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A 4th archetype for Warrior!

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by matheo000, Dec 10, 2024.

  1. matheo000

    matheo000 I play-a da wynncraft VIP+

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    Guess who's back! Back again!

    It's me. I'm back again.

    My application for AT got denied (the Winded stuff was a trick question (I swear (:sob:))) so I'm back with a new 4th archetype concept as revenge (I needed a sob story so take as you want). This time, I have one for our beloved spear wielder!

    Note that I still absolutely suck at balancing, so don't expect some perfect balance here, I'm better at making the ideas themselves (you can still comment on the balancing but yeah).

    This time, I could use @punscake 's trusty website once again for cleaner (but non-updated) abilities. I attached the text file for the archetype as well in case images here break. If they do, go to https://punscake.github.io/wynnability/ , copy the text within the attached text file, paste it in the box next to the Copy/Download/Load box, and press Load to read them!

    Anyway, all of this out of the way, I present to y'all: The Bladebender!

    "Bladebenders summon magic blades out of thin air to keep their enemies at bay. (Range, Sweet Spot)"

    The idea behind this archetype is simple: a sweet spot that increases all of your damage, abilities that play with it and some that sends enemies towards it.

    Mix this one with Flying Kick to kill enemies with your posterior :trolled:

    Yeah I completely forgot about Lightbender when thinking of this archetype's name, but nothing sounded as cool as Bladebender so too bad :trolled:

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 12, 2024
    Wopod and RandomDuckNerd like this.
  2. _Rippi

    _Rippi The Devourer HERO

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    ok so some of the nodes are colored somewhat weirdly.

    As i know, white are for the nodes that have simple effects (converter nodes, spell cost nodes, upgrade to past node's numbers), yellow nodes are those with more funtion and introduces a new thing (flaming uppercut, quad bash), pink nodes have significabt changes to an ability that is past "more hits/damage" (blink, sparkling hope), cyan nodes are... kinda new but are just pink nodes but even more unique (since you dont use cyan nodes im ignoring it) and red nodes are the main archetypical abilities, that extend beyond every other node. (other may have othr definitions)

    Esoteric darts doesnt feel worthy of a red node status.
    toooo many pink nodes, and not enough yellow nodes.

    aside fron that, esoteric darts makes you always favour high attack speed weapons, which while there are precedents (twain arc), it shouldnt be done to this. the darts can be sent out at 4 times per second at sfast, while not even 1 per second at sslow. this wouldnt be much of a problem if it dealt spell damage, which is somewhat the same on all attack speeds.

    otherwise, nice ideas. (sadly i think a 4th archetype is a no go, more than a 6 th class)
    KikiTheKiko likes this.
  3. matheo000

    matheo000 I play-a da wynncraft VIP+

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    I used the main class (warrior in this case) as base, and since the website doesn't have cyan yet, it kinda screwed with my judgement to be honest yeah.

    Warrior also has a surprisingly low amount of yellow nodes as a whole lol.

    I wanted them to be the main component that works with Runic Ring, hence why I counted it as archetype-defining, I could find ways to make them more distincts later.

    Good thought, how would I define an ability as spell damage?

    Hence why it's here and not in suggestions, I'm just doing this for fun really.

    Thanks a lot for the feedback!
  4. KikiTheKiko

    KikiTheKiko Local Wizard HERO

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    Feels like a Mage flavored warrior to me. Which I like! A+
  5. matheo000

    matheo000 I play-a da wynncraft VIP+

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    Changed Esoteric Darts' damage to use the Main Attack Damage instead of spell damage.