to attacks for 3s.
      • Added a new item to the Geodesic Cave reward chest
      • Renamed and rebalanced the Heart of the Pack major ID to Altruism
      • Made Healing Efficiency work with Heart of the Pack (Altruism)
      These changes are set to release on December 16, 2024 12:00 PM in 6 hours -# This time is an approximation, changes may release slightly sooner or later
    PlasmaWarrior likes this.
  14. Roller of Rick

    Roller of Rick Co-Founder of The Grooks

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    Dont murder the forums
    luckeyLuuk, PlasmaWarrior and Elytry like this.
  15. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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  16. Merthegod

    Merthegod Travelled Adventurer

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    I was banned for using a cheat program, but there was only a plugin, map and coordinates, how can I unban it?
  17. Alpacaturtleboy

    Alpacaturtleboy Im a guy who is adiccted to wynncraft :) CHAMPION

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    Make a ban appeal and explain your situation