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Gawrick gaming

Discussion in 'Nemract's Bar' started by IDEKWILAT, Dec 13, 2024.


    IDEKWILAT Travelled Adventurer

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    Gawrick is SO fun to play, but what I've noticed is that, no matter how much you do as Gawrick, you make no meaningful impact on the end result of the game. I recently had a game where I team-wiped two times with my ult and got two more with another, and was otherwise just doing a lot of damage (19 kills 1 death) and my team still lost.

    What are your opinions on Gawrick, and what do you think could be done to buff him?
  2. SoccerDefense11

    SoccerDefense11 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Gawrick is by far one of the best classes to play right now, and I argue that he is better than both Irlock and Tom.

    This is solely due to the fact that both his LC and RC abilities apply AOE healing AND damage. Both abilities have long cooldowns, but lining up your shots to heal at least two players or more makes up for this.
    Additionally, Gawrick is nigh unkillable. He is the only class in the game that can passively heal without getting into fights, and gets ramping movement speed on top of that. There also seems to be a bug where his LC and RC abilities apply the healing to himself as long as you are moving forward. Having two movement abilities, Gawrick has the most tools out of any class to disengage instantly.

    Gawrick is only weak to two other classes: Theorick and Tom. Theorick's bubble can intercept your LC TP and your RC beam and a good Theorick will be able to shutdown your effectiveness in a team fight with a well placed bubble. A Tom with good aim can burst you down with their LC if you are not careful enough and makes running away a little more difficult.

    I have been able to consistently gain 1.7k damage+ and 1.7k healing+ in a 15 minute game, while a 3-0 win in 2 minutes will average to about 300 damage and 300 healing.
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    IDEKWILAT Travelled Adventurer

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    Gawrick Gaming V2
    Gawrick OP af
    An opinion of my brother is that Gawrick doesn't just need buffs or nerfs, but both. His supportive capabilities are lacking a little, I personally have to go way out of my way to heal my teammates as Gawrick, and he has WAY too much sustain.
    I like the potential use he has, if he's balanced. They could easily go the direction of Gawrick being a class that deals with crowds, chucking Gleamspheres into big groups and teleporting through fights to heal teammates and hurt enemies, while immediately getting melted if someone actually pays attention to him. There are many ways that he could become completely useless, if nerfs are too strong, and we can count on the Wynncraft team going that route, but it would be fun if he actually became a balanced class.

    (If anyone wants to completely disprove my points, I encourage you to. I wrote this very quickly without too much thought behind it, because I kinda just want to see people's thoughts on Gawrick)
    Umbra_non likes this.