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Any Class Help What are the parts of a good character build?

Discussion in 'Class Builds' started by KittenBee, Dec 29, 2024.

  1. KittenBee

    KittenBee KittyBee

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    I haven't been online in several years and my build is just a basic full morph set. I want to come up with some kind of build of my own that will actually be slightly viable but I'm pretty sure I'll just waste my time and emeralds in the process.

    So what are the important parts of a half decent build and which stats should I look out for? Should I focus on a very well rounded character? Are there specific stats that are useless and should be ignored?

    If it helps I'm max level and be combat style if effectively just mass spell spam with no real reliance on normal attacks, that may be because of the morph set though.
  2. Arbitrary

    Arbitrary I like warrior HERO

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    If you're trying to learn classbuilding I would suggest not starting from scratch, but from builds that other people have made and try to mess around with the items a bit. Sugo's mythic build collection ( https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/the-ultimate-mythic-build-guide.320092/ ) has a lot of good stuff that's meta right now. Look for some builds that are interesting, open them up in wynnbuilder, and start swapping out some items and see how the build stats change. The built-in wynnatlas is a great way to search for potentially good item replacements. I found that after tinkering with meta builds for long enough, I got a generally good understanding of what items were good for damage, which ones were good for survivability, which ones were good at filling out skill point requirements, etc. Understanding what specifically an archetype is looking for is also useful (ex: arcanist has a ton of built-in mana sustain from its ability tree, so mana-regen focused items can be mostly ignored when building for it). As for the ability tree, you can just copy the meta ones and try to tinker with them a bit. The goal is to get a feel for the components of a good build.

    Once you have a feel for the item pool you can start synthesizing your own builds. I usually start with a playstyle in mind, make the ability tree (or copy a meta one), select a weapon, choose armor pieces based on what I want the general stats to be, and then fill in the gaps with accessories. Keep in mind that different archetypes are looking for different things. For example, lightbender mages cast spells rather slowly and have incredible self-healing, so they want stuff like spell damage, effective health, and a bit of mana sustain, but don't care at all about health regen or life steal. as a different example, most battle monks spam spells like there's no tomorrow and never really use their melee attack, so you want to include lots of mana regen and spell cost reduction while avoiding life steal or mana steal since they're basically useless. As you get familiar with the archetypes you'll understand what stats they need from their build.

    The rest comes down to personal preference. High damage usually comes at the tradeoff of low survivability, and vice versa. You can go glass canon, full tank, or somewhere in between depending on your item choices. Some archetypes tend to lean more tanky or glassy than others, but where they land ultimately depends on how you build them.

    So, yeah. Those are my tips. Find some meta builds you like, mess around with the item choices, get a feel for how things work, and then make something from there. I could give a lot more specific advice tailored to the kind of build you want, but "mass spell spam" could really mean a lot of things depending on what class/archetype you decide to go with (a mass spell spam arcanist build would look way different than a mass spell spam boltslinger). If you're looking to really get into the nitty gritty of classbuilding there's a few resources I could suggest, or if you're just looking to make something decent and quick you could always copy a meta build, swap out an accessory or two, or even an armor piece, and call it your own (that's what I did when I made my first build).