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New Class i came up with -Brawler- (repost from GS)

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Strider457, Jan 2, 2025.


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  1. Strider457

    Strider457 Travelled Adventurer

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    Before i get in to it this is not a warrior remix it has some pretty original ideas. it centers around very fast pace combat about either jumping is and getting out or separating mobs from a larger group to finish them off. There is one slower paced archetype about staying in place and defending form all sides.

    Main attack: A Punch

    Weapon: Gauntlet

    Spell 1: Kick (Pretty much halfmoon swipe)

    Spell 2: Lunge‍‍ (primary movement spell. Like dash but with less momentum drop of and does single target damage on the enemy hit.

    Spell 3: I don't have a name it's just a big punch. Think uppercut damage but knocks enemies backward. or Falco Punch from smash

    Spell 4: Backflip: ✨wow 2 movement spells✨ like escape but with very little backward momentum. It can only be performed on or near the ground like escape. Might switch with lunge as spell 2. It's a set up spell for later. Think of a backflip-lunge-punch-backflip combo

    General abilities:
    -If backflip is canceled smash down to the ground dealing AoE damage


    Void (don't have a name) : it's kinda like shade stepper but less 1 hit damage and more survivability.

    -When you use punch enter the voids echo with whatever enemies you hit.

    -These enemies will only attack you and you can only damage them no other mobs.

    -All other enemies will not be able to see you but other players can still damage the enemies in the void. Enemies take 50% more damage while in this state. FROM ONLY YOU

    -It lasts 10 seconds.

    -Punching while crouching will exit the void state.

    And there is a cool down just like vanish

    -Killing enemies in the void will increase its duration by 1 second per kill.

    Wind Weaver: if acrobat and battle monk had a child

    -Kick turns into a spin kick. that deals damage around the player

    -Spin kick eventually will summon a tornado lifting you and any enemies in it off the ground slowly damaging them and hovering you about 5 blocks above where it was cast. if cast mid air the tornado will simply hover.

    -After 5 seconds the tornado will fade, lowering everything in it to the base of where it was cast.

    -Crouching while casting spin kick will not summon a tornado.

    -Enemies are slowed in the tornado.

    If another tornado is cast the other will instantly start to fade with only about a second left.

    -Punch kb is increased.

    -If punch is cast in or at the tornado send the tornado in that direction

    -Backflip will hover you mid air at the peak of its verticality for a short duration.

    -Backflip can be performed mid air.

    If crouching while backflipping bring the enemies in front of you with you. they do not hover with you.

    Fire: Aoe burn + big number

    -Your main attack inflicts burn. (just like flaming uppercut)

    -Kick turns into a fiery stomp that deals damage in a cone shape and has a 5 block range and inflicts burn.

    -Lunge will now make a magma pack 3 blocks wide that inflicts burn to any mobs on top + more damage if they are actively on top of it.

    -Burn damage does AoE around the enemy. allowing burn damage to stack if 2 burning enemies are next to each other

    -Burn spreads if an enemy is next to a burning one for 2 seconds.

    -Backflips smash down will consume all of the burn from enemies instantly doing 150% of the remaining burn damage instantly. Its AoE has a radius of 3 or 2.5 blocks.

    -Punch will consume all of magma patches and the burn from nearby enemies and focus it all onto the enemies being hit. Aoe 5 block radius for burn consumption.

    Bonus (might replace void)

    Earth: high damage slow attacks but applies slow and stunning to make up for it.

    -Punch will be directed towards the ground making the ground shake dealing damage in a 3 block radius and stunning enemies.

    -Kick now sends up a wall of earth sending enemies flying. The wall will stay active for 10 seconds or until its health is depleted. Your max walls is 2 with a cool down between when they can be cast.

    -Hitting an earth wall with punch will send its rocks flying in that direction dealing damage to enemies they hit and stunning them

    -Punches shake will now pulse 3 times with decreased damage.

    -Backflip is so strong it breaks the ground bringing 3 rocks with you. Using your main attack while still airborne will launch throw 1 rock per attack.

    -When an enemy is stunned it takes extra damage.

    -Lunge will no longer move you and instead summon a mini ridable grootslang that will charge at enemies.

    -Your grootslang will drag enemies toward you.

    There's my idea. Void needs to be flushed out a bit more. Fire is like garbage for bosses. But wind weaver kinda saves fire in bosses. I can see fire doing LI okay because of the summons of most bosses and punch can still consume magma patches for extra damage. I also need some way to get more enemies from outside of the voids echo into it. Earth is okay and needs to be flushed out a bit too. Open to ideas.

    I tried to theme each archetype off of some race/area. so void is the void/darkness, air is the avos, earth is the grootslang, and fire is the doguns.

    Lemme know what you think
    bob10234, GavinsMC, Deusphage and 2 others like this.

    IDEKWILAT Travelled Adventurer

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    I skimmed over it, reading the important bits to give me an idea of the class/archetypes, and this is kinda cool. I wasn't expecting it to actually have super original ideas, as the current classes have a lot of bases covered, but you proved me wrong. Shame that the team isn't taking class suggestions.
    I'd love to see this fleshed out, with a proper ability tree, better names, etc.
    I dunno what ideas/advice to give, especially on thinning out the archetypes to three, cause they're all quite cool, but I do particularly like the concept of Void.
  3. Strider457

    Strider457 Travelled Adventurer

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    thanks so much i have many other ideas i'm working on and will edit this one as i go
    IDEKWILAT likes this.